What's the point of these? Is this someone with a lot of money and coins in that market who just wants to make the bid price go up? How does that even work?
Buy/sell walls
Also interested OP
being able to read the level 2 is one of the most important skills a trader can have
Price on this coin is now surging so my guess is it's a whale that's trying to cash out but wasn't happy with the original bid price? Is that correct?
when you see a giant big like this its either a strong support level or like you described its a smoke and mirrors attempt to push the price up (probably stealth selling on the rise)
i find it useful to watch not just a snapshot of the level2 but also to be aware of its 'movement'
like if you see a bid wall like this being gradually stepped up higher and higher you know it is an active trader trying to make moves and influence htings. if the bid wall is just sitting there and has been there for days or whatever then its obviously a support level and an actual guy who wants to buy
often you will notice the giant bid immediately get cancelled as soon as someone starts selling into it
they dont really want to buy here, they just want to give that illusion. they are willing to let the price drop more before getting in.
the same thing is true with sell walls by the way
people trade based on these orderbook shapes so you need to be aware of them
It's a 20 BTC wall in a 60 BTC volume that's being actively moved.
neutral shape
buying pressure
selling pressure
I call this a defensive curl
usually seen after a massive drop
BUY u motherfucker it is about to pump
Good stuff, friend. Thanks.
Going by all this, what would you folks have to say about the XLM chart/order book combo?
those mean nothing. those are orders, not positions so until they are executed, the people that put those up can simply delete them.
there was a pajeet a couple of years ago that did just that with the spy from his parent's basement in london.. the US pinned him for the flash crash. look it up.
this one is called the lone buyer
very dangerous to buy with this guy
It's probably a number of people that got left behind on the lowest ask, as it shifted up.
because of how flat the green is behind his order
he is not reading things properly and if he gets filled or cancels you can expect a drop all the way through the flat zone to where its "supposed" to be
So how does this graph works exactly? is it volumes of buy and sell bids clashing together? green is goes up and red down? i'm retarded
What is the site you use to see the graphics of dip and ask?
"touching walls"
this one requires a look at the recent price movement on the chart
it has definitely either run up or been slammed down. now the bid or the ask is being stacked. These are deciding moments.
strong chance of breaking through the wall and continuing the run's momentum
I've been holding this for over a week... I'm waiting to dump.
this one should be named as the clash of kamehamehas, a battle of pushing power
the x axis is price
the y axis is order volume
so on this picture if I put a buy order of 100 BTC at 2200 you would see a sharp vertical rise at that point like pic related.
pretty much every crypto exchange shows this these days
often it is called the "market depth"
Thanks Mr. Spin, I learned a lot from this thread.
I dont think im making much sense anymore
Well it is certainly interesting to see interpretations of these depth formations. Informative - ty user!
thats all i got cheers guys
Thank you. I learned a bit too.
Really appreciate these posts, thank you for the answer
i recommend cryptowat.ch desu its my favorite
>Informative thread with an interactive OP
Too good for Veeky Forums.
All of these are consistent with my own observations. Thanks user, it's heartwarming seeing someone providing actual advice instead of shilling and FUDing. And it's not like fucking Veeky Forums can move the market on its own, so yeah, may at least a few 4channer brothers achieve financial freedom.
i wasnt OP but I hijacked the thread
Shit you're right, didn't notice that. Good job anyway.
thank mr spin
Yo, user. What type of curves are the best to look for?
i like this type
sorry i dont have a real answer
youll figure out what works for you im sure
OP is still lurking btw.
what the fuck am i looking at
red is bad, green is good?
red is sell, green is buy?
i have no fucking clue what these charts mean and ive been lurking here for months
its the orderbook man
its the market depth, a visual representation of the level 2
see the order book on the left? those are the current limit orders placed on the exchange.
the depth chart is graphing those orders into a cumulative volume representation
The areas of the chart represent the sum of all orders at a given price. The red area represents sell orders, and the green represents buy orders.. The prices are found on the x axis and the sum of orders at a given price is on the y axis.
What exchanges are best? I got an invite to GDAX.
theres a lot of factors that go into this answer, like where you live, what currency you use, what you are interested in trading...
i can give a quick rundown on a couple that I use
+safest US exchange.
-limited functionality (Better functionality than Gemini though, the other "safe" US exchange).
-no access to shitcoins
-no ability to short
-site often (always) goes down during high volume crashes
-risky business exchange, uses USDT instead of real dollars and just gives off a sketchy impression to me
+offers lots of shitcoins
+nice layout with functionality
-runs like shit sometimes
actually correction i think you can short now on GDAX if you have access to margin trading
what exchange are ur screencaps from based user?
i just tried to apply for a margin account on GDAX to see if I could start shorting but apparently you need to be a bank or a fucking millionaire to check one of these boxes
Not a problem my man, have you heard of Moon coin?
get away from me you filthy bagholder
Im starting to like this tripfag....
you can find me every day in the robinhood general thread
I was joking you rude bitch.
u daytrade penny stocks? What goes on in the robin hood thread, i never been
its stock trading general thread basically at this point
penny and grandpa stocks both
You into crypto now as well?
When you have a huge buy like that, you ask a lower price.
Its basically ordering in bulk. If you sell computers and someone comes into your shop and says he wants to buy 10,000 computers, you give him a better price/computer than if he just wanted 10.
So these huge buy ins set a lower price because a 5% lower price can mean thousands and thousands of dollars saved.
And then they sit and wait. The other buy orders see this wall and quickly scramble behind it. The sellers see these wall and go "ugh no way I can overcome that" and give in slowly, which drops the price and just like that, the buyer gets what they wanted.
Its in the other buyers interest to cooperate since it lowers the price overall. And once that happens the sellers all know if they dont move, someone else will and once that happens the price will start moving down.
oh uh i was joking too s-sorry
for like a year now yeah
>why didnt I just buy and hold...
What does this mean?
It's not quite neutral, yet not quite large walsl either.
apology accepted, little lady.
too smoothed out, hard to read
what site is this?
those are bittrex charts
>its a smoke and mirrors attempt to push the price up
Don't know if you noticed but at double digit satoshi, that would make sense. There aren't a lot of data points in the range of this chart.