Wtf coinbase? Did they lock my account? Tried to send some eth to bittrex and no confirmations 30 min later
Wtf coinbase? Did they lock my account? Tried to send some eth to bittrex and no confirmations 30 min later
It takes a while you mongrel. It took them almost 4 fucking hours to transfer some BTC to Bittrex.
so this... is the power... of bitcoin
oops just seeing you said ETH
nvm :^)
Not Coinbase, but I tried withdrawing ETH 2 hours ago and the transaction isn't even on the blockchain explorer
ETH has a scaling problem like BTC does now (although not as bad).
This is literally why LTC is superior in every way and you should use it to transfer funds between accounts due to its low volatility.
There is another thread in the catalog about this issue, the user is saying that the fixed gas amount on exchange sites is not enough for the transfer, so our transfers get stuck because they could only go through on very slow days, and it doesn't happen.
is there any way to cancel my eth transfer on coinbase even tho its pending?
No. You just have to wait for the confirmations. I think you can click on the transaction on cuckbase to see how many confirmations you have left.
its gone forever go buy memcoin
Can't you just close with the X while it's pending? I comfirmed in email so I can't do that, wish I didn't.
not on coinbase. FUCKKKKK
I looks like more and more people are having the same problem right now. It must be because of China fever getting into ETH, the chain is so congested that the low-gas transactions of exchanges have no hope of getting through
same problem, sending to my own wallet, pending, 0 confirmations.
LTC is great for this but what about only transferring ETH to your wallet.
It's like they are taking us down with them. They can't get out of their exchanges, so now we'll have to suffer too. Just thank you China.
im about to end myself. just wanted to sell eth so i can trade for shitcoins but NOOOOO coinbase is being a fucking MEGA jew
This sounds like a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen. Any lawyer anons on that wanna chime in?
it's gone through now
Coinbase seems like a scam...
Pay by credit/debit card: $1.00 transaction fee per every $25 you spend
Pay by bank account: 1.49% + long 5-7 days (up to 14 days) wait until it shows up
Buy or Transfer BTC/ETH/LTC to/from USD Wallet: 1.49%
They're ripping everyone off on fees.
You may not even break even for days or a week due to their high fees.
My card isn't taking I've been trying for the pst 2 weeks reeeeeeeeee
damn user godspeed. im still praying here
maybe its because you live in a third world pajeetland