why did Spain try to assimilate and couldn't keep their benises in their pants with natives instead of just enslave & genocide everything like the rest of colonial countries
Why did Spain try to assimilate and couldn't keep their benises in their pants with natives instead of just enslave &...
Because there were too many Natives and they were more well-organized than their equivalents in what is now the USA and Canada.
interesting, although they did act the same in the philippines and the rest of their colonies
Southerners have hotter blood than Anglos, and thus they like sex more.
And Anglos in US were puritans.
>be an underpaid conquistador who's been sent to for all he knows his death by asshole rulers
>many of his comrades die due to illness
>finally reach land
>see beautiful women
>may never reach home again
>desperation is inevitable
>implying he won't use his chance to live in paradise and reproduce with native women
It's really easy once you get into the mindset of the average conquistador, especially if you're in charge of them and must keep morale high no matter the cost. It would be hard to sway them from their desires.
Portugal had a different behaviour and Italy and Greece were never relevant enough (or did not even exist) to compare, but this was my initial guess together with iberian culture of that much racemixing before Spain became a country
yet it was a behaviour almost excepcional to spanish, especially in the first colonies times
> interesting, although they did act the same in the philippines
The Filipinos were also more populous and organized than the Native Americans, and more importantly 95% weren't killed off by disease.
>Portugal had a different behaviour
Portugal also racemixed as fuck. See Brazil.
It's really just fucking normal to mix. Only neverseethesuns avoid other people like autists.
South and Central america had massive, well organized empires with huge populations.
North America had a few praire niggers scattered over 800.000 miles of nothing.
What are second sons to do there was any vagoos for them in their native lands
nice revisionist history you got there.
Because Anglos brought their women with them so there was no need to worry about reproducing and maintaining a permanent settlement, or giving in to their sexual desires. This is why escaped black slaves brought by Spaniards that later formed independent communities had to intermarry with natives or capture them in wars since female black slaves weren't common. This ensured that their settlements would be permanent. Also some intermarriages were political in nature, to cement ties with the native populations by marrying a nobles daughter.
The natives are cute
Pinoys joined the spanish to fight muslims
It's why Filipinos are honorary whites, since their catholic and part Spaniard.
Because we must fuck every type of woman anywhere in the world and see what comes out.
Why do you think the west sends out ships to sail the 7 sea's since the 15th century?
To fuck woman.
Why else board your aircraft carriers with 2000 horny sailers on a spot near some coast so the entire local population of whores and sluts come out to welcome them can make some money while you leave offspring in the proces simply because le magical exotic white man comes into town.
I'm sorry but it's kind of obvious.
The Portuguese mixed more than the Spanish.
The scale is Portugal > Spain > France > Britain > Belgium.
Belgium being the least with virtually no mixing in the congo.
You forgot the Dutch who had the highest GDP from the 15th to the 17th century, South Africa is literally all Dutch genes, Indonesia got cucked into oblivion, Australia and certain parts of America were as well let alone being the only western country in contact with Japan for nearly 3 centuries.
The border between Nordic / German (Blonde haired) and Southern med / Romans (black haired) literally stretched between halfway through the Netherlands at its peak.
Unlike the Anglos, the Spanish did not engage in genocide and indeed mixed with the local natives. Most of native deaths were due to contact with the European germ pool.
You can't wipe the population of two entire continents with such proportionally smaller forces. As an example, Cortes took Tenochtitlan with 400 Spanish soldiers, 1300 Totonaca and Txacaltec warriors, and 1000 indian porters.
Even North american natives did have treaties with the Spanish, and some of those old documents allowed them to claim their lands back and get them recognized by the USA.
>Underpaid conquistador
Lol. People who went there did it mostly from profit. There were so many oportunities we now have an expresion in Spain, to "make the americas".
say it in spanish
Waifus>dead bodies
>why did Spain try to assimilate
I'm tired of this retarded meme.
It has NOTHING to do with the COLONIZERS
and entirely to do with WHO WAS COLONIZED
Type A - Exploitative Colony
Colonization in regions with large, organized, sedentary empires = Colonizers take over the existing structures, placing themselves at the top.
Examples: British in India, Spanish in Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Central America, Spanish in the Philippines, Dutch in Indonesia
Type B - Settler Colony
Colonization in regions with sparsely populated, native nomadic tribes, where the temperature and soil allows for large scale agriculture = Colonizers wipe out the native tribes and bring over European settlers to build towns and cities from scratch. Massive European immigration later on once the living conditions are good.
