Which US president is similar to Trump, in regard to policies, personality, reputation among US citizens, etc?
Which US president is similar to Trump, in regard to policies, personality, reputation among US citizens, etc?
Andrew Jackson
TIL Donald is a teetotaler
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Jackson, by far. Nixon in terms of levels of corruption.
In everything but policies Jackson. Policies he is just another corrupt president like the Gilded Age presidents
>levels of corruption
He isn't even in office yet. How about you let him do something corrupt before you start accusing him of it
who was the sleaziest noo yawker? one of the roosevelts or someone lesser known.
incompetence of john tyler
maverick personality of andrew jackson
>Not looking at cabinet picks
Personnel is Policy
The Russian ties are pretty clear.
The billionaire ties are pretty clear.
His company ties are pretty clear.
He's already borderline breaking nepotism laws with his son in law and is basically using loopholes to allow his sons to be his puppets and run his company for him.
>He has ties
>therefore he is corrupt
All politicians are corrupt then, so none are
Obama, Bush, and friends had the entirety of their existence financed by lobbies, PACs, and special interests. You're mad about Trump because he's a rich businessman and mean but he's nothing spectacular in the corrupt department.
The Russian documents you dumbass.
Except every other president has chosen their cabinet members first and foremost based on their qualifications in the field they have direct control over. Fucking look up his retarded education secretary, or the Secretary of State who clearly is tied far too close to Russia. His most qualified pick is Carson and his only real qualification is that he lived in urban housing for some time. These are not normal political/economic ties, this is aristocracy level shit going on.
>The Russian documents
The what now? The fucking BuzzFeed speculation? Can you asshats seriously let this guy actually take office and possibly commit a serious scandal on his own volition before trying to attach a label to him like "Gilded Age President"
It's actually really funny considering his opponent quite literally rigged her primary election to get the nod
>Except every other president has chosen their cabinet members first and foremost based on their qualifications in the field they have direct control over
You would think, but then again Obama drew up a shortlist prioritizing what your skin color was and what was between your legs first and foremost
Trump is trying to run his administration similar to a business, he is free to try this out even if it may fail
What was Trump's military service?
lol he's not running it like a business, he's running it like an auction house. There's only one thing Trump's business practices demonstrate, he can manipulate whatever shifty business he's in charge of solely towards making himself wealthier.
Obama had experts on his team's for most part. Qualified people of color is same as qualified people to whites.
Trump's decision is purely based on loyalty to himself not expertise in their respective fields
It means qualification wasn't the most important bit, it's representation. Obama believed in representation of demographics first, Trump believes in representation of business sectors.
This reads like a HuffPo headline
trump is Reagan incarnate
His picks have been fairly Machiavellian in many cases, and in others contrarian to the point of turning around the departments they would head. This also ignores literally appointing the best people for the job. Appointing General Mattis as Secretary of War made me cream my pants.
he hasnt even taken office. wait until the 21th at least to call him incompetent please
>reputation among US citizens
In this regard, he is actually unique.
Trump is the first to have inspired the kind of fear and desperation we saw in the efforts of the people who tried to impede his progress at every step along the way in the election. So many people believed that it was an existential and ideological absolute necessity for them to prevent him from getting the Republican nomination, and later winning the election. The massed opposition to his rise to power- and the shared panic- from many groups that normally hold disparate opinions, is singular in the history of this country.
I have no doubt that he will be considered the most disruptive leader that the US has ever had, judging purely by the sociopolitical establishment's reaction to him.
his cabinet picks are incompetent. his twitter blunders are pathetic and show a lack of competence for the job
>all these ignorant cockgobblers comparing this obese conmanchild to Andrew fucking Jackson
Please do the world and your nation a favor, jump off a cliff.
>current events
>please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
>hillary is more corrupt just look at the clinton foundation
>twitter determines the ability of someone to lead a nation
Really set my marshmallows on fire.
This is humanities and Veeky Forums is /leftypol/
>literally doesn't show his taxes.
>doesn't divest himself of his business interests.
>not corrupt.
>doesn't show his taxes
OMG x3
>the president of the country wakes up at 3 and says that we will restart the arms race
>he is clearly capable of leading the nation.
really fires up the ol' vaccum tubes.
>most important public servant doesn't show his fucking Income tax.
>it's alright because he is a successful businessman.
