Redpill me on NEM. Does it have any advantage over the millions of other currencies?

Redpill me on NEM. Does it have any advantage over the millions of other currencies?

something...something...gooks like to use it

Wait for catapult. Lay down on your gainz.

i put like $70 into it at this point, which is like 50% of my blockfolio. It just seems awesome to me - people complain about the market cap or something but I don't really see this being an issue. It's super fucking fast, I sent 300 XEM yesterday in like sub 60 seconds to my personal wallet from an exchange. The fees are monstrous on Bittrex to send them, but otherwise it really just seems fucking awesome. They have there own security and stuff - I really think that if anything ever happens to bitcoin in regards to exploitation, this will be the coin to moon - but i'm poor so i mean take my opinion as it is

it's a girly coin

NEM - 9 billion supply
XRP - 38 billion supply

NEM better overall, without a shadow of a doubt, better coding, not premined by banker jews and lower total supply

spoiler: it will absorb XRP

agreed. good filename. that is what i think too

It's like buying the first android phone before all the cool apps came out. Shits going to be big. I'm a fucking idiot for not buying and holding earlier,

I was a fucking retarded newfag at trading when I first started and sold this shit at 1000 Satoshi because nothing was happening.

Since then I have learnt that art of patience, but I still kick myself every day for not HODLING.

Why is it going to be big? Can you explain please?

its nem