ETH is high. BTC is low.
Should I turn my ETH into BTC or is that stupid?
ETH is high. BTC is low.
Should I turn my ETH into BTC or is that stupid?
nobody really knows
best thing to do is diversifity and hold long term
Dont touch that eth
i dont want you coming back in a week posting sad frogs when eth hits 350$+ and btc tanked, ive seen too many weak hands
if you want in on cheap btc, buyt it with fiat or some other altcoin, your ETH deserves a cold storage wallet
>crippled fight
sorry, total noob here.
what is the advantage of using for example a myetherwallet on USB over having it in a coinbase exchange account?
What if coinbase is down for maintenance? You wouldn't be able to use your coinbase wallet if their site is down
Coinbase goes down you're fucked. Google Mt Gox
noted, transferring when the money I sent to coinbase yesterday arrives there.
thanks for the info
I should've read more before throwing all my spare money in this. luckily I'm poor and it's not much.
I had weak hands...
>bought $165 btc/ltc/eth on coinbase
>eventually switched all the eth at the $200 mark
>sold at $230
>cashed out $157
>made back most of the fees they charge for everything ($1 per every $25 you buy/sell)
>but made no profit at all
Coinbase sucks..they charge for every little thing. Unless you're holding long-term there's no point in buying from them.
Coinbase and other exchanges treat crypto like a casino. I hope they all get banned.
ETH WILL correct, and the result will be money flowing back to BTC, rising it's price.
Depends how much you have. I took about 25 ETH and put it in BTC but that was because my portfolio was ETH heavy.
In August when BTC fixes itself who knows what will happen to the price.
>trading in coinbase
Are you retarded or merely pretending
I buy in coinbase... transfer to polo or wallet. Trade/hold. Plan on cashing out w/ coinbase. Their fees will suck balls but it's an easy way to get back to fiat.
ETH is crashing wat do???
There isn't any good resources for newbies telling them what to do. Now I know I need to find another site to trade on...
It doesn't make sense to me why there isn't an all-in-one place to do such things. It's more complicated than it needs to be.
>We received report that OKCoin (CN site) resumed withdraws! W/d limit based on vip level, starting from 10BTC/200LTC/1000ETH daily
hold? I dunno
I wouldn't buy until it's $210 or under
>Unable to locate Transaction entry
fucking chink jews stalling my lambo mission
If all the goys were well educated, it would make my shekel gathering much harder. Oy vey!
This shouldn't even be a question at ETH:BTC 0.100. It dipped down to 0.068 during the bear trap.
If you put money into coinbase you can use gdax. No transaction costs until you actually cash it all out.
fuck giving them my ID tho
Gdax doesn't think my address is real, fuckers
coinbase is having issues now with ethereum
I wanted to buy at 700$ but no found no legit way to buy it as an eurocuck.
I'm trying to do that but it keeps saying...
Former occupation missing
I'm unemployed and don't have a former occupation.
So if I purchase ETH directly on coinbase only to hold and eventually send them to my hardware wallet, will I have additionnal fees? (excluding the 3.75% for the purchase of said ETH)
Good observation user. ETH will drop and money is currently being transfered to BTC and Fiat punto
You have to pay the (((network fee))).
they charge 1.49% - 3.99% for every buy/sell you do
if you move to a hardware wallet there is no additional fees until you want to send it back to coinbase
Why would I want to buy a hardware wallet over just printing a paper wallet and keeping it in a safe?
srry for the noob question
Oh I found something, I think they cover the network fees only if you're sending from coinbase and not if you're adding in.
"Miner Fees
The bitcoin network requires a small fee (usually 0.0005 to 0.0001 BTC) to ensure payments arrive quickly. When a customer pays from a Coinbase wallet, we pay this fee on the customer’s behalf so they don’t need to include it."
This is what I have suspected as well. What if the current ETH boom is just a way to grab BTC from weak hands?
What about OKCoin dissing the BTC, you think they're on it too ?
Fore sure. Whales = billionaires + developers + miners + exchanges. If more than half of them are agreeing on something, always suspect a shekeling.
Not right now. People are buying into ETH as it pumps for all the chillcoin ICOs coming out in the next few weeks. Price will continue to rise until at least the Bancor ICO completes.
Just ride the ETH wave until Bancor ICO is finished, then sell for BTC or tether or whatever you want.
you can do the same
some prefer a hardware wallet
ETH/BTC will be at .075 within 2 days screenshot this.
where else can I cash out with less bs fees like coinbase? not that I want to cash out now.
When is Bancor ICO? Sorry couldn't find it anywhere on their page
Cointelegraph says it started yesterday, and ends June 29.
They delayed it, I think it's soon though
How the fuck should I do this shit with Coinbase's high fees?
I just got my bank account verified on Coinbase and then I see this thread.
Would the best way to do this be buy it on Coinbase, send to my wallet, then switch it over to Bittrex and only send back to Coinbase when I want to cash out?
>and I'm freeeeeee
do you think they'll notice because ETH:USD is barely tanking?
Use Gemini, not Coinbase. Coinbase is also probably going to dump everything to the IRS.
if you wanna buy eth you better buy now
theres a pretty good dip going, well there was
I buy on coinbase, send to polo to trade, send some to wallet for hodl and some to coinbase to cash out. Probably not the most efficient but it's easy.
coinbase takes 5-14 days to put money in from your bank account...
using your visa/debit card incurs a 3.99% fee
Hasn't been announced yet. Check out tokenmarket to see all etherium-based projects and how far they've come.
ETH/BTC will be 0.2 by end of week
Check em