So I never bought into this shit coin but the recent announcement got me a bit interested. It made it crash ridiculously hard and I can see it bouncing back to at least some degree. Would it be a bad move to drop a bit in for when it corrects back?
So I never bought into this shit coin but the recent announcement got me a bit interested...
the 'help african children' coin will NEVER moon
i'd rather own peercoin tbqh
I regret not getting out sooner, what a shit coin.
bro its the only coin that managed to shit itself completely during a full bull market
I'd stay completely out of that one man, maybe throw 10$ at it tops
This coin has an actual useful purpose unlike all those ICO ethereum token scams, so do the math.
It peaked at 2 cents with a circulating 40 million coins, it's obvious it will go to $1+.
Check icotimeline for constant news. Masternode hype will pump it.
The retarded FUD on this coin is nonsense. This coin went green too during the king BTC rise. The crash happened way before the dumb normies jumped on crypto.
To be fair the fud isn't completely unfounded. The coin has dropped 600% in value since last month
Moon mission is still a go.
have you ever considered maybe why that is?
Maybe the FUD isnt FUD and its an actual warning but you know what do we know and fuck the graph go all in bro 1$ BY NEXT WEEK!
It was the unfortunate recipient of some positively vicious price manipulation, but actually does have some value in the features the website offers, so I say go ahead . Up to you though.
Definitely some potential there still. I'd say it could hit a dollar if they add ETH and if the devs unfuck their shit.
PoSW is going to moon.
Weak handed faggots should kill themselves.
Kek speaks.
The FUD is unfounded in the sense of the FUD being based on fake news.
A tiny marketcap going up and down is annecdotical.
>when it corrects back
>implying it's not going to
Keep buying high and selling low, goy
This has been my feeling with it as well. There are far less attractive coins with far greater market caps than this coin and yet it is still as low as it is. Even with all the fudding and market manipulation I do think it still has potential to moon to $1, would not stay that long afterwards though.
The devs also need to get their act together and work things out with PIVX, that coin is mooning right now and the coins should move up together. Also desperately need a wallet for Ethereum.
I've been keeping an eye on PoSW. I think that once I liquidate some of my other coins I may throw something into it.
I said it from the beginning and no one would believe me - you are literally donating to Pajeet if you buy this coin.
The Africa donation thing should have set off scam sirens in all of you.