What was your biggest regret?
What was your biggest regret?
spending 15 bitcoins on silk road for an 8th of weed
Selling millions upon millions of dgb when it was at 20 sats..
Good god I thought I was the only one
shit mate
Not mining bitcoin when I first heard about it in 2010. I would have been a millionaire without a care in the world. Instead I'm a 30 year old virgin wagecuck and not a day goes by that I don't think about killing myself.
Dumping a million QRK between 10-20 satoshis right before the Max Keiser pump.
Why did you buy it in the first place may I ask? Hype from Veeky Forums or something else?
you are not a virgin in my eyes
>chin up shoulders back
not getting into crypto sooner
Not buying BTC in 2008
Spending so much BTC on drugs back in 2009.
You will regret not inviting CryptoAnna on Skype.
Not investing more. I have read horror stories of Veeky Forumscucks making bad investments, and I too have made some. And I thought it's better to start small and play it conservatively, but now ETH is going interstellar and I only have slightly more than 2 because I couldn't afford more.
yeah it hurts to think about but this was such a long time ago, i probably wouldve sold at $500 anyways
>tfw fucked around with bitcoin back in 2013 when it was something like $1200
>it's almost doubled now
>tfw gonna regret not buying it now when it's $10k in 2019 or sooner
Not buying bitcoin when I first heard about it in some obscure IRC channel many years ago
I sold all my BTC (200) at $20. Bought in at $2 for SR.
It was a nice vacation tho :-(
Buying VOX
yep, spending dozens of BTC in 2010
Selling my ETH at $8
Who the hell is that "CryptoAnna"? It seems to me that "she" is just another sleazy marketer promoting some shit to stupid goyim.
Not buying eth at $19.
Then not buying eth at 30
At 55
At 90
At 120
At 150
At 190
the funny thing is I went to Dominica for a week, the same place ross ulbricht was planning to escape to because you can still homestead there
it was fun
but $500k would've been really fun
At least you're not in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for the rest of your life with no possibility of parole.
I bet you still didn't buy
kek, noethers never learn
This. Especially not selling all of it before it tanked.
yeah, I've thought about that too
this face must haunt his dreams
Fucking sold my 3 ETH at 0.09 thinking it was going to dip...
Years and years ago, I'm sure it was back in 08 but apparently BTC wasn't being sold at the time? Anyway, I had £50 in my account and I saw a thread on /g/ about digital currency "This is the future user's make sure to buy in!"
I thought about it and looked on a site to buy coins before backing out "Eh, like this will ever be worth anything" I think I spent that £50 on shoes.
selling bitcoins in his early years
How many?
not buying xrp when it was under 10k. oh wait it's still 2017.
Buying stellar on leverage yesterday. My account's almost liquidated brehs, what should I do?
I ignore these threads because I'm such a weak handed faggot easily could have been a millionaire by now and I'm 22
Investing in $CERU
I've should have known better
Selling 9.8 million MOON at 2 sats instead of 4. I bought in at one the first time I saw it shilled on here.
being born in a third world shithole
sold 60k NEOS for 1,5btc back then
NEOS now is worth 2$ :(
It's expensive af in the US unless you want to live in the middle of fucking nowhere. We're all wagecucks here but some of us are trying to find our tickets out through cryptocurrency.
Wasting my hard-earned money and time on college while spectating Veeky Forums threads & seeing the rise of Ethereum WITHOUT being able to buy any.
Selling 3,000 ETHER for 13 dollars each.
Got in at 80 cents.
I hate myself. I KNEW this would blow up, yet I still fucking got out too early.
i feel you user
did the same with 300 eth
not moving to colorado
getting arrested with weed in a shitfuck state
stuck in shitfuck state on probation for "felony possession"
hate my life, hate everyone around here, only have my bitcoin gains, 300k now, to start a new life in 2 years
E-ETH is a jew coin ;_;
Honestly I saw the potential, it was one of the lowest market caps on polo and I figured they listed it for good reason, did my research and saw how nice a pickup it was...but I wanted the quick profits and sold after it went from like 18 to 21 sats, that was a good enough percentage gain for me... Live and learn
Not fucking Jessica in high school
also, going to college. Jesus what a waste of time.
unrealistically, obviously missing bitcoin in the early days
realistically, not buying more than 10 ETH @ $8.50
Spending money on stupid shit like yugioh cards and bakugan when I was a kid and not buying crypto/precious metals
Regrets are like rocking chairs, they give you something to do but don't get you anywhere. Pick yourself back up and get back to the grind, never stop hustling.
At the moment, not buying more strat.
in 2010 I was in college
I have a distinct memory of one night with my friend debating bitcoin
he was telling me he thinks its the future and I was telling him it is a bullshit scam and not to put his money in
I think he listened to me and ended up losing all his money with online poker
Aaron im sorry bro. I should have listened to you
Putting 183 BTC in unsecured Mt. Gox account. Acquired them all from $5 to $10 a piece. All lost
>selling my bitcoins at $1500
>not investing in strat
>not investing in eth months ago
>not buying rdd at 5 sat
>not buying any dgb
The list goes on...
