Was Hitler literally insane? Look at his damn eyes, how could anyone have believed that this guy was just acting and not dead-serious about the shit he propagated?
Was Hitler literally insane? Look at his damn eyes...
Another picture. Again, notice the eyes. If he were alive today he would be locked away in an assylum. How fucked up was the world back then that such a schizophrenic could rise to the highest rank in a modern European country?
>revisionism: the thread
I ain't a nazi by a long shot but this is some commie bullshit.
Well, you have the current leader of Germany letting a million rapists into the country.
So you are an eye-psychologist right?
Read Speer's "Inside the Third Reich"
He was not a raving mad man, but he was not a mentally balanced individual in any sense of the word. He might have suffered from some form of autism and displayed signs of a sociopath.
>letting them in
Scientific data says otherwise, merkel had almost no influence on the amount of refugees.
They are all comming to ger because it is the best country in europe and germans are not subhuman christian racist muslim slayers like the balkan retards and poles.
btw the amount of rape in ger didn't increase in any significant number
i'm not against the refugee policy of germany, but you know that Merkel expressed willingness to welcome asylum seekers, saying that she had no control over the number of immigrants is blatantly false. If any other country would have set similar refugee policies (benefits, being forthcoming in general), the asylum seekers would choose that country as well.
>my racist claims get debunked
>my worldview does not correlate with reality
okay du erbärmliches Stück Scheiße
greetings from Germany
>I want to lock up people in the assylum because of their eyes
>t. tolerant liberal :)
Eat a bunch of dicks, OP. It's not Hitlers fault you have ugly roach eyes without any character. No one cares for this dumb pseudo history crap.
This. Those fucking /pol/ tier history threads need to be banned. I think anything in the context of WW2 should have special rules on Veeky Forums because people get too fanatic about the topic and it's always a dumb discussion as in stupid /pol/ threads.
Actual discussion about WW2 is fine but the board would be thousand times better if people were forced to treat the topic like e.g. a topic from 1500 they don't care emotially about.
>Scientific data says otherwise, merkel had almost no influence on the amount of refugees.
Link pls
welcoming asylum seekers is something different than saying come here free money.
people really think all these people are gping to stay, while in fact only 2-5% will get refugee status and will be allowed to stay
back to your antifa meeting
Germany yes
Hitler was treated by his conservative allies like a gangster. No one considered him a serious politician.
you can't have someone committed to an asylum for a crazy look in their eyes, although I agree he looks fucking insane, also I've always thought Stalin and Hitler both look like cold blooded psychopaths
uuuh my neonazi claims get debunked
heis probably a lefty
a worldview like that makes living easier with a iq below 40 I guess
>welcoming asylum seekers is something different than saying come here free money.
Everyone who hasn't been deluded by his own ideology knew from the beginning that 60% don't come from syrian war zones. Every single african came here for economic reasons.
>people really think all these people are gping to stay, while in fact only 2-5% will get refugee status and will be allowed to stay
Idiot. Even the ones who didn't get the right for asylum are still here and anyone who actually thinks our government will send them back is deluded. They came to stay, they openly said it. They will either wrap it as normal migration or don't say anything about it.
That im even replying to this bait testifies my boredrom
Germany yes
Refugees welcome
Merkel didn't cause the influx, it's true that she didn't invite them as it is often claimed, but she is indeed at fault for not effectively effectively stopping the wave, and what she did in that regard came to late and is still too little.
Schwuchtel du freust dich doch über braune Schwänze die deinen Arsch durchpflügen.
>they came to stay
Who the fuck cares what they want?
You know it takes months to test their status thats why they are still here.
We are already sending them back you moron.
Ernte deine (You)s auf /pol/ oder so
Nah man he's just German.
Ever since the first teuton emerged out of the dark, misty forest and laid his eyes on the marvels of European civilization, he set out to either have it or destroy it, saying to one another:
>Come Otto let us become Romans ourselves, and we fail to do that in the future we will bring millions of savage shitskins from the most backward wastelands of this world to rape and plunder everything in their wake
The German race deserves to suffer excruciatingly and die for all evil they brought to the world.
God bless Mama Merkel.
>stop the wave
you mean shoting them on sight right?
I am pretty happy that germany still cares about its law and human rights.
You can not stop them from comming here youcan test their status and then send them back.
I know you wanna mow them down with a mg 42 but that will never happen Adolf.
Germany yes
Refugees welcome.
>Le Hitler was insane because of his eyes
Hitler was a real nigga you bitch ass nigga. He saw the horrors of death during World War I and he escaped death a few times. His father abused his mother as he was growing up. He wanted to free the world from darkness, just as he wanted to free his mother from abuse.
Sheltered faggots like you who sit in the comfort of your home all day in front of a computer will never understand
nice argument
so no facts?
muuuh my right wing feelings
muuuh europe christian
thanks for demonstrating how pathetic religious right wing people are
Germany yes
Refugees welcome
Nope, but one should remove pull-factors. Illegals should have no prospect of ever getting a regular residence permit and thus entitlement to welfare and other benefits. This is not just a German problem though
>then send them back
Doesn't happen. Besides, nobody who crosses a gazillion safe countries should be entitled of a refugee status
>human rights
Human rights to prep the bull
>I am pretty happy that germany still cares about its law
Gotta hand it to ze Germans, whether the current regime wants to eradicate Jews or whether the current regime wants to eradicate ethnic Germans, they always dutifully follow the law.
That's nothing, he looks fucking sinister in pic related.
>thanks for demonstrating how pathetic religious right wing people are
>he types as he imports millions of ultra religious brown skinned Muslim dedicated to a bronze age conception of morality and take their religion so seriously they have entire tomes dedicated to which hand they must use when wiping their ass
Lmao germoney is finished
>i-it's their culture! Only white people can be right wing/racist/fanatic/etc.!
lol you'd be insane too if you had to go through half the shit he went through