How do you justify eating meat? Do you consider hunting morally acceptable opposed to factory farming?
How do you justify eating meat? Do you consider hunting morally acceptable opposed to factory farming?
Well-managed hunting, like we have in Missouri, can actually benefit wildlife populations. There is a great deal of science behind wildlife management. If you're interested, look up some articles in the Journal of Wildlife Management.
>animals taken out of the wild and domesticated, placed into a manmade environment where they become property from which value is derived from
Am I describing livestock or pets? You decide, you fucking contradictory hippies.
I often have heard many vegans say that these benefits are a myth and the need for hunting is artificially created to ensure hunting season
>How do you justify eating meat?
Hunger and several hundred thousand years of my ancestors doing it.
I want to faggot
Fuck me, vegans are almost as bad as antinatalists. Go eat a steak and get over it.
Humanity is literally not brainlets because of meat.
Vegans are horrible insane misdirected people.
That being said factory farming is creepy as shit but beef is still delicious so whatever.
I can guarantee you that 99.999% of the people do not hunt for meat. Nor do they grow their vegetable for meat.
What a terribly sourced and speciously reasoned article based on a semantic argument about "overpopulation" versus "overabundant". It even argues that man is not a part of nature which is simply preposterous.
>can guarantee you that 99.999% of the people do not hunt for meat
I would love to see some statistics behind that guarantee.
The sources over at field&stream say in 2013 35% of hunters hunt for meat, 31% for sport and recreation
Well, I know that's not the best argument but my great grandfather was in the SA and I don't think I share his thoughts on morality even though he is my one of my ancestors.
I'm no vegetarian or vegan myself but I'm starting to struggle with me because several studies suggest that meat causes heart diseases in later life. Additionally we are no longer in need of animal products to live healthy. But I admit, I'm not very educated on this field so I'm asking for sources and research on health related issues and maybe philosophical, ethical views on it.
I don't eat meat and can't personally justify doing it. While I don't consider hunting morally acceptable, I consider it much less morally egregious than factory farming and have respect for families that do it to ensure food gets put on the table.
What is there to justify? To deserve to have morals applied on you, you must be able to apply morals on others.
Also, we have this thread all the time.
I just honestly don't care the same way I don't care about children in Africa starving to death every single day.
>Also, we have this thread all the time.
What have we learned so far?
Human body is adapted to an omnivorous diet and meat is one of the most efficient methods of introducing protein into the body.
Animals are part of a cycle of hunter and prey, by nature they are a food source for something else or are the ones eating other animals. Therefore killing animals isnt bad.
Factory farming allows for cheap meat to get to people of all social strat ensuring that people recieve nutrients that classically people had a hard time getting (proteins and calcium). Good meat is made from animals both treated fairly and properly fed and good milk is made in higher quantities by animals not only treated fairly and fed properly but also lovingly cared for. So therefore factory farming as long as its not abused is not bad either.
it's tasty and I'm not a weepy pussy like you OP
A well processed deer can give you meat for a month. And if you eat the organs even longer.
Even though I can afford meat its more cost effective to kill and butcher game in many circumstances.
what the fuck is wrong with antinatalism
no one ever consents to being created, and when you create a human there is always a chance that they may have a poor life due to extreme birth defects, mental or physical illnesses, get killed in war (like the hundreds of children that die in Syria every single day), etc. Even worse than that though is that if they are miserable with the life that was forced upon them they don't even have the option of ending it without causing even greater suffering to their family and friends.
No you can't faggot. You're just some child who lives in the suburbs and has never actually met a hunter.
Have you met a full time hunter, who hunts his food for >50% of the time?
1. Humans have been eating meat as part of their nutritional diet as long as there have been humans.
2. I see nothing wrong with it personally.
Better question is how vegans can justify their own lives. It's impossible to live without killing, endangering, or displacing living creatures.
Can't eat ANYTHING, because insects and other creatures died in the field where it was grown.
Can't drive anywhere, because small animals might get run over and bugs get splattered.
Can't walk anywhere with all the innocent insects underfoot.
Can't use ANY product made by someone else, because they definitely killed and displaced living creatures to build their facilities and distribute their product and so on.
Can't be part of any recognized nation, as they all condone these heinous problems.