I was an ICO Investor. My $40 could've been $20,000+ today. It really sucks to know that my chances of ever getting a return that good ever again are basically nonexistent.
>only bought 1 eth at 150
Coming out as a Trump supporter to everyone I know. Still support him though.
degenerate druggy
Not buying Whitecoin when it was like 50 satoshis. It's 230 now.
Spending my BTC on SR
Fucking hurts
Holy shit my dude
I have no regrets, just a constant stream of disappoint and thinking it'll get better lel.
But I'm up 10k in a month so I guess I can't complain.
selling my fucking strat Jesus fuck
>Type "BTC" into my Gmail search bar
>Dozens of confirmation emails for large Bitcoin purchases dating back to 2011
>All of it spent on Silk Road bullshit, none of it held
Oh well, at least I got some great faps in with all those cracked porn passes
I sold 13500 litecoin at $4 in September after holding for 2 years.
Hodl me Veeky Forums
The $30,000 bag of weed lol
That's about nine and a half POUNDS of weed today.
I don't even blaze anymore now.
Lotta loyalty for a wasted $33,015 dollars.
Stop it. I don't even wanna think about becoming an hero
Bought 220 ETH when it was at $8 and fucked it up by putting most of it into a shitcoin a month ago
I now have 48 ETH and the other investment is in the tank, but I basically lost out on $40,000 that's still growing
No point in calculating what could've possibly been. There's gonna be another opportunity right in front of you and focusing on the past will make you miss it.
Falling for the women meme.
Buying a house with my best friend. I still love him like a brother, but the guy is fucking terrible with money. He cashed out his 401k at 30, didn't work for 5 months, fucking spent it all on movies, tattoos, booze, and his dumb whore of a girlfriend who still has her job at Cracker Barrel, so I guess it could be worse, she could be Brad's wife.
After all that, he got another job, got fed up that people weren't honest, got fired from that job, but not before being there so long that he wasn't making any money. Then he got into 3 car accidents in the course of a year, so what little savings he had went to fixing his car.
I haven't seen him in over a month, he hasn't paid his bills in over 6 months, and I don't know if he's alive or dead.
He's still my friend and always will be, but God damn, I can't afford more crypto when I pay all my money for fucking bills.
Don't become roommates with your friends kids. You'll end up hating them. Even if it's just a little bit.
I don't have any regrets. That said, I think my least favorite thing that I've done so far with cryptocurrency is buying any amount of Vox.
>being friends with an actual retard
Buying only 1 ETH @43 dollars when I need its potential
Getting into a relationship with a girl I felt lukewarm about, still with her to this day and dream about ending it every single day but don't have the heart to. We never fight, I just don't like her anymore.
kek good job
Thanks user.
Made me feel better
had a chance to buy bitcoins when it started back in early 2010. cant even remember if i actually did and somehow did not login to the wallet after.
this has to be the worse one
>What was your biggest regret?
I am middle aged. My biggest regret is not going to college and getting a STEM degree 25 years ago. I could have paid as I went at a state school and taken at least one course a semester at night or on weekends.
Selling 9 ETH at $50 to buy POSW at 12¢
Nice try shariablue.
Should have made a play for a friend of mine. We took a vacation together. We're totally alone together. She asks me why we never dated. I should have just kissed her then, but at that moment I just wasn't sure I wanted to jump into a serious relationship. Really regret that now.
didn't buy Stratis when it was $0.01
Holy fuck and I thought I felt bad
Not buying more ETH when it was $10.
Not holding on to the XBT that I bought at $5 per coin.
Mark Karpeles is a filthy kike.
Did the same user. I had like 30+ btc I used for fucking weed. Just kill me
Good lord
my heart dropped just reading that shit.
>Selling millions upon millions of dgb when it was at 20 sat
why do people go all in/out? this shit blows my mind.
Fucking up that date with the 10/10 who got
a fat inheritance
BTC at 5$, impossible to get it in Canada at that time, esp being 18.
LTC at 2.7$ Seller backed out.. I wanted 400 coins.
ETH at 10$ then 20$ then hacked back to 10.
Now I started doing cryptos. 3 times is enough to get fucked.
I cant remember what year it was but I was getting ready to buy bitcoin from Mt Gox when it was like the only place to get it. It was their first real crash happened and i guess I got spooked.
Another was
>coinbase lets people buy coins automatically
>opt for weekly $50 worth
>goes well for 3 months
>debit card gets used and my bank account is emptied out, they get an insufficient funds msg
>get a new debit card, all muh money returned
>coinbase refuses to sell me bitcoin
>try once every 6 months to get them to give me the ability to buy again, they dont
I was buying on circle.com for awhile but now that they stopped idk where the safest place to buy from is.