Remind me why he was a bad President again?
Remind me why he was a bad President again?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Muh Vietnam
>Muh Cambodia
In the capacity of practical achievement, he was by all means a great president.
Though, being the elected head of a nation often requires a far greater level of leadership then he could provide.
Getting caught paying hush money isn't too good either.
Because matt groening told me so.
he was a crook
he was the closest a president ever got to being impeached so people who only follow meme history equate him with being bad
He got caught.
Seriously, I bet pretty much high ranking politcian does stuff like this all time.
>Obama = drone hospital and multiple children
>Nixon = Spy on enemies
The war on drugs.
>Except dont kys
Nixon is seen as a "badguy" because the press really stuck it to him. If the news actually reported how the united states actively destabilize nations and kill innocents to further political ties and get good deals on oil every president would be seen as a monster.
>he was the closest a president ever got to being impeached
who was andrew johnson and bill clinton again?
>Veeky Forums
>Remind me why he was a bad President again?
because he abused the power of granting executive clemency 1,597 times.
This. He's the zany evil president in Futurama and kids think it is accurate to the real guy. Just like people now unironically think Walt Disney was a Nazi because of Family Guy.
oh, my bad...i thought that was obama
He was instrumental in helping Joseph McCarthy during his quest. In communist-occupied America.
The media told you he was bad because the media was supported by those same Communist spies cosily snuggled into Americas government.
And this
(even though that's wrong)
And he was a republican. Every Republican except Reagan and Roosevelt(?) either is literally who are gets a bad rap. Guarranteed.
Also: he hated gays and hippies. Guess who occupies the media now?
>it's a Republican war crime denial thread
Above all else, he shattered the faith the average American had in the government and set the dangerous precedent of executive power abuses.
Brilliant man with no sense of ethics. Probably would have been fantastic in a smaller role than president.
He wasn't, he just became a meme by liberals because he was honest enough to step down from his position after making a mistake with the Watergate scandal. Today it would be swept under a rug and ignored by the news media or lambasted by the media if it was done by a Republican president.
Obama does things 100x more egregious than Nixon ever did in regards to our internet privacy and continues Bush's tapping of information mediums and nobody or even the media has even questioned him about it, but of course, it's for the "good of our nation."
What about Ike?
>Every Republican except Reagan and Roosevelt(?) either is literally who are gets a bad rap. Guarranteed.
Even Reagan gets attacked by liberals too young to have lived when he was in office. Liberals don't touch Roosevelt with a ten foot pole because he's too far out in history and they never actually research their presidents.
people don't think he was a nazi, just that he didn't like jews, and it's not because of family guy, it's because he actually did not like jews
lots of people don't like jews
like obama and hillary
he violated the public trust by thinking he could commit crimes and then use his office to cover it up
Because Boomers demonize him for doing the same things their political idols did.
Bit of a goof with that sentence. I meant to put Lincoln but i guess i had Reagan on the mind.
>literally who or gets a bad rap
>trickle down economics
>iran contra
>Beirut barrack bombings (aka 1983 bengazi)
>tfw when watergate never happened it was a liberal spook
Lincoln was super liberal by todays standards. I laugh at Republicans that think he was one of the best presidents ever.
Also he was just generally corrupt and tried to invite riots at colleges protesting the Vietnam war.
Boomers only defend Reagan because they were under his bullshit illusion at the time, anybody who looks at his presidency with even a little bit of objectivity can tell its an FDR level sham.
t. born in 1990
"I don't like slavery" isn't an exclusively liberal position you idiot
Not because of slavery lol. You know you look dumb when you project like that without any insight into the subject or conversation right?
enjoy faggot
Because he shattered Americas trust in the white house.
That isn't what projection is
If you make a meme post you get a meme response
>Nixon didn't bomb and murder thousands of children
Holy shit this delusion lmao, end yourself
Good job.
He's about as comparable as to Obama in regards to bombing. Ended a war but continued bombing certain regions under some secrecy and the media largely ignored it
>Sabotaged LBJ's Vietnam peace talks in order to gain leverage for the election
>Proceeds to dig his heels in once president, despite being well aware the war was a disaster, needlessly costing millions of lives.
