You should probably get the fuck in now...
You should probably get the fuck in now
James Torres
Benjamin Hall
Balls deep son.
Carter Robinson
Started mining these last night. Sitting on just over 100 of them. To the moon please!
Angel Allen
Impressive user, I'm jealous.
Jace Evans
I've seen those lines drawn, how are they drawn, and what do they mean? Also, what is the term for these lines? Guessing it's some type of TA.
Nathaniel Lee
This will be me someday
Jason Turner
TA is complete bullshit
Noah Anderson
It means it is finally time to go up again.
Jace Scott
the technical term is "meme triangles" and they are drawn by professional chartologists who don't rely on silly things like fundamentals, but instead on magical patterns they see in the candlesticks
Dylan Thomas
70btc in