>tfw be lifetime avid fan of iraqi/Mesopotamian history
>even have relatives named sargon
>mfw my favourite historical figure is ruined by some shitty youtube meme
Tfw be lifetime avid fan of iraqi/Mesopotamian history
Other urls found in this thread:
mfw my favorite meme is ruined by some shitty historical figure.
Feels bad man
>seen two his videos and absolutely despise him
>he gets nonstop posted in my recomended videos
I feel ashamed
Anyone know why he does that autistic fake laugh?
I had a "friend" that liked this guy. His only form of argument was mentioning the logical fallacy from the last video he watched, and could never explain why it actually applied. He considered himself an autodidact genius despite literally being a fat, middle school dropout, MRA, militant atheist, white nationalist juggalo that kept actual piss bottles in his room.
I have no fucking clue of what you are talking about, what shitty meme?
Youtube atheist/opinion-rant-guy named Sargon of Akkad. Rose in popularity during 2014-2015 during /v/ scandal number 5945 to share his rational opinions on politics.
>tfw a bunch of internet losers take on personas of ancient great figures to give an illusion of significance/knowledge when it is actually a vain show of their own arrogance.
Everyone says they hate Sargon, and yet he has like consistently 300k views on his videos.
At least someone on Veeky Forums is lying.
It's probably /pol/.
Hey at the very least maybe some people will be introduced to and interested by mesopotamian history thanks to that shitty yt channel
Veeky Forums was how he gained an initial following
>Ha! look at those Ess Jay Double Yoos and how triggered they are they can't get out of their space or they'll cry
>What? This is ILLIBERAL
How does he justify these two things again?
He meant that he believes that Veeky Forums is one of his main viewergroups yet the majority of people on this site claim they dislike him for varous reasons.
You just wanted to shitpost about Sargon from YT, I doubt you really give a fuck about real Sargon or ancient mesopotamia
>he gets nonstop posted in my recomended videos
I used to watch his videos during the GG debacle, and for a short while I susbscribed to him. Worst error on my YT life. After I get bored of his strawman fearmongering, I unsusbscribe, delete my YT history and cookies, and yet he kept appearing in my recommendations for at least a year. Sargon is literal Youtube cancer.
>yet he kept appearing in my recommendations
I hate YT recommendation system? Watch one video of a subject you don't care about or only clicked on because of sensationalism? Get recommended terrible videos about it for a month.
What did he even call himself Sargon?
I'm pretty sure he's more into Roman and Greek history.
Whats wrong with Sargon? Seriously? I dont really watch any of his shit, but its not like hes wrong. The only problem I have with him is he goes after low hanging fruit all the time and makes like 30 min videos about a topic that can be discussed in 5 min, but its not like hes wrong.
>Rants for a year about how cruel and evil le cultural marxists were against poor little conservatives for calling for censorship
>Petition to: UNIVERSITIES
This man is dangerous in the sense that his followers consider his opinions valid, while at the same time distorting history and the perception of humanities to fit a reactionary narrative.
>have with him is he goes after low hanging fruit all the time
That's what makes him so shitty.
Pointing at a retard and laughing at all the retarded shit they say is completely worthless as content. It's pure masturbation for people who happen to agree with the video maker.
>we value freedom of speech, therefore, people trying to surpress freedom of speech should be stopped
how is this hypocritical?
This. It's the issue with a lot of young conservative media. And, I mean, I like a good wank, every now and then, but it's not really high quality content.
His defense of this petition when people call him out on it is hilarious
>but its not like hes wrong
The man barely knows anything about humanities, yet he can't stop himself from trying to retort every vaguely leftist argument he finds in his feed with an hour long rant.
He also supported Davis Aurini, even though his followers advised him not to get around him.
This just shows that he doesn't know shit about humanities. Papers on sociology are peer review with as much scrutiny or more than STEM ones. Phillip Moriarty (an actual academic and scientist) did a video on the problem of peer reviews on STEM and humanities, but sadly he deleted his channel for some reason.
>people try to "suppress" freedom of speech in a private setting
>in an environment that you can opt out of at any time
>in a private contract
>The man barely knows anything about humanities
What is there to know other than what a bowl of shit it is thanks to cultural marxism? Jordan Peterson and maybe Steve Pinker are the only ones I know of that have addressed this issue, but leftist have a shit fit about them as well.
what is so hard about just telling youtube you're not interested?
