What is your total Net worth, Veeky Forums?
1.1 million USD here.
What is your total Net worth, Veeky Forums?
1.1 million USD here.
around £7k
1.5k usd. End my life
I have $300 and 7000 good egg
When I sell I maybe my worth can be $700
But now just have egg
about $3.5m
Ask me once MOON hits Bittrex hehe
Around $21bn
3 million
About $4k usd
11k eur
t. neet (for now)
-20k, I fell for the college meme
I feel you user - 30k here
Around 150k USD, 30k of it in crypto. Mostly from working.
Nice. Invest in my company, I'll make you richer
About Tree Fiddy.
-(negative)500k USD
t. student loans cuck
124 billion Ugandan Dollars
How did you fuck up so bad?
about 6k
5 gorillion
50k usd
going to college/med school.
I lied 25k forgot my car loan.
12k crypto portfolio
40k annuity
25k car loan.
$170,000 in Crypto Profile.
That's all of it.
29k cash
0.5k shit car
240k house
13k retirement savings
0 in shitcoins
0 in stocks
-140k loans
age 30s. health has gone to shit now though. life probably forever fucked because of it. would give my shitty savings away for good health
uh risky move bro. i find that hard to believe. what coins?
whats wrong with your health?
chronic fatigue and ibs. no improvement for several years now
- 20.000€
Mortgaging an apartment I bought 18 months ago
But I could probably sell it for 60.000€ if I renovated it a bit, kitchen and bathroom are +30 years old
2k cash.
-5k credit debt
3.5k 401k
I have 2 online stores that sell around 500/mo so those are probably worth something but not sure how to convert.
Have I failed at life? I say yes.
Forgot 120k house.
only have $10 in the bank, but somehow my life hasn't been shit.
what does it even mean to be worth money? I eat and poop the same as OP...
>-5k credit debt
why the hell do you have credit debt
>I have 2 online stores that sell around 500/mo
$500 in profit or sales? selling what?
Credit debt from buying a new fridge and tcg cards to sell.
I sell limited edition video games, weeb shit and tcg cards. And it's 500 in sales probably 100 or less in profit. I buy cases of booster boxes keep the stuff I want and sell the rest and usually get a small profit from it.
Mostly BTC and ETH. I started with $20,000 and I'm 23 so w/e. Now's the time to take risks.
alright well good luck. i hope you keep your coins safe as fuck
no mortgage on the house?
Inherited it. Forgot some of my credit debt is from fixing up the house. Finished the downstairs restroom and not I'm doing the upstairs one then kitchen and windows.
20 bitcoins
What's your diet like
24k CAD
22 years old
saving up to go back to school
Student loans a mortgage yo
>no mortgage on a 120k house
you're doing well as fuck then. just live frugally and invest in some risky shit that potentially give massive gains and you might make it
i've tried a lot over the past two years. generally, the less carbs the better. but except that, i've found that the diet doesn't matter that much. but i'm definitely better the less food i eat
Crypto save my filthy soul
I'm 22.
Net worth is about 30k USD.
-$6k but I'm 18 in college doing STEM so not too worried.
>you're doing well as fuck then.
Thanks, makes me feel a bit better.
A girl I was talking to said my future looked bad since all I do is work 2 part time jobs, have no car and I inherited my house instead of buying it and it made me think she was right, maybe I'm just being a cuck.
If true declare bankruptcy man ffs, do it early so the countdown timer to removal starts
5.8 million dollars
Hello, I have travelled from a neghboring spread to pass the following:
retard alert
The blockchain just split so I'm coming over here. Hi user!
You should be if you aren't attending a top 30 university. Stem doesn't mean shit if you go to a school for tards
Somewhere close to $7.83. Massive fluctuations though. Yesterday I found a quarter on the ground.
inheritance? distributed across what assets?
> That great feeling when university is free in this post-communist shithole
> But youre still a poorfag
> 8k euros
0. will have around 5k eurosbuxs by the end of the summer.
4.5m$ in real estate and 1.3 in cash
>post-communist shithole
Which one?
~$30k, 20yrs old
already able graduate without any debt, feels great dad
$104,000 rental property
-$61,000 left on mortgage
Working on sale agreement for $100,000
$95,000 property
-$70,000 left on mortgage
Solar overproduction of $1,000/yr plus no electric bill
Gas royalties various rate
$40,000 property
Gas royalties various rate
$25,000 property
Gas royalties various rate
$5,000 in savings
Some physical gold and silver
Other things.
32 years old. I might be okay-ish
Noice. Inherited or what? Mid 20's here trying to build some real estate in a hot market
>500k in student loans
There's no way unless you took two extra years in undergrad.
I 'fell' for the college (uni) meme too and:
£25k in ETFs
£5k cash
£7k car
I graduated 2 years ago. Come at me
Have you tried a full ketogenic diet? Might be worth a shot.
Soon will be -$250k
ill look into it
in what?
$30k, 18 year old neet:
$15k in crypto
$13k in stock
$2k in bank account
am I doing good?
Negative (-)$18,000.
Bought into the College meme instead of joining the Army. I get to deliver Pizza's now while crackheads shower in the store bathroom though.
tried a protein sparing modified fast diet? basically cut out everything except lean protein, eat about 800 calories a day.
>800 calories a day
that's extremely low dude. cannot possibly be sustainable over time
age 21. 1k cryptos. 1k liquid cash. no loans or debts. and a 130k house on 1 1/2 acres in a nice little rural community with no black people they're starting to develop out here, my land will double or triple when they finish next year.
around like 60k usd
75% is invested in crypto
Like 39k if i became a hobo. ;(
> like 80$ cash
> saved 200$
fuck me
you'd be surprised. average day for me is:
2 slices of bacon and fried egg for breakfast
packet of prawns for lunch
2 chicken breasts for dinner
unlimited glasses of water.
i've been doing it for about 3 weeks now. also lost 15lbs in that time.
Including home residence equity?
$200k liquid, $300k including home equity.
125k usd
My entire existence revolves around escaping wage slavery - still a long way off :-(
around 12k usd. neeting my way to 0
Nah, you started on third base, but as long as you don't think you hit a triple you're in good shape.
Housing expenses are the #1 expense for most people; without a mortgage, I could live comfortably on $30k salary. With a ($250k) mortgage, I need almost a $50k take-home to have savings.
>ITT: /lrp/ general