Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
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who's she? she looks like a fucking man. disgusting.
>drooling, witless retard
He's literally Veeky Forums incarnate
>thanks to a sophisticated network of advisors and ministers, Spain under his rule was better than 99% of republics with democratically elected rulers
Monarchy is literally a retard-proof system.
>Monarchy is literally a retard-proof system.
That may be, but it is not a crazy person proof system.
>monarchy works great as long as there isn't actually a monarch!
Was he an actual retard?
I always thought he just had trouble speaking.
He was severely disabled, he didn't learn to walk or talk until he was 8 iirc.
>>thanks to a sophisticated network of advisors and ministers
So a republic?
monarcucks BTFO
He had major developmental issues and didn't really seem to have any capacity to handle any sort of real responsibility.
>Spanish economy starts to slip
>have a complete and utter spaz out
>goes into retirement at 29 and plays games for 10 years until he dies
I'm trying to find someone who can provide a modern parallel to him as far as how retarded he was
No, Cortez is /ourguy/
Why haven't they made a movie on this guy yet.
Being ruled by a literal retard isnt exactly something that people want to be reminded of or something that will get a lot of funding.
Sure but I don't even know of a documentary on this guy.
>never go full retard
Good movie title.
That is actually pretty weird. Youd think history channel would make one since they enjoy sensationalist stuff. Maybe its kind of an iffy topic to make a documentary on since its basically telling a horror story where a retard takes over a country. Some soccer moms with retard children are itching to whine about a documentary like that.
I'd watch it.
>The final word must go his memorable autopsy notes, which leave us in no doubt that the king's famously poor health was nothing if not comprehensive:
>"[His corpse]... did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
I guess so. But in this era of outrage it could maybe generate some publicity.
>have just ONE job, to create an heir to the throne
>fail because too inbred
>13 years of war and 400,000-700,000 people dead
Fuck monarchy
But there's lots of retard-related Oscar bait. And there's also a lot of royalty-related Oscar bait. We need a daring synthesis.
I just checked some half assed youtube video on him and it had monarchist defending him in the comments. Cant help but find that highly amusing.
Kinda like me in a way, since I will never do something that EVERY SINGLE ONE of my ancestors have done since the beginning of time.
jesus christ
>The king (Charles the II) lived for quite a time and, together with his men, managed to keep intact the empire against the French power of Louis XIV, achieved one of the greatest deflations in history, increasing the purchasing power in their kingdoms, increased the revenue and started the end of hunger and the beginning of peace.
He deserves the title the great by his own merits alond desu
Just read some monarchist make a similar point. I wonder if these kind of people are intentionally pretending that his staff didnt keep the kingdom running or are they really that stupid.
Charlie wasn't bright but he wasn't a retard either. He jwas just extremelly overprotected since he was a child. He worked very hard and appointed very intelligent people to be his advisors instead of some random noble. Charlie was the best Spanish Habsburgh king and deserves the title the great more than anyone else.
>wasn't a retard
>Charles did not learn to speak until the age of four nor to walk until eight,[6] and was treated as virtually an infant until he was ten years old. His jaw was so badly deformed (an extreme example of the so-called Habsburg jaw) that he could barely speak or chew. Fearing the frail child would be overtaxed, his caretakers did not force Charles to attend school. The indolence of the young Charles was indulged to such an extent that at times he was not expected to be clean. When his half-brother Don Juan José of Austria, an illegitimate son of Philip IV, obtained power by exiling the queen mother from court, he covered his nose and insisted that the king at least brush his hair.
the guy is Veeky Forums incarnate
Daily reminder that Kaiser Wilhelm did nothing wrong and Germany was winning the war until the Jews stabbed them in the back.
>head was full of water.
Have you all considered that he was some sort of x-men type mutant? I mean it's fairly ridiculous that he lived that long with all those health problems. Maybe he was some sort of proto camel/human hybrid?
Kraut delusion is underrated
>Maybe he was some sort of proto camel/human hybrid?
Well, he was a Habsburg
Nice try, Schlomo.
Charlie the great of Spain,Flanders,Napoli and the western indias and eastern indias. All praise king Charlie the economist
Anyone care to explain why nobles inbred like this? I remember someone saying it was because of some catholic law about inheritance.
Basically because there would be no way for a crown to leave a dynasty's hands if they only marry off their women to members of their own dynasty.
Funny thing is, he isn't even the most inbred Spanish monarch. That honor goes to Alfonso XII, who only had four great grandparents.
Alfonso was a decent king desu
what did the monarchists say?
Get Brendan Fraser to play him
>no blood
They made a movie about George III and he was insane.
Dan Michaels in the comments.
The British royal family still caries the gene for variegate porphyria, and it has actually spread into all the other monarchies of Europe thanks to Queen Victoria.
Trump is much smarter than Obama though