What the hell actually happened in Waco?
What the hell actually happened in Waco?
oh fuggg those religious wackos have too many guns better burn them down without making any effort to detain the leader peacefully also lets bring out a tank for some dank photoshoots.
Ask /k/
Pedowood Pizzagate says Koresh was collecting and harboring run-a-ways from the elite sex slavery trafficking syndicate which is why he had to go.
they also played death metal and shit REALLY FUCKING LOUD for days to keep them awake
I have no idea why the atf handled the stand off so badly, I guess they just expected them to give up quickly but..
>Four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians killed in initial raid, followed by an additional 76 members killed in the ensuing raid
also pretty much everyone who has investigated it agrees that the branch davidians started the fire after pouring gasoline in the hallways
This is one of Jon Ronson ( A brit's) 4 films on "secret rulers of the world). While it mostly focuses on Ruby Ridge it;s a great lead into Waco, Trust me, one of bet thing have ever seen on YT. I think he has a Waco one too, ut the RR isa must watch to understand what was happening in the country at the time:
pretty much this. Police dick measuring that got out of hand. They had all these toys they wanted to use and LARP like they were in Desert Storm or something. All cops should look at something like that and say "holy fuck, lets make sure we never do something like that."
Cool, found it, This is the John Ronson film on Waco. It's really weird stuff. As it turns out, McVeigh was involved with the son of a very powerful Austrian diplomat, a lot of strange stuff. Ronson at least gives the person he's doing a show on a chance to speak his mind. In 6 shows on "secret Roles of the World," take a wild guess as to who the person believes is ruling the world:
>very powerful Austrian diplomat
>elite sex slavery trafficking syndicate
Just the usual suspects then.
>yeah bro if you don't like modern society and capitalism just go live in a compound innawoods nothing is stopping you
An absolute clusterfuck of litterally epic proportions.
>Cooky cult breaks off from a semi cooky cult and sets up a compound as they believe the government is run by Satan and will soon try to exterminate them
>Sell guns and other shit to make money
>ATF thinks the Davidians have illegal machineguns and explosives in their compound
>Rolling up in a massive convoy of soft skinned vehicles, most of the the agents own
>get lost and ask a random guy for directions. Random, guy turns out to be a Davidian who tells the others the government is coming.
>ATF arrive and immediately shoot the Davidians dogs as they get into position
>Either they roll in and start shooting at the Davidians or the Davidians hear the dogs and start shooting at the ATF
>one of the elite ATF assault ninjas shoots himself in the leg climbing a ladder
>VERY suspicious footage emerges of another ATF agent throwing a grenade of some kind into a window, seconds after 2 of his colleagues have just climbed through. He then starts firing indiscriminately through the window. The 2 agents in the room were killed.
>ATF agents at the front door get BTFO, general retreat called
>FBI takes over and it becomes a siege
>Despised leader of the Davidians slithers out and starts claiming the new leader is a wierdo who has sex with kids and also makes drugs
>Sniper who shot a woman holding a baby litterally months earlier is sent there, after the disaster he claims the shell casings in his position were like that when he got there
>to help the women and children escape the government starts smashing up the compound with a tank while pumping in gas
>the compound burns down either due to a spilled lantern, government flame thrower or deliberately by the Davidians, noone really knows
That's the general gist of it.
The US government murdered a Christian cult.
Forgot to include, the one and only time there had been trouble at the compound prior to the raid, was the same deposed leader turning up with his dug up mothers corpse and demanding the new leader bring her back to life to prove his divinity, before getting into a gunfight.
It's the same incident Koresh is referring to in the "I'm God" clip that was played over and over and over.
Have any of the Davidian kids ever said they were raped? Immediately afterwards that is, not after 20 years of everyone insisting to them that they were?
Fun fact: David Koresh was an AOR musician. Songs from his demo circulated in various forms, all of shit-fi quality. This is perhaps Koresh's most well known song whose lyrics refer to George Roden, the despised official leader of the Branch Davidians.
The kids died in the fire.
Koresh was polygamously marrying 16 year old girls. AoC in Texas.
>guy starts cult to monopolize on pussy
white people need to be stopped
Fuck off CF
Huh, that was really fair.
They didn't follow the 25 year rule.
David Koresh was stockpiling explosives and having sex with children. When the ATF raided them, there was a firefight, which led to a siege. The siege ended when Koresh burned down the compound, killing everybody.
Law enforcement technically didn't do anything wrong. However, the fact that it went so badly prompted them to modify their procedures substantially. Compare with the Maher wildlife refuge standoff, where the feds just hung back and waited for the tantrum to be over.
>Sniper who shot a woman holding a baby litterally months earlier is sent there
that incident was way more fucked up than the waco siege
Imagine how cold blooded that fucking dude was
Imagine how cold blooded his superiors were
I thought several of them were let out half way through?
He alleges he was aiming for her husband who was running inside. The fact that he is apparently considered compentent enough to get a job with the government, but apparently doent understand basic firearms safety of always be certain of what you are aiming at and what is behind your target, is interesting.
Ruby Ridge is also where the kid was gunned down as he was running away, after he had shot the agent who had burst out of nowhere and shot his dog.
>they believe the government is run by Satan and will soon try to exterminate them
Sounds like they were onto something.
It is part of what made it such an absolute shitfuck of a mess.
"Hey Bill, these wierdo cultists think we're out to get them. What should we do?"
"Get like a hundred guys, dress them as ninjas and have them storm the place unannounced, guns blazing. That should do the trick!"
>>one of the elite ATF assault ninjas shoots himself in the leg climbing a ladder
>>VERY suspicious footage emerges of another ATF agent throwing a grenade of some kind into a window, seconds after 2 of his colleagues have just climbed through. He then starts firing indiscriminately through the window. The 2 agents in the room were killed.
