If the second world war didn't happen how would the first world war be remembered today?
If the second world war didn't happen how would the first world war be remembered today?
>lots of gas
>burtrhurt serb manlets
>some old german fat fuck called the kaiser
>turks probably more relevant
>axis wouldn't be so demonized like WW2 axis
People would unironically view it as the world to end all wars.
>serb manlets
>We could have listened to Clemenceau and balkanized Germany
>China could belong to the Imperial Empire of Japan right now
>USSR would be a first world country
If only we'd listened.
>China could belong to the Imperial Empire of Japan right now
Are you retarded
>implying WW2 wasn't a continuation of WW1 and thus inevitable
It depends on how much you allow what happens next to count as 'ww2'
If Hitler dies in a plane accident and is never elected, but a war breaks out anyway, do you still consider it 'the inevitable ww2'?
Yes. One man was never the root cause of the massive political and social movements that ended up colliding.
this lmao
So consider the following
The Weimar republic stays in place, and passes through the great depression, and comes out still a democracy. The Soviet Union is never invaded because of this.
Over the next 60 years it goes through the same process of de-stalinization and decline. This all sounds pretty probable if Hitler never takes power.
I mean, Britain and the USA's conflict with Japan is inevitable though.
Weimar Republic was training it's soldier in USSR before Hitler. They could start war without him.
Why would they?
He's a butthurt frog ranting about Clemenceau, he's obviously not very intelligent.
there was no Axis in WW1
Weimar Republic was almost as hostile to Poland/Czech Republic as Hitler was. The tension of society could make goverment to get German land back for example.
Digits confirm
Who is this slag?
>Czech Republic
This would be great.
No more muh Holocaust
Today I went to shop a book and most the "best sellers" were about them.
Fucking movies are worse
If ww2 never happened I could say more openly fuck jews.
>I could more openly fuck jews
What did he mean by this?
>If ww2 never happened I could say more openly fuck jews.
What's stopping you in this reality? Are you such an untermensch that you still define yourself by what your surrounding culture dictates? Truly, anti-Semites are so hollow that they can only define themselves in relation to a fabricated enemy, which must be constantly fought but never conquered. For should they ever conquer it, they will only be left with the realization that their true foe lies within themselves.
de facto
> burtrhurt serb manlets