BAT ICO is tmrw, ETH might be way the fuck up by tmrw and they pegged BAT when eth was lower.
What's the play biz.
70-30? 50-50? 100% bancor?
BAT ICO is tmrw, ETH might be way the fuck up by tmrw and they pegged BAT when eth was lower.
What's the play biz.
70-30? 50-50? 100% bancor?
fuck bat
team bancor ftw
BAT guys have shown over the past 48 hours that they are literal retards, probs still gonna rise above the ico price due to lingering interest though. Trust the jews for once user, bancor is sexy
Worried Bancor is lagging on the details. But Im gonna drop some ETH on this one lads. Always go with (((Them)))
whats bancors ico price?
Ok, I'm a fucking retard and can't make sense of the concept of this shitcoin.
My low-iq understanding of this is that bancor is supposed to convert into different currencies? How? It can't possibly increase the supply of eth for example, can it? If it can't then whats the point of this?
Other shitcoins go shitcoin->bitcoin->different shitcoin.
It sounds like Bancor is planning on going shitcoin(Bancor)->different shitcoin straight away? Wouldn't that be up to the exchanges?
>t. brainlet
Do both.
I've got $15,000 max to invest. still not positive what numbers I'm putting in BAT and Bancor but i am 1000% getting at least $1,000 bare minimum. I'll probably settle on $3,000 each. DESU I wish something better would come out of these ICOs. I wish we had something like Stratis pop up. enterprise software is automatically really good.
Quick question, can I use Coinbase to buy the ICO? Or do I need another wallet?
Has not been announced yet
Another wallet
you need an eth wallet that is ERC20 compatible. like my eth wallet.
You need ETH, which is why timing is critical right now. ETH is suppose to go up a lot by tmrw morning
can i invest like 3 eth in bancor?
I'm putting in 5 of my 7 ETH, wish me luck boyz
I will buy it with all my eth because of Galia.
read the fucking white paper
jesus christ this board is full of literal retards
>It sounds like Bancor is planning on going shitcoin(Bancor)->different shitcoin straight away? Wouldn't that be up to the exchanges?
Bancor is going to be the reserve pool for shitcoins. You convert your Bancor to shitcoins at an automatically calculated ratio based on the current reserve and the ratio of the initial reserve pool to the initial supply (CRR, constant reserve ratio). By converting your bancor into a shitcoin you increase the current reserve, thus making the shitcoin price go higher.
As for eth it will likely be done via token changers. You convert your bancor into a token changer and then convert it to eth from the reserve pool. They are going to get loads of ETH from the ICO, plus the ETH reserve pool increases each time someone converts his ETH to the token changer to buy BANCOR for ETH.
putting w/e i mine before tomorrow (0.05eth ) on it so wish me good ratio's luck
also there is no exchange, there is no second party, only you and the protocol
conversion is a better name
will it work from myetherwallet?
sheeit I really want in on this Bancor ICO.
So, can someone help me understand the process. Do i have this correct
1. Wait for ETH address and data string to be posted on Bancor website
2. From My Ether Wallet, send to the given address and data
3. Tokens will be sent to My Ether Wallet
is that all there is to it?
I'll throw an ether or 2 on (((bancor)))
In his defense, he did admit to being a brainlet.
you need to do it on the right block too
This is essentially fractional reserve banking for shitcoins, yes? (((They))) want their hooks in this industry and this has very devious subtext to me. I trust them to siphon money no matter the damage to any system though so the opportunity to scam from the beginning on (((their))) plot is one I won't miss.
What do you mean on the right block? Starting my research now but so far I have a myetherwallet with 4 eth in there. I transfer those to the address for the ICO?
when you carefully study it, it's fucking amazing. 99% of the retards on Veeky Forums still haven't understood how revolutionary this is
>t. brainlet
So, if I send some ETHER from my MIST wallet to the BANCOR ICO, at the end they should automatically send me the tokens and they will appear in my MIST wallet, correct?
Why not both?
I will got all in Bancor
Call me a crazy I don't give a fuck
how do I buy Bancor please help
I have never participated in an ICO before
Same here I guess
30k and the lambo will be mine
here's how to do it with BAT. I assume Bancor will be largely similar
This sounds like nonsense to me. Poswallet sounds more useful.
Whats the catch again?
And I can't invest with BTC? I don't want to buy ETH at the peak of this pump.
What website is that? Also, can Jaxx wallet be used for buying into an ICO?
Also, im using Parity for ETH. Even tho I have never own any ETH, I have it installed.
when will you be able to control the bancor coins when you bought them? and when can you sell? once they hit the exchanges?
The right block means at which block of ETH mining the contract will be deployed.
You can follow the blocks on to get an idea when that block will be mined.
What's to stop an ICO platform from jsut taking all the ETH you send them and running?
The amount of retards needing spoonfeeding in these kinds of threads is amazing. "Hurr whats bancor? durr how do I ICO?" Hey dumbass, see that browser you are using? Type in and do a search you lazy fucking autistic thunder cunts
lots of things, I imagine. the possibility of lawsuits. the total shredding of the company's reputation. the possible criminal penalties.
ETH smart contract
Someone please fucking post a total retard's guide to getting in on this Jewcoin ICO.
I have ETH and a bunch of alts.
I know I need to send ETH somewhere to get in on the Jewcoin. How do I go about doing this?
Step-by-step-by-step. I have been in on cryptos exclusively for the money and with barely any technical knowledge whatsoever for way too long.
Sign your post with an address so I can send a tip for your efforts.
Thank you.
They will post a manual before the ICO with all the details you need. Today I did my first ICO with Mysterium, had to get a and just send the ETH to the address from the manual with my personal key they provided.
Can't give more details until they do, Bancor ICO is still TBA.
