Is there any reason to not work as hard as you possibly can in life?

Is there any reason to not work as hard as you possibly can in life?

Because you are going to die within 100 years and have done nothing but worked even though we are the most advanced species on the planet, and could avoid that.

Work hard to atttain a specific goal like getting a minimum amount of capital to buy something you want or to invest. But working smart is much more rewarding. Just working hard can be counterproductive when it starts to interfere with your happiness, health, stress levels, etc...

Yes youll be happier and more effecient if you take the time to enjoy some leisure activities then if you worked as hard as you can all the time.

Because hard work doesn't necessarily lead to anything.

work smart not hard meme is legit

billions of people have 'worked hard' yet have lived miserable, mediocre lives

take risks and play the jews. its the only way to ascend

I didn't mean work hard by working in a mine shaft or something. I just mean is there a single reason not to optimize your 16 hours a day that aren't sleep?

It feels like everyone wastes time, me included that could be so much better spent. Or they just say it's good enough. There seems do be some many people who get to 40 y/o and they havent accomplished shit. They said theyd work out as a new years resolution for the last 15 years. They said they'd start investing their money each month. They said theyd try that business idea they had. And they never did. they're halfway to death and they have fuckall to show for it. That scares me.

Is there any reason to spend your limited amount of time any other way than however the fuc you want ?

Sometimes the things you ultimately want don't line up with what you want to do.

"The needs of the business always come before the needs of the entrepreneur".

Yes because we have certain limitations and certain needs that need to be met. Food, shelter, social and familial needs etc etc. Once you have taken care of the necessities, then yes, do as you pleasel with your time.