The Suez Crisis
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inb4 war of the pig
>Russians send a division of their best air defense pilots to Egypt to free up Egyptian aircraft for combat
>Eventually the Israelis bait 24 MiGs into attacking 16 Israeli jets
>In the course of a 3 minute long battle the Russians loose 5 aircraft and 4 pilots KIA, including the squadron commander, for one Israeli jet damaged
>"The Egyptians themselves reacted with ill-concealed delight at the outcome of the engagement. They had previously suffered intense criticism of their own performance and boasts of superior Soviet skills, when in fact the Soviets had fallen for tactics the Egyptians were already familiar with."
Any Australian here? Come on, the war they lost agaisn't the birds it's a classic.
American History, Battle of Yorktown 1781.
Huge embarrassment for British.
Cornwallis was waiting for Naval support from admiral Clinton.
Clinton Never came.
Funny thing was... Clinton did this twice in two other battles that would have devastated and possibly ended the American Rebellion if the British won.
Americans make most revered British General in the Colonies surrender.
Effectively makes British Rage Quite.
It was the french who did it, not the Americans.
you trying to trigger me or you just not aware of the history behind it?
Yeah French had a strong presence but the battle was won in by the Colonial Flag.
I don't get why when Australians got slaughtered in Gallipolli like ants in a flood a poorly planned hunting expedition is treated like our history's lowest moment.
The British fucked up lots of things. The Boer Wars are also particularly hard. The lengths that they had to go to to bully farmers were ridiculous.
not too familiar with Boer wars. only know little significance of it.
Any specific battles that would make for a good laugh?
4th Crusade
>name is Clinton
>unreliable traitor
Really flim flams my jim jams
Majuba's probably the worst individual battle. It's where it becomes clear that the British Empire was getting old.
It was the french who decided to attack at Yorktown, as Washington wanted to take New York. It was the french Navy that defeated the british. The british surrendered to Rochambeau, not Washington.
learned about this from /k/, the numbers still boggle my mind
>be Commies
>get rekt at Warsaw
>survivors retreat and try to make defensive line to halt the Poles counter attack
>Polacks done playing games, flank around the defensive line
>Russians get absolutely curb stomped
>lose half of your survivors from an already costly battle at Warsaw
>Poles lose 1/10 of their counter attack force
not even shit posting but why is it that its always Russians on the losing end of a battle after having a numerical advantage
>tfw forgot to attach image
The man that's ready to both fuck both Russian garrisons and your wife
AH I see. Yes you're talking about the British Surrendering to the French out of embarrassment... this only furthers my argument. They would simply not surrender to the Americans as Cornwallis would not accept that he was defeated by them. This was the whole staging of the surrender, (the ceremony) the one depicted in art work a lot of times.
Yeah might have been true but in contrary, the negotiations were all handled before the ceremony and the victory was held equal by both the French and the Colonials.
The French Navy did blockade the river, but there was another British fleet coming to break the blockade and provide reinforcements/support. A fleet that never showed, and the same fleet that never showed before in other significant battles.
Also if you're going to try to come back at me, please don't site Wikipedia like these other cucks.
>His motive for occupying the hill remains unclear.
I giggled at that. Nothing like stating poor strategic judgement.
>Colley was in his tent when he was informed of the advancing Boers but took no immediate action until after he had been warned by several subordinates of the seriousness of the attack
also this! dude was probably wackin it in his tent.
The American Armada.