Nixon was terrible. Not among the worst, but really that's not saying too much. He wasn't too bad on domestic policy, but mostly because he had very little interest in it.
Nixon was one of the few Presidents that was a clearly terrible person. I think this perception of him as a person clouds people's judgment of his overall tenure.
Compare this to Reagan, whose policies were far more detrimental in the long run, whose administration committed outright treason, but someone who's still remembered by people as a nice, dignified old man.
It's also stuff like this that pushes Nixon to the bottom of the pile.
Reagan was probably also bad, just senile.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to get at. Reagan was a genuine piece of shit but didn't come across as such, so he's remembered more fondly.
Nixon on the other hand came across as a piece of shit, and was a piece of shit. Hence his reputation suffers.
That's not really the point. He was charismatic and affable. Nixon was a weirdo with a persecution complex.
That's what pushes him to the bottom of the pile huh? That's what does it in for you? Just that?
Yeah, sacrificing thousands of American lives and prolonging the war by SEVEN YEARS to advance his own political career is pretty fucking bad you autist.
Nixon directly and needlessly caused the loss of millions of lives. Most presidents haven't done this, there is usually a level or two of abstraction.
Iaaaahhhha ammm not a croooeek
why do people think him opening up relations with the chicoms was a good thing
>didn't like Jews
>employed so many Jews that it defined the Disney cartoon art style
The Southern Strategy. Also, he tried to cover up a break-in of the DNC headquarters, by people connected to his campaign.
Too sexy.
>most presidents haven't done this
uhhh... most older historic presidents you mean?
Guy was a fucking progressive. Also took us off the gold standard.
this sums it up
>sabotaged Vietnam peace talks
>Hires Harry and Marv to break into opposing campaign headquarters
Even if you believe that the vietnam war should have continued, you must agree that he fucked something up tremendously to become the only president to ever resign
Wage and price controls
He put some gates in a pool of water
That's not Matt's fault though. He's supposed to be a caricature of who they are portraying. That's how cartoons work. Anyone who doesn't understand that I'd dumb.
>invade privacy in one hotel room
>nixon is the worst president ever
>continue and expand the largest invasion of privacy in history
>obama is the best president ever
Has white guilt gone too far?
>obama is the best president ever
who says this? links?
Because he was well aware of the influence...certain groups had on this nation, including the press and (((others))). They knew it and they hated him for it. IF you take Watergate apart, it really was nothing. Nixon won in a 48 state landslide anyway, it meant nothing, and he didn't know beforehand or approve of it.
If the country is still standing in 50 years, the few White kids left will be asking "why did they hate Trump?" Nixon hated the press even more than Trump, and he was a lot more open about it. I'd recommend torrenting the HBO program "Nixon in his own words." You'll understand very quickly why he was hated.
Reagan was a stupid asshole and his cunt wife should have been lashed to a fucking cross for being so batshit insane
Just one name to debunk your shit.
Henry Kissinger
Media lies
>Henry Kissinger
wow, that sorely debunked all I said. And the three hours of him on tape ripping him for talking to the NYT when Niwon had told him the ban was TOTAL, and then calling J. Degar Hoover to get Kissinger's phone tapped to confirm it was him. Upon learning g it for sure, Nixon remarks, and I quote: "Jews are dishonest, you an't trust the bastards!"
Don't try to get into these sorts of debates with people who do this for a living, you will always lose.
>needlessly costing millions of lives
>considered the worst
nobody thinks he's worse than Buchanan or Harding
>Sabotaged LBJ's Vietnam peace talks in order to gain leverage for the election
I hate this response so much, it implies that:
1. LBJ was about to settle a civil war between North and South Vietnam through diplomacy
2. Nixon had more power than the acting president
3. The peace talks had even started
And so much more.
South Vietnam hadn't even gone to table any resolutions when Nixon approached their delegates, all he said was if elected he would fight to give South Vietnam a better outcome in negotiations.
Do you know why the NVA invaded South Vietnam? They were using the useful idiot hippie types (led by the Jews) to get rid if Nixon. They were terrified Nixon, they thought he was a madman and that he might use a nuclear weapons.
