>received my first paycheck when living alone and supporting myself
Aaaaaand... I have immediately moved to a more right wing and all round bitter position.
>received my first paycheck when living alone and supporting myself
Aaaaaand... I have immediately moved to a more right wing and all round bitter position.
Other urls found in this thread:
Found your problem
Almost certainly your money will go into:
A. isreali arms
B. Saudi arms
C. black peoples drug habits
D. Propaganda for children in schools so not everyone starts questioning it too much
sounds great huh
Welcome friend. Now start reading Milton Friedman and watching Molyneux videos.
Subscriptions to the The United States Government™ don't come cheap
welcome to real life socialism user.
where hard working individuals have to pay for niggers and other useless subhumans gibsmedat, and on top of that for the jewish nwo fuckery too.
Stop. Here's your chance to switch your brain back on and stop transforming into a far right retard.
You can hate brown people and the tax man all you want. But they're not the ones literally stealing your healthcare and burning your birthright to give as many tax breaks as possible to the 1%.
You have more in common with a Muslim Uber driver than you do with a despicable orange shitgibbon hacked into office by Russian tricks.
Geee i wonder who could be behind this post.
Hello shariablue. You will not divide us
>buying the russian hackerz line
But this guy has a point
Look at where you taxes actually go.
Its doesnt matter because all tax is stole and the government are all theives
how come government is eat all of my taxes? Wtff...
My allegiance to President Donald J Trump will never wane.
>mfw my credit is a "well its not bad but youve never borrowed money, goy" number
>dont pay taxes because im self employed and all of my money is laundered through my wife and her property
>sitting on massive capital waiting to buy tracts of land listening to wagies complain
>the whole of silicon valley is behind hillary
>the whole of hollywood is behind hillary
>almost every billionaire is behind hillary
>college-educated (aka the 1%) overwhelmingly vote hillary
>"haha fuck drumpfs lol fuck the 1%"
what did he mean by this
You simply realized that prosperity comes from hard work, not from handouts.
I'm reading about national insurance contributions right now. Pretty much an extra tax except with the added insult of them claiming that it's put in a pot for pensions and healthcare.
How it should be done: individual accounts with mandatory contributions, topped up from general government revenue, unlocked post-retirement-age on an annuity basis, leftovers get passed on to heirs.
How it's actually done: Ponzi scheme lol
Nobody wanted Sanders in there though.
and the muslim uber driver will rant about how the Ghanaian toilet cleaners are making his life worse and tearing society apart... It's the only way to feel some semblance of power when you're stuck in a system that works directly against you. Look at the pathetic head-in-sand replies to this post for more examples
You lazy communists are on the wrong board.
I pay almost 1.4k in taxes including Medicare and social Security, but my gf is on Medicaid and had a lot of stuff done for free, so it kinda paid off in a weird way.
Per month*
you're in the land of the neet-speculator yet still buy into bootstraps/work-ethic memery?
Fun fact: Molyneux has over a million BTC from d'nations.
Yeah I was shocked at how much comes out of my paycheck.
Personally I think it's a two fold issue, I'd remove so much social welfare and safety nets (social security, for example, is just a Ponzi scheme, but it's the government's, so you have to play along) and military. Seriously, we should just walk away from world conflicts and slice our military budget in half. Let Korea finally hash it out. Let the Middle East burn everything down (we have plenty of oil with Canada supplementing anyway). Let Europe and Russia bomb each other, they do it every century anyway.
We would be king of the hill with china a far second if we became more isolationist. But those lobbyists from Boeing and LM sure make it harder.
What do you think identifying the right pump and dumps takes? Work.
Can anyone else do it for you? Fuck no, gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
military is a good thing to have DESU, and china is not your ally, u dumb americuck
the biggest problem wellfare leeches, but that can be fixed easily by throwing all jobless non-whites out of the country
> Believing that Hillary wasn't at all times wearing the tail plug the 1% gave her...
Can you be this naive? Only Cornell West is on the right side of this argument. They are both fucking horrible.
t. Already early voted for Sanders/Warren 2020
That old fuck won't be around in 2020, let alone 2024 if he were to get elected.
The world is partially run by corporate millitary psychopaths
is this a surprise to you ?
You know the top 1% is almost 40 percent jewish. This post is highly anti Semitic and should be deleted.
