Where would DGB go if steam started accepting diggies?
kek if Veeky Forums is able to take coin to top10 then crypto is only child game
one big whale can buy it all
In your dreams faggot. More like place 24 where this shitty coin belongs
mooning right now. surprised there aren't 10 shill threads
Minecraft and Steam does DGB....imagine a lambo...now imagine a QT3.14 bent over the hood staring back at you....
Woah, so I'll be rich AND delusional??
Better to be rich and delusional than poor and delusional.
Newfag here. If it stays in the top 10, is it pretty much a guarantee that it will reach $1 eventually?
No. It needs a lot of support to get to that level, or a major breakthrough for its utility. Besides, its not in the top ten yet, OP pic is a shop.
23 right now you fucking homosexual midget loving nigger.
much love.
haha its not in the top 10 mate. top 25 though.
Its moving up. (think of it as a visualization, to imagine the possibility - epic law of attraction stuff).
When it reaches the top 10 we are talking andromeda. It'll be a sure thing for a dollar.
Will 15k DGB be enough for a cosy little house?
In Cuba.
That just proves that it doesn't need to be shilled. It does perfectly fine on its own merits. Top 3 coin by the end of the year.
This, really. DGB is the true king.
This, it's funny as fuck, still it's so easy to make decent money it doesn't even matter
So what's up with this mine while you play bullshit? Why not just mine?
Am I too late?
Easier to play minecraft and earn dgb than to get rigs to mine it.
bought 100k