Examples: British in Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Spanish in Argentina and Uruguay, Portuguese in South Brazil, Dutch in the Western Cape
Type C: Plantation Colony
Colonization in regions with sparsely populated, native nomadic tribes, where the temperature and soil allows for plantation-style cash crops = Colonizers wipe out the native tribes and bring over slaves (either African or Indian) to work at the plantations. European immigration is limited.
Examples: French in Haiti, British in Guyana, South Africa, Jamaica, Dutch in Suriname, Portuguese in North Brazil, Americans in the Southern US, Spaniards in Cuba, Venezuela
I maintain that the reason that English colonists didn't racemix and/or assimilate the natives was because they were working off of their most recent dealings with foreign populations at that point, the Irish.
Latins do not have the same foresight as Anglos.
pick one
Pretty sure the Spanish had strict racial hierarchies initially. They weren't pro assimilation at all. But when you send a bunch of single ambitious men into a sea of brown bunda race mixing is gonna happen no matter how racist your society is.
In addition to this I think a key difference was Iberian colonies were mercantile whereas anglo colonies were more based on comparative advantage.
In spanish colonies the only point of the colony was to further enrich the European kingdom by extracting valuable raw resources for shipment too the motherland. You'd send an up and coming man to be governer of such and such and his only major goal was to insure a steady flow of gold or sugar or whatever. No problems with using the natives as labor and no Spanish concerns about the economic or societal development of the colonies. This encourages (highly stratified) cohabitation with natives.
The anglo colonies were more set up as crappy imitations of European towns. While they too ultimately were supposed to enrich England via taxes and trade, they could have their own independent local economies. This encouraged anglo colonists to bring over their entire families. They hired Johnny Smith to be the local barrel maker because he's your neighbors boy that needs a job, not "John" Chippewa. This encouraged anglo colonies to be bubble economies completely separate from the natives.
>In spanish colonies the only point of the colony was to further enrich the European kingdom by extracting valuable raw resources for shipment too the motherland. You'd send an up and coming man to be governer of such and such and his only major goal was to insure a steady flow of gold or sugar or whatever. No problems with using the natives as labor and no Spanish concerns about the economic or societal development of the colonies. This encourages (highly stratified) cohabitation with natives.
That's exactly what the British did in India, Malaysia, Guyana, Jamaica, Burma, etc.
>Settler Colony
>bring over European settlers to build towns and cities from scratch
>Massive European immigration later on once the living conditions are good
>Examples: Spanish in Argentina
This was my source, take it to James Belich
Best post ITT.
This is what happened in Eastern Africa and even the Sahel.
Many Negroes actually have Eurasian heritage in the exact same way many Mexicans have Paternal European lineages.
Europeans are sharing their superior genetics with their less privileged neighbors.
The brits settled there while the Spaniards were basically expats
> They weren't pro assimilation
They married to locals from the beginning tho. Cortes had offspring with two mexica woman (and fucked this nahuas woman called the malinche)
The catholic church was hellbent on evangelizing the locals to get more adepts and so more power.
> Iberian colonies were mercantile
They were exploitative. They wanted to extract resources, some of which were not valued by the locals at all, so social unrest was less unlikely.
Hacer las américas (literally "to make the Americas"): It meant to go to the new world in search of new opportunities. Those who succeeded and returned to Europe richer were called "indianos", and they usually built nice homes with the money they made.
Still used nowadays, usually in the context of going to the USA.
>South Africa is literally all Dutch genes
Fuck no.
Large amount of Dutch, Frisian, German, and French Huguenot immigrants,along with minor percentages of other Europeans and indigenous African peoples. Also They split form the Dutch ages ago with a pretty explicit culutral, religious and historical rift.
>implying you wouldn't
Because SA natives are way cuter than north american orcs
I want to FUCK that native
She would be topless in that time though.
But that was later, no? If I recall correctly the most important indianos make their fortune in the XIX century, helping the industrialization of some regions in Spain like Catalunya.
>tfw you don't live anywhere remotely near to the Americas
>tfw you will never have an introverted mexican gf
Most conquistadors were prohibited from bringing women with them
love always finds a way
Almost all bloody white South Africans are blonde, I am one out of the 4 brown haired ones.
Three primary reasons
>How Spanish colonies worked
>Spain had no initial racial views
>Spain wanted to proselytize as many non-Christians as possible
The long version is that Spain effectively wanted to spread feudalism to the new world through the encomienda and repartimento systems which is why conquistadores were all hidalgos (basically non-nobles who are granted noble status through service). Now feudalism only works when you have peasants/laborers under your nobles (hidalgos). You don't have laborers if they're all dead so genocide is right out (and Spain panicked when natives started dying in droves from disease because of the implications it had for this plan). The lack of racial hierarchy (until the Casta system in the 18th century) meant that there needed to be a way to differentiate between "Spanish" and "other." They did this through Christian and Non-Christian. Being the good Catholics they were, Spain took on the job of proselytizing the natives and proselytized natives became Spanish while non-Christians were Indio and Indios were subject to the encomienda while Spaniards were not. This all changes once the encomienda system is abolished and of course altered further when the Casta system is put into place.