>Stop forming your own opinions and think like me instead
Yep, same situation OP. Except I'm self employed and I looked into doing everything by IRS standards and then promptly voted for Trump.
Those who work are punished, those who don't are rewarded. I don't work so some nigger or spic can get free gibsmedats.
I lied on how much I earned through being self employed, hell my accountant pretty much told me to. wink wink.
nice bait
You use roads that are maintained by a government. Not all taxes go towards nothing. If you use those roads to go to work to earn money, you have to pay the tax.
I do agree that the government abuses it's powers and pretty much fucks over hard working people though.
Murder your family so they don't make any more disgusting commies and then murder yourself.
>muh roads
when will this meme die?
why not just walk there
What memes? You dumb faggot I'm at work looking at a government contract for road repair right across the street.
I forgot that NEETs don't even drive.
u're just a complete, utter moron fellow user.
without muh goberment the roads would be build by people who use and need them - land owner, private companys, house owner.
exactly the same people building muh roads now, where government fails to so.
fuckin retard.
dumping some more nice muh road meme pictures for you, since i have the impression you are not moms brightest light in the chandelier.
Yup, welcome to the real world user. Just dont let it get u down. Be sure amd put your fucking foot on all the leftist cucks u can. There is an escape if you learn to invest now and change everything u know about money.
Not only will life not give u free shit. Bit it will try and hold you under water every fucking time u see the bank.
Welcome to the RIGHT side op
100% truth
Basement gimmedat detected
In fact. Fuckit.
Nevar 4get
>mfw anontard games the system amd gets prison assraped for cheating uncle sam out of his stolen tax monies
fight fascism
but i need muh roads from muh gobernment
I pay over 50k a year in taxes.
U welfare cucks are about to be cutoff.
muh goberment contract for road repair
>mfw Veeky Forumsnessmen will get so rich from virtual coins that we can crowdfund an ancap island nation just so we don't have to figure out how to pay taxes on our crypto gains
U had me at jobless.
Mutherfuckers work, find another way to contribute, or get the fuck out
plz mister gobernment, gimme muh roads!
Thank fuck
Yap. Fix the roads. Obama doesnt need 89 bajillion dollars for vacations and social programs need fucking gone. Fend fir yourself or dont be a faggot so your family will help u. Otherwise die.
you actually think people will pull together and operate like this at a national scale? you have more faith in humanity than most socialists
>Voluntarily interacting individuals
Hahaha retarded libertarians actually believe this? They need to learn a thing or two about human mentality and nature.
Mfw i make and maintain dirt roads for a living.
Go away scam mod cuck. I see u
only roads will know peace from this rustling.
Schools, roads and bridges are not funded by income taxes at all. Property taxes fund schools; roads and bridges are funded by gas taxes; airports, sewer and water systems are funded by user fees.
A gigantic portion of income taxes goes straight to paying interest on the national debt. Which is owned by Federal Reserve jews who just created the money to loan us out of nothing.
Yeah some company is going to voluntarily build free roads for everybody :) And you won't have to pay a dime for it like with those government thieves!
Ok how about this, get rid of all taxes and start a "kickstarter" crowdfunding project for all the roads. Which one do you think will be more efficient?
Nah, just faith in white people.
Literally no one is proposing that. Fucking kill yourself.
This can't be real. You're mad that you have to pay taxes when it's a federal law, but think that you'll voluntarily pay money when there's no obligation to? Fucking hilarious.
Let's be honest, the both of you are greedy fucks and wouldn't spend a dime for the goodness of society or someone else, so let's not bullshit with the "have faith in us!". The people that actually have faith in each other already have socialism and gladly pay for each other.
we won't even need a company! everybody will link arms and build roads for their communities together! then provided our density of vegetarians is low enough McDonalds will build us a McHighWay and we'll be connected to the McMap!
astonishing how far the gobernment brainwashing has gone.
roads are build by road building companys.
why would this road companys stop building roads when the gobernment cease to exist?
wouldn't it be more logical that they proceed to build and maintain roads, like they ever did and get payed for their work by people who actually use this roads?
Like any other private business - private citizen interaction since ever?
Enjoy being a cuck and bend over when the state comes to fuck you balls deep.
Full disclosure, I'm enjoying your road picture posts. Do continue.
voluntarism is the future of human civilization once the low IQ subhumans get weeded out. it might take a century or so, but it'll happen
Yeah I would voluntarily pay money for roads. Just like I voluntarily paid money for my car or voluntarily paid money for gasoline.
