Why is the Korean War called the Forgotten War?

Why is the Korean War called the Forgotten War?

Yes, it receives less attention than WWII. It was also a less significant event in global history than WWII. Harry Truman is not referred to as the Forgotten President simply because he's not studied quite as much as FDR.

IMO it sounds like baby boomers presuming that because they have more vivid memories of the Vietnam era than they do the Korean War era, the Korean War must have been forgotten by everyone else just as much as them.

Pic related, was the first pic to show up when I googled 'forgotten war'. If it is now remembered for being forgotten, then it is not forgotten.

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The difference is that Truman is actually covered in common history courses. Korea is rarely covered and even in Cold War courses it's a passing blip on the radar.

Because of the attitude at home. I was reading Flynn's book the other day (I feel like I'm only person on here who reads anything) and he talks about going to the local store with his mother and the grocer asking where her husband is, and him being surprised when she says "He' in Korea."

Which reminds me, with all the cool technology in video games now, we could have such great games. Instead we get the latest version of COD where you can't see the dead guy's face because I suppose seeing a dead Korean would be racist?

Because history classes only go up to WWII.

Because the UN forces essentially achieved a draw, and nobody celebrates those.

Because many governments, especially the United States, are very wary of sparking emotion related to conflict with North Korea and China. North Korea is one of the greatest threats to peace on the globe, but they have nukes and nobody wants to be the one to deal with their psychotic belligerence until it's too late. And China fought the UN powers to a standstill almost immediately after their own revolution and they've only gotten more powerful. A second Korean War would go far worse for an UN/ American-led coalition, probably leading to the destruction of South Korea and massive military and civilian casualties all around.

> Instead we get the latest version of COD where you can't see the dead guy's face because I suppose seeing a dead Korean would be racist?
What are you talking about?
You kill North Koreans in COD Advanced Warfare

Because its in between two wars that have had a huge impact on culture, military doctrine, and the way the world works.

Its simply not significant.

i remember passing an exam when i was a kid, i could choose between korean war and another subject and i must add i'm french so not that forgotten

he is talking about the korean war.

Company of Heroes 3: War for the moon people when relic?
you can finally give the allies heavy tanks and the US can get the Super bazooka and shut those retards up who bitch about factional balance.

>Its simply not significant.
to you maybe...not so much to veterans from north & south korea, china, united states, united kingdom, philippines, thailand, canada, turkey, australia, new zealand, ethiopia, greece, france, colombia, belgium, south africa, netherlands & luxembourg.

Cool, I'm glad you had an outlier. That is not the common result.

>Its simply not significant

come on now fampai

Mostly because it happened too close to WW2, and gets overshadowed as a result.

Also the very embarrassing behavior of UN commanders.
>MacArthur, being a orientalist and therefore understanding the "Asiatic mind", decides that the Chinese will never attack and has his intelligence officer fabricate fake reports about how there are No Chinese in Korea, and all those captured Chinese soldiers are just Koreans who had been hired by the Chinese to fight in Korea
>American forces are withdrawn and dispersed even more because LOL HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!
>he debunks a CIA report about a buildup of Chinese forces by flying his personal airliner over the border, looking out the window and going "nope I don't see any chinamen", for this he is awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross and combat wings
>the Chinese attack the day after this, having cleverly hidden under trees whenever airplanes showed up

Why is Korea the forgotten war and not the Philippine-American war?

Because Korea was a major war while the Philippine-American War was not. Despite it's length, it was a very minor conflict akin to Indian Wars.

UN performance (except for the US Marines) was pretty dreadful against the Chinese until Ridgway reorganized them. The Chinese achieved initial success mostly because the US Army had completely forgotten basic infantry tactics and were unable to properly leverage their enormous materiel advantage. After that was sorted out and Ridgway sacked 1/3 of MacArthur's officers, they went from getting routed by the Chinese to drubbing the Chinese at a 1:5 irrecoverable casualty exchange ratio.

>it was a very minor conflict akin to Indian Wars.
It was about as large as all the Indian Wars combined in terms of total death toll. In terms of American military death toll (about 4,500 dead) it was indeed relatively minor. But probably still doesn't get the attention it deserves, with most Americans being unaware it happened.

>get the attention it deserves
Because in the grand scale of American history, it's largely irrelevant and is only really useful as an extension of American imperialism regarding the Spanish-American War.

>Why is Korea the forgotten war and not the Philippine-American war?
fugg auf and start your own thread and stop trying to derail this one.

