24yo wagecuck here. I work full time but have 2-3 spare days throughout the week.
I am new to Veeky Forums and looking to make some extra money.
Any tips what to look into?
Or it is already too late?
24yo wagecuck here. I work full time but have 2-3 spare days throughout the week.
I am new to Veeky Forums and looking to make some extra money.
Any tips what to look into?
Or it is already too late?
Invest a percentage of your wage each month into long term, Gold, BTC, ETH, ETC, f.ex. And enjoy your days off of work.
If you don't want your days of, spend some earnings to ride waves on shitcoins, I guess. Personally, though, I would focus on long term. Takes some discipline, but doesn't take up too much time.
Look into trading rare pepes.
Thanks for honest answer. I have already saved up few thoudand euros i could invest. Problem is i know nothing about cryptos. Maybe you could recommend some source to read on?
I would say google is your friend, that is where i started, at least. Keep an eye out here, some of these weebs actually know what they are talking about. Be critical of any meme moonings.
Check out homepages of ETH and ETC, and go from there. Google anything (words, expressions etc.) you're unsure of, and of course feel free to ask here.
Here is a decent article to get you started and hyped. Anything else you'd like to know?
You could also look into "newspages" for cryptos, some interesting thins there. I'd say cryptocoinsnews is a good place to start.
Hey thanks for the great article, ill read it up. I have already made new account on bittrex.com
I guess my question would be - after my first deposit - should i invest in something? Maybe you could advise into what? Or this is purely to decide each for their own?
If you're on bitrex i guess you talk about smaller currencies?
I'd say you could make a pretty penny doing tradebetweens. Buying a dip in ETH while BTC is up, and buying the BTC back once the ETH strengthens, as an example, if that makes sense?
If you're looking into altcoins, I'd recommend doing som critical research, look into the future prospects of the coin. Specs, speed, security, connections, etc.
To give you a concrete tip, one I'm currently following and probably buying into is Nexus, again, as a long hold. Check it out if you'd like. But with that said said, if you are looking to make some quick bucks from trading smaller coins, I'm probably not the best person to ask, as I mostly stick to the established currencies and long holds.
Could you advise of wallet which accepts eastern european countries? Coinbase doesnt accept my country
Learn to invest, you can make a lot f money by making your savings work for you. Try practicing trading here using this simulator:
Take it slowly. Do demo trading before jumping in because it is dangerous and you can lose a lot of money. Take demo trading seriously. Once you feel comfortable managing fake money paper trading, try slowly easing your way into real trading. Buy assets that you know a lot about. Don't be too risky, but don't be too cautious either.
Good luck!
Haha, no idea, I'm afraid! Which currency?
You can check this list, to see if there are any of these accepting your currency.community.bitwage.com
Try xcoins
I'm from Lithuania and I use spectrocoin wallet. You can exchange eur to btc and then send btc to your bittrex wallet. Quick authorisation too, I was good to go in about an hour.
As ir is LT. Skype?
this may sound pathetic, but minimum wagecuck here also looking for a way out. I'm willing to put in the time and effort to learn what you guys have to share, thanks for the great starter info so far.
This is gonna sounds stupid... but look into dog walking. No, seriously.
I live in an area with a high percentage of elder retirees, what do you charge for that service?
I don't walk dogs (I'm self employed) but it's a back up plan if things go south. You could charge $20/hour easy. You can get a bunch of business cards made dirt cheap from vistaprint or somewhere similar.
reddit is pretty nice to newbies. r/cryptomarkets + google news. buy coins with a decent dev and roadmap and look for news about conferences and shit that will raise speculation on coins. DON'T buy at the ATH. everything is volatile so buy while the price is falling.
Anyone have a glossary/list of bitcoin/shitcoin terminology?