Then what are you proposing you dumbfuck? Who's gonna fund all the roads, the police officers, the firefighters, etc?
This really can't be real. This whole "everybody will link arms" business also sounds very communist-y.
>by people who actually use this roads?
Tolls on every road? Lol sounds nice. So what, it's a per-use fee or overall subscription allowing to use the road fee? Do we get the same thing for cops and firefighters? Everybody uses roads, not just "some" people.
And let's say that the roads become economically unprofitable since there is very little traffic in some areas and the companies decide to give up, what then lol? Nobody to maintain those roads and cutting access to other areas of your countries? It's really a retarded idea, you gotta be more precise.
plz user just kill yourself. it hurts how cucked u are.
people who need roads will build roads or pay private companys to build roads.
whats so magical and unreal about this concept?
or is just too complicated to wrap your head around this simple idea of voluntarily paying for stuff u want/need?
I can't stand you uneducated /pol/ retards.
Your check isn't going to MUH jobless and MUH welfare like you fucking think it is. It's barely even a noticeable percentage if you consider where the fuck your taxes are actually/realistically going, you ignorant fucks.
Welfare/Food Stamps/Benefits for the poor/homeless/destitute make up approximately 5-12% of the taxes taken out of your check. The rest actually go to the State in the form of infrastructure, state reps, etc. This is why it's so important to choose your senators/representatives carefully because you are literally, LITERALLY, paying them to serve your fucking interests. You HIRE them; they work FOR you. This is why voting in districts/communities actually matter a fuckton. Your taxes also pay the salaries of those lazy fucking people who work at government agencies. Finally, healthcare insurance + social security/SSH.
Stop blaming the welfare office or 'MUH NIGGERS' for your lack of cash the government takes. The Republicans consistently push this narrative and they do so explicitly, but if you look at the actual math, it's just fucking nothing.
If you're losing $150 bucks in taxes per check, only about 5 bucks of that is going to the welfare mama with 6 kids. But you guys are going to bitch about that welfare mama with 6 kids, not the $145 that's being spent on salaries of government employees that wipe their ass with your tears and the sweat of your brow.
t. GS Analyst.
It's different, you pay for your gas and car for yourself, it's a transaction for yourself. When it's crowdfunding, that's not the case. You could pay or not pay, and if the goal is ever met you will use the roads regardless.
Nobody is gonna pay voluntarily to build roads.
>pay private companys to build roads.
See my earlier comment. What's it gonna be, a crowd-funded project? A monthly/yearly subscription to certain roads? A per-use toll fee? I would like to understand where you're coming from but you're gonna have to elaborate more.
>>received my first paycheck when living alone and supporting myself
>Aaaaaand... I have immediately moved to a more right wing and all round bitter position.
Welcome to the real world, my friend.
Too bad it will be decades before all the Liberals move out of their parents basements and have to start supporting themselves.
I used to be a self entitled, know-it-all liberal in college also... but in my 20 years working, I've realized all my priorities and responsibilities actually align with the Republitards... and then we get Trump and now I'm partyless again... lol
Fuck off with your free market bullshit, we need government intervention, because like you can clearly see in the cryptocurrency market for example, without government rules everyone is a fucking jew and everyone will try to rip eachother off
>and then we get Trump and now I'm partyless again... lol
Well Trump just did many tax breaks for the top 1%, resulting in them saving up hundreds of billions of dollars. I wonder who's gonna pay for that :)
>I used to be a self entitled, know-it-all liberal in college also... but in my 20 years working, I've realized all my priorities and responsibilities actually align with the Republitards... and then we get Trump and now I'm partyless again... lol
This is what you get for getting rid of Bernie and leaving the election between fucking Hillary & Trump.
I'd like to see you and your friend build and mantain a PROPER road fag. Yeah, it's harder and more time consuming than you think asshat.
No, it won't. Fucking retard.
Veeky Forums is full of fucking morons, I swear to God. I can't believe some of you can breathe.
Even if you suddenly breed out the 'low IQ' people, the IQ scale will be fucking reset by definition. Suddenly, people who were 100 IQ in this scale will become 85 IQ level, according to the newly revamped scale; those of 120 IQ will be located in the 100 IQ level roughly. In another 50 years, another retard will spout "we gotta get rid of the low IQ subhumans!" and the IQ scale will be reset..again.