ETH 0x1375f6d7e476303ba37401c120e7f4268ef998fa
BAT are not refundable and are not intended to be a digital currency, security, commodity or any other kind of financial instrument.
erm guys?
Careful with Parity and ico runs. I tried to use it for the mysterium ico today and it crapped out on actually sending transactions.
That means they won't refund you. You can still trade on exchanges. This is just cya legal shit.
can the Jews do it? will they make us rich?
Which exchanges will BAT be on though?
No one knows nothing yet right?
Don't 99% of ICO's plummet after the initial offering?
99% of ICOs were not sponsored by the Jerusalem Post
Can I participate with the coinbase ETH wallet in this newest meme to lose money?
Do you think this kills the btc? Eth has solid fundamentals and allows (((them))) a foothold with little worry of chink miners causing grief. They can bank it and become THE alt exchange. The wellspring for all sorts of new shitcoins and collect eth whether the coins fail and especially if they succeed.
It will definitely help to kill the BTC if you end up not needing an exchange or BTC to buy shitcoins.
I was going to go balls deep into BAT but there have been some red flags the last few days. I might put a bit in there still but probably most into Bancor. Missed Mysterium thanks to Parity fucking up, not gonna miss Bancor
nigga do some research unless you want to lose it all.
actually fuck it yeah do it from cb
I'm putting 3 BTC into it which already has the potential of making me a millionaire if this reaches its potential, this could well pull a STRATIS.
friendly reminder if you had bought stratis @ ico you would 50 000% roi right now. this was less than a year ago
I just watched this:
And I still dont see what's the catch. It's too convoluted. Why would this go up in price? who cares about this mess?
so what wallet do I use? I tried to install a full "Ethereum Wallet" node and it's absolute garbage, it's impossible to download the blockchain.
can you explain whats the catch with stratis?
why did it go up so much?
most ICOs are shit
bancor is literally a ripoff of WAVES made by literal kikes
Not really, most ICOs don't outperform ETH but plenty outperform bitcoin and fiat.
when you understand how BANCOR works, you undersand it will be like an octopus sucking life out of every coin. It does a lot better than ETH what has taken ETH from 7 dollars to 250 dollars.
Wrong, its up to 70000% now.
stratis was actually a really good idea. never even heard of it until a couple of days ago so i'm fucking mad about it.
maybe in 2015
I can infer a general notion of bancor's purpose but it's still unclear how the actual mechanism(s) function to me. I don't get how altcoins get liquified without it being a bumrush price gouging from bagholders looking to unload
For instance, I have 100,000 infinitecoin that I doubt I'll ever sell, and there are 90,596,274,910 of them. How would Bancor give IFC liquidity? especially considering how many bagholders there are and that those bagholders won't all come out at once if ever
What are you talking about? BANCOR is an ETH subtoken...
also this just seems like a shitcoin generator. Is that all?
There are ways to create your own cryptos already in easy ways, not as fancy tho.
But against what?
It says "BTC ROI SINCE ICO: +229.70%"
What is this %?
If you put 1 BTC on it, you would only be +229.70% up?
I dont get it. What are those different %'s?
guy can i go sleep
BANCOR just provides liquidity, it's not going to increase the price of a shitcoin
The smart-token contains a basket of the shitcoin and other shitcoins and/or ETH in the current market price of the shitcoin, if you convert shit -> ETH the conversion value of the shit will fall within the token, if you convert ETH -> shit the conversion value of the shit will rise within the token, arbitrage will ensure the values are similar within the token and on the open market
Why does the BANCOR itself token would go up in price over time?
so the bags act as a decentralized exchange with no fees and you can "sell" your coins into the bag for ETH?
Is BANCOR the bag? The "money for money" concept is misleading to me here. It sounds like BANCOR is the "Money" for other currency somehow?
Once you wake up you will miss the ICO.
it gets used because of it's extreme convenience, more money in bancor aka coin is worth more...
What are you talking about?
when is ico though
Nobody knows.
they'll announce a date it's not like it will happen the minute after it's announced right
Jesus fucking christ
>strattis now at 80 000% +
how the FUCK does that even happen and how do we find the next one???
so its just like having a share of a company?
Didn't ICONOMI try something similar? price is stagnating.
The next one is BANCOR.
What is this screenshot taken from?
why? i dont understand how the coin will appreciate in value
help a brainlet?
>What are you talking about? BANCOR is an ETH subtoken...
wrong. The BANCOR's token is compatible with the ERC20 standard but it isn't an ERC20 token. Why are people on this board literally illiterate and incapale to read whitepapers?
>also this just seems like a shitcoin generator. Is that all?
actually their way of doing things means they will give rise to coins that are actually used irl
Is Bancor the real deal guys? I need a win :(
So why I can't buy BANCOR in exchange of BTC? why im forced to buy memereum to buy it?
Also how much BANCOR for 1 ETH in the ICO?
Someone said 1 ETH = 1 BANCOR...??? whats the point? unless the Bancor total supply is tiny, I dont see how im getting rich from this shit.
no one knows the ICO details yet user. The 1eth = 1 bancor was just an example.
full value proposition explained here
When is the bancor ICO time/date?
hasn't been announced yet
not yet known
>ripooff of WAVES
Is this true though?
All I hear about waves is the fiat-out integration, I don't see them talking about completely replacing exchanges
BAT is fucking garbage. Who is going to install a completely no-name browser that says it tracks you to determine pay out to advertisers when they could just use adblock like a normal person and receive none at all. Not normies. Not tech savvy people. Nobody. This is gonna drop below ICO price and stay there.
you don't need the browser. there are plug-ins for the major browsers
t. didn't read the whitepaper
>Mozilla founder
>no name.