Can't even break the ground with a spade to plant your own vegetables or start the foundation of a sterile hydroponic lab to seal yourself in, because you might chop an earthworm in half and crush a burrowing insect.
Meat eaters don't have a morality problem, because they don't believe it's wrong. Vegans are blatantly immoral people because they know they live at the expense of living creatures and they do it anyway.
Life is life out not opt in, deal with it you whiney teenaged faggot, just because you're too much of a coward to end it doesn't mean it's unethical for other people to bring life into this world.
>I see nothing wrong with it personally.
Its unsustainable for the growth of population
So much resource is spent on animal farming. And people eat so much animal everyday, its truly waste of resource. That box of chicken nuggets? Yeah, you just ate 4-5 chickens.
>rejecting Logos
ho hum, I'm really not going to cast pearls before swine. It's just not worth my time.
Even if I said yes, would you believe me and what would it prove.
Nice ad hominem insults, but I never said I was suicidal or had a poor quality of life, I've just noticed it in many other people because my job (paramedicine) requires me to regularly interact with people who have mental illnesses and are suicidally depressed, children with such extreme birth defects they can hardly even be said to be alive, people with medical conditions that have rendered them little more than shit and piss factories, etc. I've seen so much human suffering that I really can't justify bringing life into the world anymore when there's a chance they might end up like that.
Insults are not a counter argument btw, all you said was its not unethical but gave absolutely no reason.
Eugenics and genetic counseling for all couples. Make it a requirement.
Das racist tho :^)
Too many animals are consumed in the US.
In an average American lifetime they will eat 2000 chickens, 66 turkey, 28 pigs, 10 cows, 6 ducks, 3700 finfish, 10,000 shellfish
Or roughly 16,000 animals die to sustain 1 American.
or people could just make the moral decision not to have kids
Americans are too fat, it can't be helped.
without morals how are we any better than animals?
You need to give a source for that, and besides,I never said they did.
We are no better than animals though.
First, that is a sideways response to my opinion. I don't care any more about min-maxing food production than I care about the morality of meat consumption.
Two, humanity's population hardly needs to grow.
Three, humanity has sustained it just fine. Starvation scenarios tend to come down to human folly and distribution issues rather than raw production.
Four, humanity "wastes" resources on... Jesus, everything. The electronic device you're using right now caused the waste of massive amounts of resources without contributing effectively to the growth of human population. So what? You like using it, right?
Five, since when has humanity ever been the most efficient species, and why should we become it at the expense of all the "wasteful" things we enjoy when we have no need to?
>awkshully overcoming our primitive biological urges is the ultimate triumph of the human Spirit. In fact, mid 20th century post structuralists claim...
A vegan's moral endgame demands the end of humanity.
Well if I don't eat free-range, grass-fed animals, I have to support the agricultural industry that every day murders millions of insects with poisonous gas, not to mention all the forests that it cuts down to grow all that soy. Vegans are the hitlers of the insect world.
Meat eating endgame moralless demands full cannabalization and destruction of human species as well as every other species in the universe.
>humans colonize mars
>there are no meats
>cannibalization ensues
Why are meat eaters so dum?
No, meat-eating endgame requires eating a burger for lunch. You might have noticed that modern meat eaters haven't been driving cows, chickens, and pigs to extinction, either.
Try again.
sounds like a good thing to me, consciousness was a mistake
I agree, can I eat meat until humanity goes extinct though?
I wonder who could possibly be behind this post.
Do you know what end game means?
Vegan end game = human extinction because not eating meat = death.
Meat eating end game = extinction of every living being in the universe, including themselves because you have to eat or face vegan end game.
>not eating meat = death
excuse me?
Vegan end game is endless orgasm from being so much more virtuous than soulless meat eaters.
I just want to eat meat.
>How do you justify eating meat?
It'll lead to human extinction when the antibiotics are overused on farm animals and bacterias evolve so nothing can kill them.
Is veganism a spook?
It's tasty.
Vegans btfo
Go eat your poo.
I have never known a vegan who was not also a pathological liar.
Aren't all meat eaters psychopathic murderers?
Oh brother...
Let me break it down Barney-style for you:
1. Moral vegans believe that moral, higher-reasoning creatures should abhor anything that causes the suffering, death, or even use of living creatures.
2. Carnivorous and omnivorous creatures like wolves are exempt from this because they are incapable of higher reasoning. In essence, only human are subject to vegan morality.
