Was any king in recent 1000 year history notable Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?
seems like at least one must've been at least moderately strongfat
Was any king in recent 1000 year history notable Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?
seems like at least one must've been at least moderately strongfat
there was this guy named Carlos
Anyone titled "The Strong" There was that one Polish dude that could break horseshoes with his bare hands.
Tons were before they settled down to do their kingly duties which was mostly sedentary work.
jesus what the fuck!?
Duke Cosimo I was pretty fit
Polan stronk!
Maximinus Thrax apparently was 7 feet or more tall and a burly fuck
>that statue
Hnnnnggggg, daddy.
How do you get a bigger forearm than upper arm?
Be a Greek manlet
King? No idea.
Several presidents have been though.
Lionheart is pretty based desu. He stormed the beaches of Jaffa with a Dane axe.
>"he was a bad son, a bad husband, and a bad king, but a gallant and splendid soldier."
Most kings would have been fit if they participated in combat. If you trained every day since a young age, and had a healthy diet, you'd be based.
Alexander III
He was 1.9m high and "notably strong"
>On 29 October 1888 the Imperial train derailed in an accident at Borki. At the moment of the crash, the imperial family was in the dining car. Its roof collapsed, and Alexander supposedly held its remains on his shoulders as the children fled outdoors. The onset of Alexander’s kidney failure was later attributed to the blunt trauma suffered in this incident.
There was one incident were he was talking to an Austrian diplomat, who threatened to move several army corps to Galicia. Alexander crushed a silver plate with his bare hands and threw it at the diplomat, responding that he would do the same to his army corps.
He is known to have had a major thing for ice cream.
This 7-foot Russian Tsar wants to pull out your teeth using his bare hands.
What do?
He couldn't. That was german propaganda meant to show that polish kings were brutish. Not like glorious germans with their history of murdering civilians.
>O-ok comrade tsar you can go mid after all.
>He was also a notorious womanizer.
He cared for all of his children though, even those born to his mistresses and made sure that they received proper education.
>That was german propaganda meant to show that polish kings were brutish. Not like glorious germans with their history of murdering civilians.
Yeah, it's not like the guy in question was also the King of Saxony. Not to mention that there wasn't even a unified Germany at the time.
Why is Veeky Forums so retarded?
What if in incredibly early human civilization, like first humans, sons of Adam, they were shredded.
Trebonianus Gallus was one barrel chested fucker
>at least moderately strongfat
In his younger days, Henry VIII was actually quite an athlete, especially fond of wrestling.
He actually wrestled the King of France.
>tfw then he got an injury and became obese
Mussolini could probably kick my ass.
And got BTFO (according to TV)
sounds like robert baratheon
Henry VIII was supposed to be a big, strong, handsome motherfucker in his youth before he got incredibly fat.
He was in fact partly the inspiration for Robert Baratheon.
Mike Tyson.
Him and Edward IV IIRC.
I'll eat your asshole alive you hoe.
He does sound similar. Robert Baratheon is based more off of Edward IV.