How can racism exist if race is a social construct?

How can racism exist if race is a social construct?

Because colors aren't a social construct

Racism is a socialist construct.

Society is a racial construct.

Race isn't a social construct. Nationality is a social construct. Two white parents can move to any country and their child will be of that nationality. Two white parents cannot have a baby of different genetic descent.

The issue is "where does White biologically begin" and "How much of this is needed to be "White?"

You can prefer/bias one social construction to another

"White" isn't a race, it's an incredibly arbitrary and broad construct.

Because social constructs exist.
Are you dumb?

>melanin injections and bleaching says hi lads

this guy gets it

no im trying to make sense of all this non-sense, but the ad hominem makes a compelling argument chap!

Race is more than skin tone.

What exactly makes someone white, because the definition of who's who changes every single day and no one is 100% racially pure. In U.S. Applications middle easterners and North Africans are considered "white" but barely any of them look "white" and are considered "white" in the modern European/American sense. One minute Mediterraneans are white then they're not and that only "Nordic white" is white. All of its extremely subjective and arbitrary. It would be so much easier if people were referred by their ethnicity instead. I mean there's no such thing as the "white race", like how pasty do you have to be.

t. Sincerely spaniard


if you have to ask. . .



>am I white yet??

If race is a social co structure what's the big deal if I wish to build another social construct around it like ethonationalism?

Maybe you would find interesting the book by the dutch author Teun A. Van Dijk called "Racism and discourse in Latin America".

Also, "social constructionism" is a important theory in social sciences nowadays. Please, don´t define what can be (or not) a social construct if you don´t know who Kenneth J. Gergen is.

Then make a strong, easily usable and reliable definition of the white race.
Protip: If you list something that isn't a physical trait you should probably go back to /pol/.
Another protip: Culture=/= race.


>How can poor people exist if money is a social construct?

Racism is just hate. Albeit a concentrated form of hatred. Hate is rarely rational, and can be learned even if not consciously. Social constructs are established forms of heuristics, the most common are stereotypes. Rarely are they ever contested in the demographics they begin in. Quite simply it is easier to categorize the billions of people in the world, rather than deal with each one individually as it would be quite improbable to do so. It is a shortcut, and because time is a valued resource, stereotyping to dismiss a group altogether is almost encouraged in society.

Though it is possible to have a bias against/for a person's phenotype(the expressed value physically) like hair, nose, eyes, checkbone, forehead etc. You cannot see genes but you can see the expressed phenotype, and even then there are recessive traits that may not show until many generations later in their offspring(the kind you may like/hate).

To answer the question, it exists because people believe in it. The reason it is so prevalent today is because so many have little understanding of DNA and how we should be grouped(if we should even be categorized in the first place is a better question) yet so many believe in this idea. Whether it is to refute it's validity or prove, both forms of discourse come to the same conclusion; race as an abstract idea exists(otherwise discussion would not take place on its merits or faults) and the majority are divisive on how it all concludes.

The important thing is how you interpret it, come to your own conclusion because everyone has an agenda to pull you on their side of the argument. And whatever decision, don't let it destroy the quality of your life. People are different in spite of their DNA so your conclusion will not be the same as others. and trying to align everyone into your thought process is silly.

Belief, faith. The conflict is who decides for YOU if YOU are poor or rich.

Ad hominem is when i use an insult as an argument.
In this case, i made an argument, and then insulted you, know the difference.
I was actually going to be way more offensive but held back, grow a thicker skin or get back to redit.

oy vey

Because you took my bait, I will play along.

>Because social constructs exist.

This is a statement, your statement.

>Are you dumb?

Is your argument.

You can be more offensive, I have a thick skin. But I prefer discourse without memetry.

I have never had a reddit account btw

>Racism is just hate.
I don't think this is necessarily true.

My grew up in a part of NYC where he was in school with kids of other races, so he never perceived people who looked different from him as really being very different. But he has told me plenty of times about his own father's bigotry. His dad subscribed to the old belief that blacks were less human than whites, closer to apes, and when my dad became a teenager and started listening to rock and roll my grandpa would often bang on the ceiling under his room and demand he "turn down that nigger music."

But he also has explained that despite believing the black people around him were less intelligent and not fully human, he never expressed anything remotely like hatred toward them. Actually, he was apparently very kind to them. It was in a way that most people would probably find degrading, but he basically treated them the way he would a dog - not like a person, but not with any cruelty, and maybe even with affection.

That's not a defense of his beliefs or anything, they were objectively wrong. But he had them because he was raised in a culture where that was just the common wisdom, and he never knew anyone but white people growing up so there was nothing to change his mind until he was old and set in his ways. It always got me thinking about the nature of racism and what it really means. I actually think the lack of nuance in this area is one of the major reasons we have such a widening gap between left and right in western countries. The left doesn't seem to be able to understand that people might hold wildly wrong views, but not actually be bad people, or not actually wish any wrong on anyone. So they end up calling huge swaths of society evil to their faces, and those people react as you'd expect.

In the OP you talk about social constructs as if they wouldn't cause racism, implying they aren't "real" or don't have an impact on society.

Which is wrong. Race being a social construct is completely irrelevant.
It causes racism all the same.

race is a spook
>captcha spok

Spooks are real as long as they keep on spooking senpai

>Two white parents can move to any country and their child will be of that nationality.
This is what ameriburgers actually believe

but what if im woke' and no longer spook? did i escape the matrix? what is this world and why does everyone let spook run rampant? why do the spook have dominion over us? did stirner die for this?

nationality is spook. ameriburgers are meme spooks. stay woke'

You cant be transphobic as well, because gender is aslo social construct

dont do that