3. As partially detailed in , it is impossible for a human being to live without causing untold death, displacement, and suffering for other creatures.
4. The only moral course for humans, therefore, is to not exist.
If you take as a given that humanity shouldn't wipe itself out for the greater good, then moral veganism is a logical fallacy. It's not my fault if you get mad that your life is a lie.
For meat-eating people, there is no philosophical quandary. They just eat meat. That's it.
I don't expect you to concede my point here, as that would be an adult thing for you to do and that doesn't track with your behavior. But after you close this tab, give it a good think, eh?
Meat eaters have no morals, therefore they eat everyone and any animal/species if it feeds them.
I don't understand why you're arguing over these facts.
They're meat machines, I don't give a fuck about them.
Poor bait.
Only scat fetishists do that, user.
Not trying to kinkshame you, but stop that here.
Humans evolved to be obligate omnivores, it is only thanks to modern society and technology that we can get a wide enough selection of vegetable foods that vegetarianism and even veganism is possible without severe adverse nutritional effects.
Spotted the child.
>only 2000 chickens
Confirmed not making it
That word....
For the most part of human history, vegetarianism was the norm. Animal meat was rarely eaten because of how expensive it was to raise animals and buy animals.
>vegetarianism was the norm. Animal meat was rarely eaten
You just contradicted yourself in two sentences in the same post.
Coming from peasant farmer stock, I know very well how anyone with even a tiny patch of land kept rabbits, chickens, etc. Even people in South America, having no other suitable meat animals , bred guinea pigs for food, and people in Africa eat insects rather than go without any form of meat at all. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
A diet that is majority vegetable mass =/= vegetarianism.
Often in my country people would keep chicken and rabbits to eat.
Animals and plants are both life, animals are all parasites since we cannot sap energy from the sun, we must get it from other living things. Since there are no humans who can photosynthesize, all eating is immoral, and if morality is that fucking impractical then I'll abandon it.
>higher-reasoning creatures should abhor anything that causes the suffering, death, or even use of living creatures.
Plants are living organisms
"As far as I know no reputable study has ever shown that plants can "feel pain". They lack the nervous system and brain necessary for this to happen. A plant can respond to stimuli, for example by turning towards the light or closing over a fly, but that is not the same thing."
What about when plants release alarm pheremones when in danger or when being eaten?
>Moral vegans believe that moral, higher-reasoning creatures should abhor anything that causes the suffering, death, or even use of living creatures.
morality comes from emotions, not not reasoning. no one adhere's to a single moral framework and few thoroughly research and develop these systems.
>Carnivorous and omnivorous creatures like wolves are exempt from this because they are incapable of higher reasoning
Do you think that wolves are incapable of knowing that non-wolves feel pain?
We all get eaten by something, someday.
Eating poo is better than being vegan tbqhwyf
It must hate that, right?
It's very easy to become anthropocentric and say 'Oh, it hurts!' But what I see is—and there's nothing spiritual about this at all—the unity of biology. All of biology uses electricity—what are called depolarizations. This is an ancient biological mechanism. Our nerves do that.
>How do you justify eating meat?
Healthy, nutritious and just delicious.
> Do you consider hunting morally acceptable
Yes, as long as the species aren't prone to extinction.
>Factory farming
Morally acceptable, too. Feeding a modern society without mass production of meat is impossible. Nevertheless, those "meat factories" must be heavily regulated and surveilled. Animals being slaughtered there must be well-fed and well-treated until the moment their throats are cut.
What happens when plants evolve to emit toxin that kills anyone eating it.
Happening time
Meat is delicious.
It's not a myth.
Bruh you should read up on the plants that when being eaten by caterpillars release a pheremone that attracts parasitic wasps to lay eggs in the caterpillars.
Honey bees should have no chance at all against the ferocious Japanese hornet - the predators are an inch long, and watching the two battle is like watching infantry racing hopelessly towards a tank.
But the tiny creatures can actually triumph - by swarming over their foes in such numbers that hornets are 'cooked' inside a ball of bees.
Let the deer breed unchecked, and they fuck up whole ecosystems.
Granted, there maybe other solutions:
I justify it because ethical consumption is impossible, especially if you live in an industrialized country. I'd care about all the impoverished masses that make my clothes and electronics before I care about the cattle and poultry that make my food.