Those idiots.
Reminder that McVeigh was hero and we should all strive to emulate his example.
>Expecting ATF to be competant
Their partner agencies all fucking hate them.
I thought the tear gas they pumped into the compound was flammable.
The two agents killed in that room were both former bodyguards for Clinton too.
also, this apparently happened to an agent exiting the arms room
>As he made his escape, he hit his head on a wooden support beam and fell off the roof, but survived
CS gas isn't flammable. The specific compound they used as a propellant (dichloromethane) is volatile, but in chemical terms, that just means it turns to gas easily, not that it is combustible.
>also pretty much (((everyone))) who has (((investigated))) it agrees that the branch davidians started the fire after pouring gasoline in the hallways
>The two agents killed in that room were both former bodyguards for Clinton too
Oh gee that's not suspicious at all.
I just wanna say that this board is the fucking best. Its like /pol/ but without all the edgy alt right memers. If you posted this thread on /pol/ everyone would be praising the feds and saying BASED ATF.
>If you posted this thread on /pol/ everyone would be praising the feds and saying BASED ATF.
If anything they would want to join the cult and die fighting against the feds, we are just looking at this objectively.
/pol/ would be raging against the ATF and FBI for infringing on a man's freedom to run guns and fuck lolis
>hate that government indiscriminately killed people, including children
>respond by indiscriminately killing people, including children
You say that but /pol/ leaks over here all the time. Thankfully seems better atm than it has been lately.
>If you posted this thread on /pol/ everyone would be praising the feds and saying BASED ATF.
no they wouldnt you stupid newfag. you clearly have never been to /pol/
The Holy Spirit consumed some deviant heretics
He was a crackpot. He used the most counterproductive possible mean to achieve an end. It was bloody obvious that any huge terror act would result in sudden growth of law enforcement's power in order to prevent such things in the future. And now you have it - no other attacks by right-wing weirdos happened and the whole militia movement is one big honeypot to weed out the crazy guys.
He claimed that he didnt know there were kids in the building and if he had, he would have gone with his original plan which was to go around and shoot the agents involved one by one.
digits check out
>omg they're carrying scary black guns
>omg they're walking down the street in America armed up like they're in Iraq, pointing loaded guns at American citizens
It was an accidental tragedy.
>David Koresh was stockpiling explosives and having sex with children. When the ATF raided them, there was a firefight, which led to a siege. The siege ended when Koresh burned down the compound, killing everybody.
Bluepilled as fuck.
>yeah bro, the fires accidentally started in three different places at once with like a hundred video cameras rolling
To be fair, you could take a bunch of Unitarians and they'd probably be setting themselves on fire too after the ATF gave them the full end of the world treatment.
Ever been to St. Louis or Chicago? Shit is actually more dangerous than Iraq.
Does anyone have the infrared footage of the corpse disabling the tank by getting caught in its tread?
Straight off the mainstream media
>the same three places where the government had just shot tear gas canisters previously known to ignite fires
>and systematically smashed through the walls with tanks to aerate the interior by the four winds and deliberately punctured large fuel storage tanks
Ever been camping? The government built a camp fire and lit it. It's called "smoking them out." They then shot most of the people trying to escape. The only people who managed to escape did so on the side of the building that TV network cameras could see.
The authorities tend to come down pretty hard on people who shoot officers, regardless of circumstances.
I live in St. Louis and it literally isn't, even in the shittier neighborhoods.
A bunch of people got fucked.The End.
>Baghdad murder rate - 48
>East St. Louis murder rate - 101.8
>What the hell actually happened in Waco?
Bog standard cult mass suicide.
It literally is, by every objective metric
You're retarded
Whacky cultist guntards got to do the "how do you like your steak?" meme. Gubmint supplied the ketchup.
See I have no idea how but many American urbanites have been conditioned into thinking they live in a safe, first world habitat oblivious to the fact it's worse than literal war zones. I mean it's just objective facts, you have a larger chance getting shot in St. Louis than you have in Baghdad.
DESU if you avoid nigger neighborhoods it's all good
Shit's like walking into the Congo
kill yourself
Most american urbanites do not live in St. Louis.
That's like saying if you avoid the [insert the most violent parts of Baghdad] then you're safe.
But they do live in New Orleans, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Miami, Houston and other violent shitholes.
>da gubmint IS EVIL!!!!!!
>angsty loner permavirgin tries to highlight this by bombing a daycare centre
Wow, he sure showed who the bad guys were didn''t he
Yeah. It really lines up with the idea that they knew about government pedophile rings and were taken out. Way too many coincidences.
The ATF is notorious for absolute incompetence. EVERYONE who owns a gun and knows what the ATF is fucking hates them. Cops, soldiers. joe schmoe, and Elmer fudd all agree on one thing:
fuck the atf.
Rachel Weaver is cute CUTE!
"We need money for hookers and blow, and infringing the rights of US citizens is our job."
"Hmm, these religious folks have lots of guns, let's just kill them all and burn them down, women and children too, right after we shot that pregnant lady and those dogs less than a year ago."
"Sounds good"
>If you posted this thread on /pol/ everyone would be praising the feds and saying BASED ATF.
Wrong. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
His grudge against the government for their actions at Waco and Ruby Ridge was fine. But he's a fucking retard for blowing up a bunch of children.
Have you ever been to /pol/?
>Implying Koresh would even go peacefully
There's a reason we don't try to reason with religious extremists.
Back to your containment.
A lot of the posts are /pol/-tier.
the nigga took weekly trips to town for groceries.
Well if you want to complain about the government being incompetent, then you have to label this guy as incompetent too. Don't want to hurt women and children while shooting? Check your target before shooting. Don't want to hurt women and children with a powerful bomb? Check your target beforehand.