>you don't know anything about x
>what is there to know?
This is nigh the worst fucking line of reasoning possible.
>>people try to "suppress" freedom of speech in a private setting
why are leftist hypocrites so selective with this concept? A private business cant refuse to bake a gay wedding cake, but a university is allowed to install a leftist propaganda system that bans any resistance to it? It also speaks volumes of the shittyness of ANY ideology if one of its concepts is "YEAH, BUT YOU CANT CRITICIZE IT AT ALL!"
>>in an environment that you can opt out of at any time
Why should people be forced to leave a university or denied a degree if they dont comply with some rigged and retarded CM mode of thinking?
Literally not an argument.
Humanities have become an original sin religious indoctrination safe space. No body respects it because it deserves none. You cant honestly get angry at the whole world for laughing at you, especially when you are an intellectual coward who takes themselves too seriously and has to threaten to livelyhood of anyone who points out your ridiculous nature.
We're not talking about wedding cakes you retard we're talking about college courses, you don't have to comply with "CM" mode of thinking, you can be as conservative as you like and bullshit your way through the course like anyone else can if your teacher is really adamant that you be a Leninist
>cultural marxism
This, right here, is why neither you, nor Sargon, now anything about humanities. The term "cultural marxism" is an oxymoron, a conspiracy theory invented during the cold war that reacted to the Frankfurt School, and mixed main line soviet marxism with third wave feminism and other radical leftist movements to counter mild social-democratic centrism.
>Literally not an argument.
This is the intellectual equivalent to saying jokes on you I was pretending to be retarded
yet when I click on dozens of cute animal videos it never recommends cute animal videos to me, what gives
>y-you can be conservative, just keep your mouth shut
amazing. So you admit that leftist are intellectual cowards who believe in SUCH a shitty ideology that they are scared of 18 year olds disagreeing with them?
If you cant even discuss this shit, then why have these classes? Why should anyone be forced to take a leninist indoctrination class?
It's not indoctrination if you're old enough to think critically, the problem is that colleges admit too many kids who either won't learn or can't learn to think critically but take their money anyway
>admit you realize Cultural marxism is a frankfurt school revisionism of marxism
>"hurr it doesnt exist because marx himself never said that"
SJW shit is born out of the New Left, the New Left is born out of the Marxist Revisonism of the Frankfurt School, specifically Marcuse, who was called the "father of the new left"
Its cute how you think just labeling basic shit like this as a "conspiracy theory" will shut anyone down.
>It's not indoctrination if you're old enough to think critically
So then why have it user? I want you to try and explain why any college should have a required course where a student is forced to go into a leninist indoctrination class.
How can you support that and the idea of thinking critically when you dont wont anyone to be able to question teachers?
>So then why have it user?
Because it fulfills a niche in the free market
People who follow Saragon are "Brogressives"
aka only leftist when it cones to Weed and Welfare
>have to force students to take a leninist indoctrination course.
>it fulfills a niche in the free market
>I'm not listening lalalalala
I think its time you took a step back from the computer for a little while and reflect on who you are as a person and seriously ask yourself, "Is this the type of person I want to be?"
>implying it's forced
Go to trade school, Prager U, Community College, or Catholic school if you're inclined
Theres nothing to listen to because you arent making an argument. I boiled down humanities to something simple, You bitched because I started off the sentence with "what is there to know"
You have nothing to articulate so you decide to bitch about words. This is either because you are lazy or more likely are a brainless faggot who is arguing for something he doesnt even understand, thus you cant articulate any argument for it.
Not an argument user.
How does it fulfill a niche in the free market if someone wants to be a doctor and is forced to go through some leninist indoctrination course?
>Catholic school
Don't send retards to our schools plz
You're not describing a medical school
>Implying you have the right to an education
>Implying you have the right to be a doctor
>Implying you have the right not to have your ideas questioned
>Implying you will be "indoctrinated" because you only see political views as a collection of dogma rather than individual ideals
>Implying your own dogmas are so fragile they will crumble under the pressure of a 3 credit course with 2 papers and an exam
Wow I thought you guys were supposed to be about rugged individualism and personal responsibility
People usually go to regular school before going into medical school. Answer the question or just admit you were wrong.