Our IQs have steadily rose since the fucking 1800s. This isn't even statistically debatable; it is a fact.
Like think about what you're saying here. For once in your life, do some fucking research.
>5-13% go to welfare
>only 5$ of 150$ go to welfare (3%)
good one, GS analyst kek
You're a fucking moron. Your representatives don't make up nearly any portion of the budget. How about you look how much social security and Medicare and other entitlements make up the budget. Totally uneducated stupid opinion. Go fuck yourself.
No when people get a lot of money they won't spend it on building roads, they will spend it on yachts and lambos, just look at the average mouthbreather on this board
>I used to be a self entitled, know-it-all liberal in college also... but in my 20 years working, I've realized all my priorities and responsibilities actually align with the Republitards... and then we get Trump and now I'm partyless again... lol
History always repeats itself.
Hippies & flower children eventually grew up and matured into the cutthroat wall street sharks and Tech tycoons.
SJWs and Liberals will eventually grow up, and be productive as well... but not until mommy & daddy stops paying the bills & they're forced to be self sufficient.
>Tolls on every road? Lol sounds nice. So what, it's a per-use fee or overall subscription allowing to use the road fee? Do we get the same thing for cops and firefighters? Everybody uses roads, not just "some" people.
>And let's say that the roads become economically unprofitable since there is very little traffic in some areas and the companies decide to give up, what then lol? Nobody to maintain those roads and cutting access to other areas of your countries? It's really a retarded idea, you gotta be more precise.
Whats so complicated about this concept?
People in rural areas where hardly anybody lives use to build their roads themselves.
Roads between citys, villages, shopping malls, you name it... are already here, build by taxation (read theft) in a very wasteful manner, like everything the gobernment touches.
The companys who build them would maintain them, like they the do now and they would be payed to do so, like the are being payed now.
the only difference would be, that there would be now (very, very) expensive state bureaucracy in between.
Further there are enough examples around the world were people build roads between their communitys without government interaction.
Maybe u would recognize that, if you start to pull your head out your ass.
Das rite!
Welfare Niggers aint NEVA had it so good, like they did under Obama.
It was an exaggeration, retard.
Where do you think the money comes from, you fucking idiot? It's indirect, but the tax payer still foots the bill. Do you think it's just generated?
Fucking idiot.
You are right on one thing.
Niggers sure do love free shit from Obama!
>Further there are enough examples around the world were people build roads between their communitys without government interaction.
mud roads don't count
>Niggers sure do love free shit from Obama!
Give me my free food!
>Our IQs have steadily rose since the fucking 1800s. This isn't even statistically debatable; it is a fact.
thanks for assisting my point
you don't sound like much of a Veeky Forumsnessman. obviously entrepreneurial types would build roads for people to use, and they would see a return on their investment in the form of tolls
Looks like *some* of you blacks did pretty well under Obama...
Food stamp usage increasing by 58%?
Well done, Obama. Well done. :golfclap:
Yeah, except you're missing the point.
We're talking about the amount those leeches get, not how many of them. Idiot.
Whites and Jews actually make up a disproportionate amount of welfare, but that's not discussed.
While it's true that blacks/hispanics far out-number whites insofar as their percentages, whites exceed the total amount of those in actual poverty if we're looking at the RAW figures/numbers.
Jews also are known to take an extraordinary amount of welfare and are known as welfare fraud experts. Every year, there's some shit in the news about Jews doing welfare fraud or scamming people in actual need.
Nah humans can't be trusted to do that. We're greedy animals by nature, the only way to make us give up something for others is by having a strong authority or leader forcing us to do it, which is socialism or communism if extreme.
The only countries where you'll see people pay a big portion of their checks for their co-citizens and not go apeshit over it are all the advanced white socialist countries like Scandinavia, Canada and Australia.
>People in rural areas where hardly anybody lives use to build their roads themselves.
It ain't cheap bro. The local community will have to put a heavy tax on each member in order to fund it and maintain it.
>like they the do now and they would be payed to do so, like the are being payed now.
Who gonna pay? Not me for sure. How are people gonna pay? It's gonna go back to being some form of taxes or another. And what about poor people with shitty cars? They gotta pay same heavy price as others since maintaining roads aint cheap?
>if you start to pull your head out your ass.
I am giving you a chance to explain yourself but you're only giving simple ideas.
Ooops... Facts!