"We have ascertained beyond doubt that God is much rather displeased with the sacrifices you offer, the time of sacrifices having now passed away. And because you will not admit that the time for offering victims is past, therefore the Temple will be destroyed, and the abomination of desolation shall stand in the Holy Place." The Clementine Recognitions, chapters liii to lxxi.
Chapter XXII, 6 of the Clementine Homilies says "They followed the Apostles in their custom of daily lustrations. They refused to partake of flesh or wine, taking as their pattern, St. Peter, whose food was bread, olives, and herbs...."
Caine the vegetarian would like a word with you about his brother Abel.
"When you are attacking a town and the war drags on, you must not cut down the trees with your axes. You may eat the fruit, but do not cut down the trees. Are the trees your enemies, that you should attack them?" (Deuteronomy 20:19)
Yeah the steppe nomads actually moved gardens around in giant wooden carts because herding sheep and yaks was just too expensive.
I get the "we couldn't survive without it"-argument but that is no problem anymore, now we can. With all the problems regarding endangering species and global warming shouldn't we somedays be able to not interfere with the wildlife and possibly be completely independend? Isn't that what humanitarians strife for?
But we can't do that unless we drastically reduce the amount of humans on the planet, cutting meat from our diets isn't going to do shit. Enormous forests in South America have been cut down or simply burnt to make space for soy farms to feed some fat, balding frogs on the other side of the planet so they can feel like they're saving Earth when they're still causing as much damage.
Speaking from the middle ground here
>ancient Roman gladiators were given a diet made exclusively out of grains and they specifically eschewed meat. In more recent times prize fighters were given a steak the night before a big fight: now they're given a big plate of spaghetti. No dietician ever told anyone that they need to cut the whole grains and vegetables out of their diet and incorporate more meat and cheeses.
>Meat is an excellent source of protein. It's also high in fat and cholesterol and in this age of abundance there are plenty of means of introducing more protein into one's diet while avoiding the side effects of a meat-heavy diet. This can be mitigated by switching to leaner meat but generally speaking the tastier something is, the fattier and less good for you that it is.
>Hunters play a valuable role in maintaining their local ecosystems and their way of life deserves to be protected. Hunters are natural allies of conservationists but they drive them away with their constant moralizing.
>For modern hunter-gatherers their diet is something like only 10 to 20% meat, and the rest is harvested wild grains. A man might go out hunting all week and only catch a single small pig whose meat gets put in a stew and shared with the tribe. Modern HGers are even more efficient hunters than primitive ones so the split in prehistoric times would have been even more stark, and they would have been even more dependent on wild grains.
>Factory farms deal with animals specifically bread to make food for humans. With that being said, humans have hated the thought of animals suffering since ancient times, it's just in modern times that they've become aware of just how big the problem is
>If you overharvest the oceans there will be no more edible fish for future generations. Period.
>People who say meat is always evil is a granola-chomping hippy and anyone who says it's always good is a Burger-King smashing fattie
Because even though I will contribute nothing of significance to society (labor does not count), I need to operate at my best and its worth causing lots of suffering.
If we collectively stop eating meat, do we just kill all the chickens and cows? They've been selectively bred for human consumption for so long they wouldn't survive in the wild, and if they did, they'd destroy the ecosystem
I just don't care, I like meat, thus I will eat it. I am not ignorant of the plight, I just simply don't care, as I care about my self interest more.
Tl;dr fuck'em I like how they taste.
He makes valid points. Telling people who get unlucky to kts is kinda mean. You sound like an angry ugly turd.
1. Not allowed to live a natural life
2. Killed
3. Eaten by fat retards at McDonald's
So fair!
>For meat-eating people, there is no philosophical quandary. They just eat meat. That's it.
Speciesism to a dramatic extent is hypocrisy.
If livestock's were reduced by 10% and the land is repurposed for vegetables the world hunger would end.
Religion is the refuge of the scoundrel, especially since the subject at hand was not religion. If you are a Christian, vegan-fag, remember:
Acts 10:9-16:
"9 The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. 10 Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance 11 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. 13 And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”
14 But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.”
15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” 16 This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again."
Pick one and only one.
[citation needed]
Sounds like BS. Current world food is sufficient to feed MORE humans than currently exist. What is missing is the will to share food out evenly among humans in times of drought or other crises.