Is crypto a good hedge against a global recession? What happens to the price of coins if big banks fail?
Is crypto a good hedge against a global recession? What happens to the price of coins if big banks fail?
Surges, crypto will surge with every Economic wobble, shake and collapse
Some coins will fail, and others will flourish
all fiats eventually return to their true value : zero
the value will flow to crypto
Isn't there the risk of panic selling of assets including crypto if banks face a liquidity problem though? If whales start selling their crypto en masse wouldn't the speculation cause the whole market to collapse?
How would it surge? I would expect people to stop investing and start holding onto their money.
If you look at google trends, the top hits for crypto come from countries with inflating currencies or unstable circumstances. Last time I checked, it was:
South Africa: race riots
Nigeria: Massive inflation
Ghana: Stabiling, but suffering from volatile and weakening currency
Venezuela: read the news
So if every currency in the world dumps out, yes crypto is fucked - but in that case, everyone has bigger problems than some crypto may may. As long as there's some stable currency trading crypto while others are devaluing, BTC and others have a future. The biggest risk I'm seeing is regulation of entry points. If fiat->crypto exchanges are regulated out of existence, it's a dead project. No one wants to meet at a starbucks to make a 10k trade of fiat/crypto
Lol, no.
The value will flow to things with actual value.
>actual value
so... love?
Crypto is a hedge against a global recession.
All except the USA dollar. If the USA dollar gets fucked everyone will get fucked, that includes cryptos.
Yes user.
Once all of the financial systems collapse, maybe you'll finaly see that the only thing worth investing are other people.
You probably never faced hyperinflation in your life.
Is it a good hedge though? For example if Deutsche Bank or any other big international bank fails won't it bring the US dollar and thus all crypto down with it?
How would a global recession that didn't affect the US dollar even happen?
That makes no sense
This guy gets it.
>if big banks fail
Epic meme. I blame /pol/ for missing out on this years crypto surge. Haven't been on there since I got some cryptos, but I missed the ETH boom because I was wasting so much time on /pol/ waiting for muh happenings.
Oh and
if the dollar drops cryptos automatically go up so wtf do you even mean?
I didn't come to Veeky Forums for feels
Every currency is tied to how well the dollar is doing.
No business is going to deny you if you pay them with US dollars and if you try give them other type of currency the business will probably insist on it being US dollars if they don't trust you.
The US dollar is the only 'stable' currency since there is not a lot of volatility to it.
If someone happens to that 'stability' there isn't another currency you can trust that won't change in value by a lot.
>I missed the ETH boom because I was wasting so much time on /pol/ waiting for muh happenings.
Are you me bro?
dem feels
Ah yes, human trafficking. People are the oldest and most valuable commodity. You can even breed them and make more.
It might to start with, then it will move.