He isn't being elected to show his income tax
He's an obstructionist candidate and it's succeeding
Veeky Forums is /pol/-lite. Nobody can even talk about anything even remotely leftist without mass shitposting. I enjoy shitting on tankies as much as the next guy, but I wish we could actually have some discussion sometimes.
just curious, what is he obstructing?
Half of the country literally seceded when Lincoln was elected.
Cause he is in middle of an irs investigation so publishing his taxes during it would be retarded any lawyer would tell you so. Real question is why is he being investigated in middle of his campaign clearly another case of Obama using irs as a weapon to harasa political opponents
Teddy Roosevelt. He thought of himself not as republican or democrat first rather the peoples president. He was very much a nationalist and militaristic. Both came from very wealthy backgrounds. Theodore roosevelt as a republican supported and pioneered workers rights and was criticized as socialist by some. He was also called a bigot by many. He demanded that immigrants assimilate and speak english and hated multiculturalism. He was very skeptical and harshly criticized italians just like trump does with mexicans today.
The progressive descent towards total globalism/world economy and open borders. Which categorically hurts Americans.
>Most similar
Nixon's corruption is pretty much a meme.
Correct, except Jackson was a legitimate badass in battle, while Trump was a draft dodger.
This was my first thought. People just have a positive association with Teddy and a negative one with Trump so it's inconceivable to make the connection.
The IRS has gone ahead and stated that he is free to release his taxes. He hasn't, and he is the fucking president. He isn't running a business now and transparency NEEDS to be the order of the day, especially with all these disturbing rumors about him being a russian patsy.
>Nixon in terms of levels of corruption.
Nixon was based though.
Are you talking about the documents where he hires two crossdressing prostitutes to quote the Dark Knight Rises for him, or the documents that blame him for the death of Harambe?
>globalists/world economy
>trump has businesses in several countries world wide, uses illegal mexicans in construction and chinese steel.
>The Russian ties are pretty clear.
In your mind
The rest can't even be called corruption. At least not yet. Nothing legally incorrect has happened.
>his cabinet picks are incompetent.
So you say.
At least this president will in fact be awake at 3 a.m when all the sandpeople start getting uppity a world away.
Corporate takeover of the United States.
I think it's pretty much confirmed at this point he's hiding something, something worse than simply paying no income tax. He has no reason to refuse to release them if he isn't.
>look look another circumstantial connection that could possibly be a bad thing
We had two major candidates, and they ran on different platforms. His platform was what I just mentioned. That's all there is to it at this point, let his actions after the fact speak for themselves. At the very least it won't amount to what would have occurred under Hillary "I want a global economy" Clinton.
>the globalist billionaire who stated from day 1 that he wasn't going to stop running his businesses will clearly try to end globalism!
How can you be this fucking retarded?
His pick for Secretary of the Treasury was literally the senior manager of Goldman Sachs. Even Trumpcucks can't be this delusional.
>obongo was always sleeping during night.
yeah. It's not like the white house has protocols to alert the president at anytime when shit hits the fan.
What's trump gonna do? Start a live feed of what is happening in the oval office during an emergency?
>exxon CEO and goldman sachs execs at key positions in his cabinet.
I see.
>Comparing him with Teddy
At best trump pretends to be like teddy during his campaign, but he was never like him before presidency
He's like
Its actually Trump using those cheap tactics. Remember the time trump accused obama of not being a natural citizen effectly parroting wingnut conspiracy theories? And even after obama proved him wrong with clear evidences on twitter he still goes on
Trump has actual business interests that conflict with his goals. He is in favor of removing sanctions on a hostile state because exxon has signed a deal with them to drill for oil in the arctic.
>Start a live feed of what is happening in the oval office during an emergency?
Probably, unless it was top secret.
Where there is a way for abuse, there is good chance of corruption
>Billionare is President
>Wanting to actually seal off borders and keep cheap labor sources from entering the U.S
Yes, it truly is impossible that someone would ever go against their own interests out of a feeling of public service.
Which US vice president is similar to mike pence?
>he feels so much for public service
>that he actively colludes with the state that is against the US led world order.
>Putin just invaded Latvia. SAD!
I'd trrump bill gates and Warren buffet to be a good billionaire. Trump/Goldman sach has no history of goodwill towards public and they are purely in the business o self interest and profits for themselves.
You shills really stopped trying after he won the election and the goyim figured it out, huh?