Oh and I forgot to mention, breeding with indios was seen as a form of uplift as you were proselytizing the mestizos that came from it while turning them Spanish as well.
Because when Spain started their colonial spree, they were a Monarchy composed of multiple kingdoms from many European nations in the first place. All they ever cared about was
1) You were catholic and
2) You called whoever is King in Spain king.
Boom congrats: you're a Spanish subject.
Spain even made existing nobles in many lands minor Spanish nobility and they continued on as colonial elites.
Even later on when in the 17th and 18th Century they began thinking in terms of race and made caste systems based on them these were useless in the realities of colonial life. A Spanish man from the Iberian Peninsula was "superior" to a half-breed in the colonies, but if you were some peasant from rural Spain and the half-breed a great landowner whose descent includes native nobility, you're superiority counts jackshit.
What are coloureds?
>Spain had no initial racial views
>What is limpieza de sangre
>Even after the debate for the indian rights blacks were still considered subhuman negroids.
>Sevilla went from 25% black to 0% black in less than 10 years through slave selling ,castration and execution
>"The indians must be under the tutellage of the Spanish people"
>No racial issues
Feudalism in 1492 is something a wikipedia reader would say.
Spain respected the native nobility, for many low class spaniards marrying a native princess meant moving up in the social ladder.
This is why daughters of the last aztec king Moctezuma married spanish nobles and their descendants are still part of the spanish royal family. See Dukes of Moctezuma de Tultengo or the Counts of Miravalle.
>White South Africans
I'm currently traveling in Spain and from time to time I see south Americans. They're easy to recognize, not only because they're darker skinned and walk around with a dozen of other members of their family, but also because they're small and shaped like barrels.
And then I wonder why Spaniards racemixed despite this. A significant portion of African women can be attractive, but American natives ? Why ?
>In times of war every hole is a trench.
That is a rough translation of a Colombian saying that refers to a dry spell. Imagine being a Conquistador in a land with only native women that you can rape and take without any consequence.
And what was limpieza de sangre used to discriminate against exactly? Ah right, new christians vs old christians.
You can say whatever you want, Spain was still feudal in 1492.
Because Spain is one of the good guys of history.
Unlike the Anglos, Krauts, Russians who have only brought famine, war, pestilence and BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, it's riders' name America.
The Spaniards which sired them were surplus males that had no prospects anyway due to a gender imbalance. They were doing to the new world what China is doing to Africa- sending their excess males abroad for imperial and mating opportunities.
couldnt resist COLONIZING negresses
Insignificant faction exclusive to New England that got soon outnumbered by standard Anglicans, Presbyterians, etc. By 18th century they were fucking irrelevant but thanks to de Tocqueville dumbasses meme about them to this day.
China is not colonizing Africa. The vast majority of of men return home since they just cone to build infrastructure.
>And what was limpieza de sangre used to discriminate against exactly? Ah right, new christians vs old christians.
Lots of the accusations against converst were just based on physical appearance like big noses or how tanned some people looked.That is why most converts just tried to burn down any information about their family trees
I'm talking about the demographic reasoning for cucking the native pussy.
Chinese men always bring their wives or just stay temporary until the work is over and the Chinese demographic in Africa is minuscule as fuck.
Stop viewing things in a trucking lense you degenerate.
except when they can't because they got infanticided. The one child policy has left China with more males than females.
Wrong continent bud
Compare that to america though, where they're still arguing about Muh race in current year
Actually the gender inbalance in China is not as bad as it seems. Local governments tended to look the other way and allow parents to have a second child when they had a girl rather than make them abort the daughter first. Thus, there are a lot of chinese girls who are technically undocumented.
The Communist party wont admit this occurred because it means all the local governments defied the state en masse which would be a loss of face for them.
Until the 1920s Afrikaans wasn't recognized as an independent language but a dutch dialect, also the dutch were always massively pro-boer. The rift only really came into existence when the whole apartheid system started
the white race cannot be contained
Right now there is a young Kenyan university student longing to be BLEACHED
in the favelas of brazil there is a barmaid struggling to make ends meet hoping to be BLEACHED
Right now in an isolated rural mountain village in Cambodia, a young girl toils in a rice patty, looking forward to the day she is BLEACHED for the first time