>claim to be a democracy
>pass laws without a vote in the form of treaties, charters, trade pacts, international trade obligations etc
why does this still happen?
>claim to be a democracy
>pass laws without a vote in the form of treaties, charters, trade pacts, international trade obligations etc
why does this still happen?
>claim to be a democracy
>elect the dude with the minority of the popular vote
Great "democracy" you have America.
It's a democracy of the states.
Political parties are the problem, why should these two gangs pretend to have exclusive access to government? Then they call it "democracy" when you get to pick red flavor or blue flavor.
If you truly believe that the best way for a country's leader to be chosen is by a majority of a direct popular vote, you are mentally a child.
You make a great point. Clearly the way to go for a country's leader to be chosen is by the minority of the country's population.
>"The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states"
>Federal republic
It's not a democracy.
That's how many representative democracies work, yes.
Do you seriously not understand the difference between a direct democracy and a republic you fucking middle schooler
choose one and only one.
Fucking yuropoors.
You mean
>claiming to be a republic
Because elected people doing that is in no way anti-democratic.
I've made a diagram for you, to help explain why urban centers should not hold absolute political power.
Industry doesn't get representation, people do, and some places have more people.
So even Americans don't know whether they live in a democracy or not.
American education is the best, only equalled by its awesome political system.
>Republics can't be democracies
I choose capitalism
>russia not blue
what did they mean by this?
They meant that Russia is not an electoral democracy
but it's a better system than one where more populous regions oppress regional areas, and more populated states prey on smaller ones
without such guarantees regions would just break away
1. "Food production" isn't all that concerns the farmer, the doctor, the retailer, the IT technician, etc. - Precisely because everyone consumes lots of different things and specializes in different fields urban centers are so big. To ignore or downplay the contribution of people in urban and suburban areas is nonsense considering it's where most total production occurs.
2. "It's bigger on the map!!!" is not an argument, the unit of choice-makers is people not states. I don't vote because I want my state to choose the president, I vote because I want to choose the president (along with everyone else voting). The amount of space the living and working expanses of the midwest have shouldn't make their votes more valuable than ours.
it is tho
Only formally
a fereral republic may or may not be a democracy
educate yourself
>not understanding the basic tenants of federalism
The people are represented by the states
The states are represented by the federal government
The states are supposed to be the accurate representation of the collective will of the people living in the state. The federal government is supposed to be the entity that balances, mediates, and executes, the conflicting wills of each state.
America is not actually a "democracy", that's just the propaganda we use to justify killing brown people for their resources.
when I last checked the majority of americans support killing brown people
inconvenient truth for liberals
The current president-elect campaigned on his opposition to the war in Iraq.
Industry does not equal representation. People do. You have three options: start shitting out more kids that you keep there, move to the cities to impart a larger voice, or convince people in the cities that you're right.
Ruralite independence is a myth, by the way. Rural America dies when not connected to an interstate.
lots of americans are sick of the war because it yields nothing and costs billions
The US was designed as a republic.
It has democratic elements but at the top level is still ultimately a republic, regardless of whoever wants to redefine democracy so they can apply that label to the US as a whole.
The US attempted to stay as far away from majority rule as possible while still allowing free vote, while also severely limiting the direct impact of a vote via representatives actually deciding on most laws that are bigger than whether a town should sell beer or not.
>claim to be a paragon of liberty
>orchestrate coups in foreign sovereign nations, installing puppet tyrants simply because gommies