>Where there is a way for abuse, there is good chance of corruption
Under that kind of logic the whole government from Congress, the Court, the Presidency, and the executive branch is corrupt. In fact where ever there is a slight accumulation of power, there is to be corruption. Yet, I don't think most people are banging down the doors of city hall.
but bill gates doesn't help americans. He helps third worlders where an equivalent amount of money goes a long way.
I know some people have respect for "misguided" and "gullible" Trump supporters that ate up his bullshit, but really, the only people I have any respect for are people who voted to see the world burn or the bigots. And I hate them for other reasons.
don't you know user Bigotry is now in vogue.
>he actively colludes
Literally memes.
>with the state that is against the US led world order.
Neocon propaganda. There is no need for a U.S world order.
>there is no need for a US world order
ah yes. There is no need for a world order that has benefited the US tremendously in the last 50 odd years.
>billionaire who used said cheap sources of labour and picks his CEO friends in cabinet will suddenly go against cheap labour sources
No one can be this dangerously naive
>t. Non-American
Fuck off.
>Putin just invaded Latvia. SAD!
>Mocks the tweets.
>The very ones which made Trump's Pre-inauguration period the most productive in history.
Oh, you would be surprised.
Politics seems to have become a football game now.
Jimmy Carter would like to have a word with you.
>Literally memes.
>NATO keeping russia in check while it's economy contracts.
>"Nato is obsolete because it is old"
sure thing
>No one can be this dangerously naive
>The wall will never be built!!
>He isn't serious!!
>No one can actually hold that position and win!!
>He'll pivot any day now!!
>Now that he's President watch as the wall fades into a forgotten promise!!
>He's wants the wall built already!! HAHA He isn't making Mexico pay for it. You Trumpcucks got DUPED HAHA.
Don't insult Teddy like that. Trump would be lucky to be 1/100th of the progressive Teddy was. And yes I mean progressive, as in the progressive era, not the boogeyman term. Trump is a stooge.
>benefited the US tremendously in the last 50 odd years
because terrorist attacks perpetrated in response to america's neocon warhawk foreign policy resulting in america being in a state of total war with TSA agents molesting everyone before they attempt to travel was such a great benefit to the american people and beyond, wasn't it?
>slippery slope
Carter was a hardcore moralfag who shouldn't have been running a country. Way too good of a person to be involved in politics at all.
>get BTFO
>suddenly changing to the subject of the wall
At least be more subtle in your shilling.
I too like being underage.
Or did you forget the 50 odd years before that when america was held by much of the world to be a helpful benefactor who helped them emerge from ww2, the extremely high quality of life people enjoyed because american interests were secured and being american was something to be proud of?
Of course you don't vatnik,
Literally, Russia has only become recognized "threat" to the United States in the last 3 months. When that statement was made, it was completely accurate, because it was organization meant to keep Russia in check, when Russia had no real need to be kept in check, and now existed to force the US to subsidize every two bit European military. And Russia still isn't a real threat as per Obama, the current President's words himself. Russia is only a "threat" to sore losers and paranoid neocons thinking the Cold War has returned.
not anymore though
I'm confused. Is he that Russian guy who hacked the DNC?
Russia has literally been a threat since WWII
user my post was to point out that Trump is already in fact moving to fulfill his promises to eliminate cheap foreign labor sources. Clearly you need to practice your critical reading skills.
>Russia a threat after the fucking Soviet Union collapsed and they entered into socio-economic turmoil
Go to bed McCain.
>not anymore though.
>instead we should return to being a hermit kingdom even though (((globalization))) has benefitted american's quality of life the most.
>russia making inroads into the EU is not a threat to the america backed organization.
Russia is not a threat because NATO keeps it contained. Russia is fucked up the ass due to sanctions. They are being slowly choked out.
And now Trump comes in and says that NATO is irrelevant and russia is our friend, which suddenly means putin has a lifeline to create his Soviet union again.
People are damn right to be worried, seeing as the US is going to abandon their allies and undo all the victories during the cold war.
Back in 2012 Barack Obama himself stated that Romney was stuck in a "Cold war era" understanding of geopolitics after Romney claimed that Russia was America's greatest threat.
Look at him now.
I will see when that happens.
Guess all those corn farmers won't like him so much then.
Trump is just the light skinned version of Obama.
Russia didn't invade ukraine during 2012. Russia invading a prospective nato country did raise alarm bells.
not the poor