I never argued any of those things but ok. You still havent answered my question and are just admitting that leftist thought is so shitty that it has to be forced down the throats of students. So shitty in fact that the entire thing can come crashing down if one hungover 18 year old fraternity pledge questions it.
You are intellectual cowards and you know it.
Or people liking him are ashamed of admitting it.
Intellectual dishonesty.
>Frankfurt School existed
>Ergo all the rest of right wing conspiracy theories that fall under the umbrella of "Cultural Marxism" are real
>Here I have a retard sjw as my proof of the existence of the marxist takeover of the west
Nobody on the left uses the term cultural marxism. Neither is there a concrete plan to disrupt the foundations of the western world. I mean, I wish we had as much power as right wingers try to paint us as having, it would have saved me a lot of problems to have some Soros gold.
>everyone says they hate justin beiber yet his shows keep selling out
Personally I'm sick of that "not an argument" faggot.
I don't even know his name, I just see him and his phrase posted constantly.
>>Ergo all the rest of right wing conspiracy theories that fall under the umbrella of "Cultural Marxism" are real
cool strawman. I very clearly laid it out for you
>SJW shit is born out of the New Left, the New Left is born out of the Marxist Revisonism of the Frankfurt School, specifically Marcuse, who was called the "father of the new left"
>Nobody on the left uses the term cultural marxism
I know. "we dont call it that so it doesnt exist" is a fucking retarded argument user. This is why no one respects the humanities anymore
not an argument
Except you did argue those things
>someone wants to be a doctor and is forced to go through some leninist indoctrination course?
You implied that just because someone "wants" to be a doctor they should be able to do that and that they should be able to accept and reject course material at a whim.
You also implied that this hypothetical student is so brain dead that they would be "indoctrinated" from a single fucking course.
I'm literally not even a liberal but what you guys do is almost as bad as when liberals pout and moan about college content. School isn't there to cater to your feelings or politics
Stephan Molyneaux. He is an """anarchist""" libertarian with a youtube channel who wants his followers to abandon their families and cut off any communication with them if they aren't 100% in agreement with his flawless logic.
You are getting angry at nothing. Please tell me why you use then the term "cultural marxism" instead of Frankfurt School, New Left, or Intersectional Feminism, even though the term in itself is considered a conspiracy buzzword outside right-wing bubbles. I mean, if I was a right winger trying to argue with leftists and centrists, I wouldn't use the term at all. It's like when college kids call anything vaguely right wing "fascism".
>You implied that just because someone "wants" to be a doctor they should be able to do that and that they should be able to accept and reject course material at a whim.
yeah because leninist indoctrination course has nothing to do with medical study. Its an elective
>You also implied that this hypothetical student is so brain dead that they would be "indoctrinated" from a single fucking course.
If they are forced into taking a course in which they cant disagree with the teacher, then yeah, thats an indoctrination course as opposed to just a class about Lenin.
Im asking why this is necessary and you faggots are going through all sorts of hoops to avoid answering it because you cant. You know its retarded, but you are too far into this internet argument to just admit it.
This is all to point out that Sargon of Akkad at least has a point when he bitches about leftism in colleges. Thats all I was saying and the best the rest of you could do was prove him right.
Also, the other guy said a Leninist indoctrination class somehow filled a niche market need in a pathetic attempt to appeal to libertarian ideals, which makes no sense considering the course is required. As in, students are forced into taking the class as opposed to students freely choosing to take it/wanting it to the point where the dean decides to hire some lenin expert to teach such a class.
>Want to become a doctor
>Pay good money to go to school
>Be taught bullshit leftist indoctrination classes instead of shit that will help you become a doctor
Do you not see a problem? If people want to take bullshit indoctrination courses on feminism and transracial ponykin then let them it's their money. But no one should be forced to do it.
Imagine what would happen if we had mandatory lessons on the problems of immigration or racial biologicsl differences. Leftists would flip, but when its the other way round somehow we are the bad guys
>You are getting angry at nothing
No Im not. Youre just projecting because you really have nothing else to say. You are literally just pissed off about the name "cultural marxism" and fail to see why MARXIST revisionist going after CULTURE of capitalist countries is called CULTURAL MARXISM. You know it exist, but just get butthurt because it has "Marx" in its name.
