>"Put this hat over your face and tell me why I should give you a job"
>"what brand of biscuit are you?"
>"are you single? Do you masturbate?"
>"you only have 15 connections on Linkedin. Do you not have any friends?"
>"it says you have been unemployed for 3 years. What were you doing during that time?"
ITT """interview questions"""
The last question is completely reasonable. What the fuck WERE you doing for 3 years?
Because if you weren't working on a business, volunteering or doing something of some significance then you're a lazy worthless faggot who no one should hire. If you couldn't even fucking make up a believable excuse you're even worse.
Life would be such easier for recruiters if they had applicants perform a basic IQ test. It will tell them more about the employee than all the pseudo-science they prefer such as Myers Briggs
What if said person dislikes deceit?
Iq tests are psuedoscience though. There's plenty of NEETs with genius IQs. All that matters in life is persistence.
HAHAHAHAA shitskin detected
All IQ shows is that you have a good memory, because all IQ tests are are memory tests.
>Iq tests are psuedoscience though.
Maybe then you should have spent 3 years actually doing something. If you didn't, at least make something up, PLEASE. Have some shame and cover it but actually do well from then on.
Good one.
Thanks. That's the first compliment I've gotten in a few months :)
There's a million things IQ tests miss though, judging your applicants based primarily on them is ridiculous. You can also "study" for IQ tests and do far better than you would normally.
Iq tests measure your ability to take iq tests.
>"Put this hat over your face and tell me why I should give you a job"
you want me or not.
>"what brand of biscuit are you?"
>"are you single? Do you masturbate?"
that must be th most desperate attempt at scoring a date you ever made
>"you only have 15 connections on Linkedin. Do you not have any friends?"
i don't
>"it says you have been unemployed for 3 years. What were you doing during that time?"
trading crypto
make up a lie that he won't find out
I just said DISlikes deceit, are you illiterate?
Live your life in a way such that you never have to lie.
Well that's the obvious conclusion isn't it? But I am curious about people who lie to get jobs, isn't your integrity more important than some temp position in a shitshack?
Maybe in a perfect world. But everybody lies everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE) that being honest you simply wont compete.
I'm not even talking just job interviews but everything in life. If you want to be a moral and good person then be one, but if you're result-oriented it's not anywhere close to efficient.
>>"Put this hat over your face and tell me why I should give you a job"
Why? Does this job require me to act like a fool? If so then I don't believe I am interested.
>>"what brand of biscuit are you?"
I'm afraid I don't understand the question.
>>"are you single? Do you masturbate?"
Yes and yes.
>>"you only have 15 connections on Linkedin. Do you not have any friends?"
I don't care much for social media. I prefer face to face interactions.
>>"it says you have been unemployed for 3 years. What were you doing during that time?"
If you look at my resume it shows I have never been unemployed for more than 2 months.
Can you give some examples of things people lie about daily? (This should be easy since you claim they lie EVERYWHERE) Genuinely curious because I make it a point to never lie.
Some off the top of my head:
Trades people like mechanics or plumbers often make up things wrong to get more money by fooling gullible housewives or old ladies. This is particularly easy with some things so-called "normies" have no clue about but are scared of.
Bodybuilders and fitness models take copious amounts of steroids and other drugs then tell teenagers they're natural giving them fucked up expectations but also selling supplements that do little to nothing for obscene amounts.
Pretty much the entire marketing field is a lie, it's just playing off people's inherent logical biases and flaws to sell them things.
Many businesses entire model is scaring people into getting an unnecessary service(see: antivirus companies, physical security systems. Etc)
Pretty much everything in the fitness industry.
And a lot more, in every field, that I probably didn't think of or know about.
Well the lying in marketing thing is obvious, otherwise no one would buy dumb shit. But I was more thinking about the average joe schmoe's daily lying routine.
Another is house builders who charge a certain price then just use cheaper/fewer materials for more profit.
Another is charities that don't feel bad playing videos of starving children or people suffering AIDS then pocketing the majority of the money.
I was talking about business. The only thing the average Joe lies is to himself daily.
>The only thing the average Joe lies is to himself daily.
About what?
About his own expectations of himself and capabilities. The bar is set far too low these days.
>every job is a conspiracy