would you want a Team of Navy Seals or a Team of Philosophers with you
a team of philosophers might yeilder a greater overall intellect
would you want a Team of Navy Seals or a Team of Philosophers with you
a team of philosophers might yeilder a greater overall intellect
What can they do? What are their abilities?
are you implying navy seals have the same ability as philosophers?
Not the fucking SEALS.
They are literally Marines on sanctioned steroids and blow. They'd kill you and then cover it up as a tragic accident when they are rescued.
If I were stuck on an island I'd want a cute girl, where the fuck is that option?
The US Navy SEALs are a counterterrorism, underwater demolition, scouting and preparation force. Why would they come rescue you if you were just lost on an island?
SAR is conducted by the Air Force and Coast Guard.
This is a preposterous hypothetical, try again.
Try again.
He said you would be stuck on an island with either one of those two groups of your choice.
Give me a bunch of blonde beauties.
the philosphers simply because the Navy Seal would be too fucking huge and require more of our food supply
SEAL's are probably better equipped to hunt and gather food than philosophers.
That lot will just tell me to desire food less.
>sanctioned steroids and blow
Seriously? SEALS are given amphetamines?
Everyone who might have to push some real long hours in the field is given amphetamines. It's not because they're SEALs, most armies do this.
Amphetamines are a hell of a drug.
Navy SEALs need to pass an IQ test to join.
I want like 3 loyal goons and a bunch of weaklings desu. Maybe have the whole population be females. I'll be the philosopher/Leader.
SEALS are trained to survive near indefinitely in a host of inhospitable conditions, philosophers would eventually start succumbing to nihilist thought and kill themselves when the food begins to run out, so, SEALS.
The SEALs.
t. Ex-SEAL.
You sound awfully mad. You jelly of our deployment beards?
>t. Ex-SEAL.
>Refers to himself as Ex-SEAL.
Guess how I know you're lying.
>implying I didn't fuck up
>are you implying navy seals have the same ability as philosophers?
Are you implying they don't?
Teams guys are philosophers.
They have to meet a minimum mental level to enter Seal training.
They are some of the most intelligent and well read people around.
The mind the greatest weapon and the strongest muscle.
I've heard them refer to themselves as Ex-Teams guys.
>I've heard them refer to themselves as Ex-Teams guys.
The whole ex/former thing is a bit ridiculous. The guys who lost their trident are for sure "ex".
We had to learn so many different jobs, one of my favorites is when the comms guys would come over and we would have a relay race running around with their equipment and setting it up for time.
Def the navy seals. I would learn shit from them. They have advanced medical training. And are incredibly smart.
Not that advanced, just like emergency/survival shit. Used to be that one guy was a corpsman with a trident. Now we have corpsman from like LOGSU that are "special warfare corpsman".
The navy seals can swim me out of the island so i go with that.
Nah, modafinal for top-tier pilots but amphetamines' euphoria clouds judgement and cause troops to take extra risk.
I'll take the Seals. These guys know how to build housing, weapons for hunting, know how to cook, will take turns watching camp... They're basically the Swiss army knives of people.
Philosophers on the other hand would probably really quickly turn into madmen after struggling for a few days. You just wait until one of them goes all hunger games on you in the name of his ascension to a higher state of consciousness or some shit like that.