>It's like when college kids call anything vaguely right wing "fascism".
no, its not like that at all. Kids calling anything they disagree with fascism=/=someone calling a cultural marxist a cultural marxist.
btw, college kids calling everything fascist is from Cultural marxism btw.
really gets the thinker a'clinker
>goes after low hanging fruit all the time and makes like 30 min videos about a topic that can be discussed in 5 min
Yes, and he makes a living off of it.
Except there are tons of elective classes unrelated to medicine that have to be taken, but I don't see you throwing a hissy fit about those
Also, liberals already pass and moan about course content like I already mentioned. And if you had any sort of reading comprehension you'd have noticed I called them worse than you guys.
Even of you are getting awfully close
>Except there are tons of elective classes unrelated to medicine that have to be taken, but I don't see you throwing a hissy fit about those
mostly because those other classes arent indoctrination hours
I think most of you either haven't been to college or just dropped out.
That is the problem.
>nod an argumend
look at this as an example >SJW = New Left = Frankfurt School
The SJW movement has a wide variety of influences, many of which are unrelated or hae a variety of other influences themselves. The Frankfurt school is only tangentially related and so it is everyday confirmation bias. Are SJWs utterly dependent on the Frankfurt school? Would it or some other incarnation of it never have existed without the Frankfurt school? It is up to them to demonstrate this, but when you ask for proof you get linked to "Sargon" 's and Stephen Molyneux's clickbait, 60 min videos about a topic that could have been discussed in 5 min and you are told to develop an encyclopedic knowledge of the "dark enlightenment" and other bullshit from their echo chambers.
Life is short, there are many other things someone could be doing, people were already being open minded just listening to them. Assuming someone did spend hours studying and critiquing all this, what are the chances the fanboys will actually discuss any of it properly afterwards?
Why should someone spend an ounce of time with some fuckbag who keeps going "nod an argumend" or accusing you of being an SJW?
Why should someone spend an ounce of time with some fuckbag who keeps going "you are saying that from a position of privilege" or accusing you of being a bigot?
If you asked for proof that reptilians control the goverment and some conspiracy theorist gave you a 3 hour video that looks like an acid trip and has blaring 2spooky4u disaster movie music playing all the way through would you waste 3 hours of your life watching it?
OP has every right to feel bad that Sargon of Akkad's name is being tarnished by this extremist/cult bullshit.
Can't believe no one is claiming that Akkadians and Sumerians were niggers.
Most people here aren't even americans. But it is nice to feel superior to them from time to time
thats a real nice wall of sophistry, but Cultural marxism is still a thing, not liking the name of it isnt even close to it not existing, college humanities classes have become a joke, and Sargon and everyone else who bitches about this fact are right.
No, it has historical presidence. The federalist papers were written under the name publius.
You're a complete retard
>media hates trump
>literally talks about nothing but trump for the past 2 years
Imagine we all saw a funny video of a cat falling over or something like that. We'd all share it and laugh and then move on.
Then there would be this one retard that would make hour long videos about how stupid the cat is and how dumb it is and explain to us all in depth why we're supposed to laugh at the cat in the video.
The cat is the stupid feminists like Anita, we watch them and laugh and move on. We don't need an idiot like Sargon to come and overanalyze and tell us why obvious bullshit is bullshit and then act all high and mighty like he's a genius.
Talking about something you hate it's not the same thing as voluntarily watching something you hate.
>thats a real nice wall of sophistry
Wait. Explain this. Where is the sophistry?
It is not physically possible for me to listen to every crackpot in the world. If I see people using cheap tactics to avoid debate like "nod an argumend" I should be suspicious of that and not waste my time. Am I wrong?
I am being open minded just talking to you when what I should be doing is getting off Veeky Forums and going back to studying. I am literally giving you more time than most people would, explaining my concerns and asking you to give me a nice straight to the point logical argument with evidence that addresses the concerns I noted.
>The SJW movement has a wide variety of influences, many of which are unrelated or hae a variety of other influences themselves.
From what I have seen it is just a minority of intellectuals from decades ago, this does not prove that it is responsible for even a fraction of the far-left.
> college humanities classes have become a joke
I never said otherwise.
You don't have a monopoly on the idea SJWs are nuts as points out, and ironically Sargon and his fanboys behave similarly.
SJWs are the result of echo chambers on the internet and so are you.
Mostly r/the_donald
/pol/ looks reasonable and original compared to those cum-guzzling faggots, as always reddit ruins everything.
>cultural marxism