Which was better Veeky Forums ?
Bundeswehr or NVA
>better equipped
>more manpower
>better allies
>better economies behind it
After 1985, sure.
Neither has been involved in anything of note
who cares
>After 1985
Uh, no, from the get go. Western Germany had far more people and better equipment that East Germany from their inception. The U.S. and Britain were better allies than the combined powers of Eastern Europe and the economic differences between NATO and the COMBLOC are laughably disproportionate.
Yeah, but the NVA had sweet AK furniture.
They also had s t r i c h t a r n
NVA - because of god-tier motschuetzen and LStR
On the downside they also had those goofy fucking helmets.
>dissing the M56
Hey man, it's functional, but it's fucking goofy.
Aw fuck, I have to report to the local commissar now don't I?
Childhood is idolizing the m35, adulthood is realizing the m56 made more sense.
It may have made sense, but it was goofy looking. We're evaluating shit on aesthetics here.
M56 was Veeky Forums af, tbqh
The M56 is one of my unironic favorite helmet designs.
Yeah, that's fitting considering they dress like senior citizens in a desperate bid to convey an image of class and style.
Why didn't Hitler ever adopt it, that looks pretty good.
Because he was a stupid autistic druggie.
I actually have one of these in my possession. After East Germany collapsed all the surplus gear was sold overseas. Got it for $20 about 10 years ago.
>better equipped
I would say no, they were using mostly soviet tech which was largely on par with the stuff the West Germans were making/importing.
Economic, production, and manpower wise they were falling way behind, they were mostly proped up because the Soviets wanted the buffer state there, if they had not reunited they would have probably ended up like modern North Korea or one of the former soviet bloc countries. AKA a shithole.
He thought the M35 was a major symbol of their propaganda engine.
>which was largely on par with the stuff the West Germans were making/importing
No, it wasn't. Not even close and even the Soviets realized this. There's a reason Soviet doctrine was to close distance with NATO units as quickly as possible (preferably in under three minutes from column to rank to close) because NATO equipment would absolutely hammer Soviet equipment from much larger distances than the Soviets were capable of. It's also why NATO doctrine involved keeping distance from Soviet units.
That is why NATO war plans that were declassified showed NATO planning to fall back to France in the event of war in Europe and Nuke along the Rhine.
IF the Soviets made it through the Fulda gap, which they likely wouldn't have. It was a contingency plan, not the guarantee.
Also that is not a counter to anything I've stated either.
NVA had more aesthetic uniforms, but BW had more aesthetic vehicles
I'd cross her Fulda gap
no after 45
>deliberately use inferior helmets because "m-muh communism"
Would they even really fight each other if war actually started?
ballistically they were the goat
The east,they were able to mobilize more soldier.
East got the best Soviet (exported) equipment and they were considered somewhat reliable by Politburo (unlike Poles for example).
east german military had better intelligence though.
Bundeswehr was better because East Germans are prone to defect to the West when there is no wall.
-Proud Prussian Millitary tradition
-no tradition
Germans has never been very good at intelligence, but the MfS/Stasi was world class. Powerful combination of teutonic work habits and Russian dirty cunning.
Quick question guys, If my dog has blue eyes and light fur does that mean it has european descent?
The North Vietnamese Army is poorly equipped compared to the Shiteswehr.
West Germany got their intel from NATO and also had the BfV which was just as efficient as the Stasi. The distinction is that they didn't wiretap fucking everyone.
There's a reason why everyone all over the world knows what the Stasi was. They were were virtually omnipotent, with up to 2,000,000 informants and 1/3rd of the East German population on file. They extensively penetrated NATO and the West German government, even placing a spy in the chancellor's inner circle.
The BfV never got close to this level of espionage.
why are womens legs so mezmerizing
Is this even a question?
their helms look absolutely ridiculous
Every person I know who served in the NVA hated it there because they had shit conditions, dedovchina and endless commie indoctrination.
The ones who served in the Bundeswehr had mixed feelings. Some people loved it, others hated it.
en contraire
>I'd cross her Fulda gap
What did he mean by this?
Whenever i want to imagine how Nazi Germany would've looked like if it somehow survived WW2, i just look at DDR
You're not wrong though. East Germany didn't bother with its Nazi past, hence the high amount of neonazis in the East.
>better equipment, especially in the middle and late stages of the CW
>much better industrial and economic base (the BRD actually could sustain its army)
>political reliabiltity: hard to say actually, the common soldier in the BW certainly had more love for his country than the average NVA-soldier but the NVA was well supervised, did very efficient self-policing and a large enough cadre of dedicated officers to ensure a high reliability
In my personal opinion both armies were highly reliable. The situation of a Bruderkrieg certainly would have been hard but i assume both BW and NVA would have fullfilled their duty in the context of their military alliance.
>huge airforce problems (big problems adjusting to jet propulsion, shitty starfighter,higher losses of planes than the soviets in Afghanistan )
>huge and influential peace movement in the BRD:
>draft dodging, blockades of military institutions in times of War would have been very likely thus undermining the western german military potential
>inferior equipment (soviets kept the most advanced stuff out of fear and technological inferiority in the middle and late CW)
>surpreme intelligence available(especially the combination of STASI and KGB)
>Warsaw Pact institutions were inferior to the NATO ones
>not as flexible
>unreliable allies
>much more focused on surpreme soviet control,thus the realization of soviet strategical goals was most important even when sacrificing their allies
>DDR economy wasn't able to sustain the military commitment it had to deliever in the Warsaw Pact
Result: I don't know which army would have been more effective. That depends too much on the political and military circumstances. Condidering the whole character of the Cold War the NVA was much less effective. It ruined the DDR and wielded little political gain in return. Also despite the massive investments the DDR was never able to gain military superiority in comparison to the BRD.
looks like shit
M35 much better