10,000DGB Contest

If someone can make a decent sounding cover of the Digimon song but about Digibyte they get the prize. Once the song is completed there will be another contest for a video to go with it.

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this is a great idea. if we can start rolling stuff like this out regularly, kids will be asking for DGB for christmas this year.

Bingo, my friend.

Will this place digibyte in any kind of legal trouble? I don't want to harm my investment

Parody laws will cover us. DGB has nothing to do with user created content.

cool. I can write jingly lyrics but can't sing. Does anyone know any grills?

What this guy said.

I can do it but for 1MM, not measly 10k

I don't think anyone is going to pay that much.If people want to do it for more money, others can feel free to throw in bids as well.

I can chip in another 5k

why is it that this coin always starts to drop the second it gains traction?

It's still in it's early stages (aka get in now!) so there's going to be a lot of volatility. It hammers through every time though. A lot of weak hands need to be shaken out before the real moon mission begins. And trust me, it's going to be massive.

i hardly worked out on gimp to do these memes, and now they ask me to sing? no fucking way

Actually, because it's been low for a long time and someone bought up a shitload over the course of that time.. Then they bought up all the asks to drive the price up and put in artificial buy pressure. This is why shilling is being encouraged.. So people literally just hand their bitcoins over above the pressure to get their coins faster. Their bitcoin goes directly to these assholes running the show in the discord. The shilling is being encouraged so heavily to prevent their bag selling from affecting the price too much. Eventually the'll reboot it by canceling their buy orders and finish the job. Memes do not equal popularity and potential. This coin is 100% done.

I have the skills to do this but I don't want to write parody lyrics or sing anything because I fucking hate the Digimon theme song

Why not just write a song about how everyone is wasting their money taking advice from meme shills and how they should learn how to read a fucking order book instead of being a blind retard

this is literally the same argument for every shitcoin there is out there...

Why do you people have to hate so much? DGB is here to stay. Get used to it. If you find these threads so annoying why not just filter them out?

top kek it'd work so well

You want 20k to make a stupid fucking cover song for a cryptocurrency meme? Who do you think you are, Max Martin? kys faggot.

I don't agree that that is what is happening here, that's why not

Should be a good bidding battle.
Once the rate gets good enough, I'd do it. How much for making an anti-shilling song versus a shilling song for crypto-memes?

This is going to be the biggest lesson you have ever learned in your life if you genuinely believe in this coin. Otherwise if you already understand what's going on here, you're a giant piece of shit and you need to end your life. At this point I'm losing sympathy for these DGB shitheads. Tried to warn them, but I can't wait for the deluge of "whyyy didn't I listen!! you were right :(" threads in the next month. I've laid it all out for everyone in plain english. The choice is yours.

>yeah uh... I'll pay you for something that anyone can steal once it's uploaded to the internet after you upload it to the internet... then I'll pay you

Some serious FUD happening in here.

Is it really FUD?
Every time I look at the order book, that order never goes away. Seems to stay in the exact same position all the time relative to the last price. Everything above that order keeps getting filled pretty fucking quick. Tell me how this is FUD exactly? I'd call it common sense.

< Picture in question

I'm looking at the order book right now and don't see wtf you're talking about.

This is when I realised that I was too old to watch Digimon (Zoe was hot, though).