What do you wear to work?
Jeans + button down
I have colleagues that wear t-shirts and shorts
t. Programmer
My PJs because I work from home
Or sweaty post gym gear
Officially jealous.
I could easily work from home and be just as effective but instead I have to be squared away with at least a dress shirt and some slacks.
A tracksuit.
Software dev
Right now, under armor shorts and an XO hoody
There are no women on here, so I assume your job is being a tranny
Fucking flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt
Programmer. Non devs arnt allowed in my building.
"Restricted lab access, no suits allowed"
Dress shirt and slacks ain't too bad, even the full suit looks like a basic exercise compared to the fucking fashion show the 'relaxation' of dress codes over here is now fostering.
Yeah it could be worse, maybe I'm just sick of fucking ironing in the morning lmao.
Short and a T-shirt
I work from home and often masturbate between jobs completed
RM Williams boots, chinos and a button down. If I'm meeting external parties I'll wear a suit with oxfords, maybe a tie depending on how important they are.
I work as a treasury dealer at a bank.
Something like this
We got the outer vest carriers like in pic related approved at my department recently. Pretty comfy.
Literally wearing what OP's pic is wearing. Just with a gray/white striped tie instead.
Back when I was a code monkey, cargo pants and a hoodie. Now that I run the entire analytics platform I used to work on, I have to wear slacks and a collared shirt.
I still refuse to shave daily.
Stay safe user. Just curious, does you department issue you a sidearm and patrol rifle or do you have to buy your own?
Whatever i want as long as i have pic related.
Fucking corporate cucks with "muh fancy uniform".
Goy puppets.
Looks nice. Pretty sure i would get laughed at for being a try hard if i wore that. What business are you in and is this get up more common or needed rather than your typical tool belt.
Except 8 keep tge best off moat time, sticking with old black or white t shirts and 1 of 4 ragged work pants i have.
Nice strong leather or nylon belt, and good comfy work boots with steal toe.
Sometimes knee pads
Gloves most of the time
Jeans, a t-shirt, vans.
>>Inb4 worthless job.
I work as a software engineer making way over 6 figs. They treat you like a God and give you free shit all the time.
Thanks user. No patrol rifles. I'm not opposed to us getting them but as an organization we have a long way to go in terms of getting our shit together to be ready for that, imo. My job paid for pretty much everything when I got hired and I get a $1000 annual uniform and equipment allowance to replace stuff. You go through it quickly. My everyday work "outfit" with all the equipment adds up to like four thousand USD or something.
How's homosexuality treating you?
wow rude
i thought burka was banned in Europe
I fucking wish I could just work from home and wear a t-shirt and underwear and masturbate while working/between working, etc.
But I know the pay will be awful compared to what I do now. What I need to do is secure a retirement fund and a balance I can use to live off of and then find a job which pays less but still pays livable expenses to live like that so I won't have to worry about saving anything I can just spend every penny I get knowing I've got enough savings to live off of if things get bad.
lmao I thought this was a pic of a muslim
I wear Brooks Brothers chinos and blue OCBDs with a gator belt and engine turned buckle most days, I guess my style is "trad"
I am an American consultant working in Europe
Like this basically (not me)
Pic related.
Simple work t-shirt and some pants.
Can wear whatever I want though.
My first job ever and pretty nice pay.
Service/assembly technician or some shit.
Have to work business overseas sometimes.
Last months salary was 9k so thats pretty cool for someone that had to live 4 years with 500-1000 before (apprenticeship)
Real chill job.