Or Task Force Smith at the start of the war. Basically the US sent a bunch of green recruits and pencil pushers from the Japanese occupational forces to die uselessly.

>fugg auf
I don't understand this.

Because the US and colonies didn't win.

I thought about 20,000 died of disease

Also, it's ignored because nearly a million Filipino citizens died because of it.

>I thought about 20,000 died of disease


>nearly a million

San Juan pls go

> Filipino historian E. San Juan, Jr. argues that 1.4 million Filipinos died during the war and that constitutes an act of genocide on the part of the United States.[101] E. San Juan Jr's source quotes a far lower figure.[100] Most sources cite a figure of 200,000 to 250,000 total Filipino civilians dead with most losses attributable to disease.[17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]

It's also that the whole Gilded Age and thereabouts (even Reconstruction to an extent) is sort of a forgotten period of history. The mindset is basically "alright, Civil War, then nothing except the Klan and some injuns died, then Teddy Roosevelt" despite being a 40 year period or thereabouts.

"Weaker" presidents compared to congress and most of the issues of the day being labor issues and economic issues like tariffs and gold vs. silver as the choice for money.

The wha-?

>North Korea tries to take over all of Korea
>War ends with us stopping them from doing that and returning to roughly the pre-war border
>"didn't win"

Also thinking about it, the latter half of the 1800s up until World War I seems like something of an ignored period of history in general not just in America. Like you have the British Empire/Victorian era in general (about the only part that isn't really overlooked and even then most of the focus seems to be on England itself over their colonies), the unification of Germany and maybe the Meiji Restoration and... well, nothing in terms of what would stick out to a person. I guess being a fairly peaceful period, relatively speaking, will do that.

The second deadliest war in human history took place in that period, it's just that no one gives a shit about China.

Who could forget this?


underage kids.

Mash was so comfy.

>that chicken
Oh god.

>company of heroes: wunderwaffen edition

How I wish they'd drop all historical accuracy pretense and just go full retard with nazi occultism, flying saucers, mechs and super heavy tanks.

Also, the pershing has been added to USF ages ago.

>literally 10 more armor value than the comet
>HP of a medium tank.
It's a beast but its a advanced medium tank. It's not Tiger or IS2 level due to lack of raw hp.

And OKW already has Obersoldaten which are Wolfenstein tier bullshit.

[spoiler]Soviet nerf soon.[/spoiler]

>10 more armor than comet

The comet bounces pak shots at max range all the time, and is basically impervious to medium tanks, what the fuck more do you want?

>HP of a medium

But that's completely wrong, and it's still 10x better than the tiger or the IS2, it has great AOE so it wipes squads left and right, it's fast as fuck, and with vet its ROF just gets absolutely ridiculous. And are you seriously complaining about fucking obersoldaten who come out when the USF player usually has invincible vet 3 riflemen double equipped with m1919's at that point? They only become bullshit when they hit vet 4 and get their suppression which should be removed IMO, but it's not like you see them all often given that they're a 4 man squad and rocket artillery reigns supreme in team games.

>soviet nerf soon

About time, going t1 on maps with buildings was an instawin most of the time for me.

>...just that no one gives a shit about China.
i don't think that was the problem...maybe rectified at some future time...maybe if some one includes in a video game...maybe.
>>fugg auf
>I don't understand this.
translate as "fuck off"

>the UN forces didn't attempt to unify Korea


>Because of the attitude at home. I was reading Flynn's book the other day (I feel like I'm only person on here who reads anything)
>because I suppose seeing a dead Korean would be racist?

So you're probably a Trumpist /pol/tard who thinks a) you read more than people on a history board because you read one fucking book by a literal insane hack who was only good at directing airstrikes and special forces raids and b) that people are afraid of offending Asians. Nigga, have you seen all the shit that gets thrown at Asians? Nobody fucking cares about them.

The war goal changed quickly from saving South Korea to unifying Korea under a Western-friendly government. This was thwarted by the Chinese, who pushed the UN forces back.

A victory on the first goal, a defeat on the second goal, essentially a return to the status quo as a result. The Korean War was effectively a draw for the coalition.

Boo hoo

>all dat autism
was MacArthur the original weeaboo?

False equivalence.
We lost in Vietnam. That's why we remember it.

Is de-Japanifying Japan and killing conservatives/nationalists left and right 1945-1948 considered being a weaboo?