The only reason US pows were treated as well as they were under Nixon was bc they were terrified if retribution by him one day. After he left, they lost their fear. Nixon would hit damns, power grids, cities, anything.
I forget the site, do a bit of searching and there is some declassified radio traffic.communiques between NVA and VC officials about Nixon. They were terrified of him, there's no other word. Impeaching him with the complicity of the Marxist press (Westmoreland: "the NYT operated as a 5th column for the enemy,, and was worth more than 10 full NVA divisions.
tldr; if the leftist/jewish press had allowed nixon to finish his term without boating him, the Us would have won that war an easily. This is esp. pertinent to me, growing yp with a father with really bad Vietnam PTSD. Id not' mean the type trying to milk the gvt for gibs and who never saw any action, he never took a dime from the gvt but, for example, fireworks or being woke in the night unexpectedly...a few times a firework woke the barnyard up, he forgot where he was and he came close to seriously hurting me (I was only 8 or 9, not like I could fight back)
Tons of liberal retards.
He's basically the new Reagan
You sound like a child. Are there anymore /pol/ buzzwords you want to throw in your wall of nonsense, maybe something about (((those))) cucks asking for gibs for Jewish Marxist propganda
To think there's people who seriously believe this stuff in the world today.
>implying I give a shit about some meme boomer burnout's opinion
Something from somebody NOT a hack next time.
>Internal Improvements
>Protectionist Tariffs
>Friendly to business
>Disliked by actors
>"We love our African-Americans, folks"
Abe is the Donald
Are you saying George Clooney is gonna assassinate Trump?
Wasn't JWB more of a B-list actor?
Nope, he was literally the most famous actor in America at that time
It was noted that even if there was a guard in front of Lincoln's box Booth would still have been let through, that's how famous he was
Why would liberals not be mad at someone who literally caused or started most of their problems
>unironically posting a cult leader's video
Not an argument
american are really easy to manipulate
Wasn't Booth's brother the famous actor?
While his brother turned out better reviewed in the long run, at the time of the assassination John was the more famous one
>Muh Watergate
His administration shattered the illusion that the office of the President, and the American government in general, could be trusted by its citizens. This trust has never been regained, and is only being further eroded as we move into the future.
Underrated statement that Will Get ignored due to edgy pic
I fucking love that statue. It makes ol' Nick look so damn devious. The man himself probably would've gotten a kick out of it.
If he just admitted it, he wouldn't get into as much trouble as he did. Seriously it is like scathing a small wound until it becomes a n infestation
Putting someone in charge who genuinely thought that laws didn't apply to people in charge was a pretty dumb idea in hindsight.
nah, he flooded the us with shitskins and is just generally not really that good of a president. nixon and coolidge were at least decent. teddy was the last really good president.
The media hated him and you won't believe what happens next!
There will never be a better President than Dick Nix, FEELS BAD MAN
what the fuck, when was this picture taken? i thought terminator 1 didn't come out until like the 90s?
>To think there's people who seriously believe this stuff in the world today.
Literally EVERYTHING claimed there can be empirically proven true. What are you saying is not true. Are you saying the Jews were NOT foaming at the mouth to get Nixon? He knows it and so do his confidants Who ended up fucking him over? 2 Jews at the Post; Preceded by another Jew from within State.
Nixon also talks at length about the Jews who won the NYT (Sulzberger) and Post (Mayer-Graham) and how he was despised in CA by Jews for prosecuting their communist brethren. You act like what I say is false. Tell me which aspects you want ta source for,,,
>You sound like a child
Again, all your tribe has in ad hominems, because you are full of shit. I have the entire transcripts of Nixons tapes right here on bookcase, Tell me what part you dispute please.
I'll wait for Hymie or Menachim to give me the things Nixon said that Hymie is claiming he didn't so I can provide date, and time of quote and those present when it was made. I won't hold my breath, because a;; you have are ad hominem. Much like a vampire, expose you to the truth of sunlight and you disappear and fade into there some spell in the Talmud for that?