Why are the Jews so hated all around the globe?
Why are the Jews so hated all around the globe?
Memes basically.
we already have
Because of the same tired conspiracy theory accusing all the Jews of meeting up in a room somewhere and agreeing on undermining western civilization therefore becoming the puppet master for all of humanity. Oh and also they are the inferior race and don't contribute to society, except for when they do but that's just Jews manipulating everyone and undermining the west.
It's not about Jews conspiring together to run society and business. It's about Jews running society and business.
nope not basically throughout history jews were looked down upon by various civilizations
In that case their hatred is even more misplaced.
Jews have often been minorities within other states but don't fully integrate. They maintain their own language, religion, and customs which arouses suspicion. When things are bad people start to wonder, are those strange people really on our side? They are also closely associated with communism, but that is just the modern variation on an old theme.
They're only hated by ass mad arabs and fedoras. White people look out for each other and it's a magnificent thing, Jews look out for each other and all of a sudden their corrupt, greedy pieces of shit. Jealousy is a hell of a motivation
They're doing pretty well in based USA.
They're not meeting in a room and agreeing, they do it instinctively. You could even raise them non-Jewish and they'd still act like that because it's in their genes.
Yeah they're dragging the country down to the sewer by pushing non-white immigration and hardcore debt capitalism.
t. assmad fedora
Who isn't hated all around the globe?
They established parallel societies in nations that aren't their own and that makes people salty.
Dude Jews hate other Jews. Jews don't associate with each other except by obligation or necessity, i.e. family or Temple. Jews barely enjoy the company of other family, at that. The fact that Israel even exists is a fucking feat, if only of sheer autism and national projectism.
t. Jue
Why does someone start this thread almost every day? Is /pol/ hoping that we're going to uncover old documents that prove Jews should be hated or something like that?
>Jews have often been minorities within other states but don't fully integrate. They maintain their own language, religion, and customs which arouses suspicion. When things are bad people start to wonder, are those strange people really on our side?
The answer isn't hard to figure out, and it's pretty much this. It's not a case of ancient wisdom proving /pol/ right, it's just an example of xenophobia that the same group has encountered constantly because they don't integrate.
That's bullshit, humans don't have such instinctive behaviors. They might tend to certain temperaments, but nurture does a WHOLE lot.
t. Baruch Schekelbergowitz
Yes user you also have to learn to breathe. If your mom didn't enlist you in breathing school for 5 years you would suffocate. Everything is nurture.
The common answer is best: the jews in Europe were often moneylenders, for lack of other opportunities. And everyone hates creditors. Where other careers were available, jews weren't necessarily liked but were much more tolerated. There was little economic incentive to pogroms.
The conspiracy theories started when particular jews or jewish families ended up with significant capital and became something of state banks, and often did provide the capital for the formation of actual state banks. Though the majority of jews still had little, these guys certainly did have considerable money and influence.
There are plenty of countries which historically held little animosity towards Jews, the US (yes, there was anti-semitism but it was no worse than anti-Italian/Polish/Irish sentiment) Italy, Ireland, the Central Asian countries, etc...
Nigger, Jews recently got kicked out by some Amazonian tribe.
When you smell shit everywhere you go, check under your shoe. There is no excuse for getting kicked out of 200 countries.
Maybe the first 50 people were just being mean. But over the course of 2000 years they got kicked out everywhere. It's their fault, not the host civilizations.
>Central Asian countries
Like Afghanistan? Uzbekistan? Top lel. Jews were so hated in there they had to move away.
I think the only time an ancient empire was kind to the jews were the persians with King Cyrus who gave back Judea to the jews
They don't assimilate well and their religion allows for a lot of double standards when dealing with non-jews.
Oh so same as the muslims basically?
They, in general, don't integrate; They keep their own language, customs and tradition. So they are always viewed as an other.
Also their culture teaches frugalness, so when rough times roll around, they are the only ones who do okay.
tldr It's easy to suspect outsiders that are historically not as affected by economic fluctuation.
a lot of what is being said about muslims migrants today was said about the jews pummeling europe during the inter-war period.
>bring up jews
I've never had a single white person, who wasnt family, offer me a fucking thing.
they stole a really cool star and candlestick design
>have jewish friend
>go over to parents house
>refer to myself as gentile
>they love me forever and invite me over anytime
Sadly, white people don't look out for each other. So yeah, you're wrong.
>Be member of the tribe
>Feels good
Yup, that's why we hate you all.
If white people looked after each other we wouldn't have millions of immigrants that add nothing to our countries coming over. We wouldn't have a guilt culture where the coolest thing ever is to renounce your heritage.
And we certainly wouldn't have the US giving billions to some desert nation filled with Jews when they're already swimming in debt.
Looks like Hiro, lel.
The dumbest false equivalency I've ever seen.
Do you understand anything about genetics?
Tell me, in what cluster of the human genome does the arrangement deciding "predisposition to greediness" fall?
Let me guess, it's the one that determines the size of your nose isn't it?
He's right though
theres strong biological support to indicate there are selfishness genes, not that i think Jews are the most predisposed by any means
this board is /pol/ light
Funnily it's one of the least /pol/ boards.
You're joking. They permeate every fucking discussion.
But the amount of non/pol/ political posts are smaller and the amount of backlash is larger. At least it feels that way.
>Though the majority of jews still had little
See, this is what rankles me. I'm of Jewish heritage, and my ancestors were Ukrainian cabbage farmers. Peasants my any measure. My white Christian ancestors on my father's side had more than my Jewish ancestors ever did, being plantation owners. So when people talk about the disproportionate amount of wealthy Jewish bankers and financiers, they're only looking at part of the story.
It's not just "/pol/", newfag, it's Veeky Forums. We use to talk shit about Jews and blacks before /pol/ even existed as a board so it naturally comes up. Go to /sp/ and you will see people bitching about kike team owners and make oven jokes about Julian Edelman. Go to /k/ and you'll see the same shit.
You only out yourself as a complete newfag who probably read on reddit that Veeky Forums is a safe space non-triggering board unlike the scary mean /pol/ and then you're shocked and cry PAUL INFILTRATION! when the only infiltrator and outsider in here is you.
>do not assimilate into the cultures which house them
>did so whenever the authority of the secular ruler was given by the divine
>where important because of bans on loans making many very rich, success breeds jealousy
>where, doctrine, the instigators in jesus' death
Its mostly the assimilation part. Having a population that will not assimilate breeds bad feelings both ways and can eventually lead to civil unrest. Which is bad for any regime.
There are discussions we can't have on Veeky Forums because /pol/ will destroy it. Go ahead and try to have a legitimate discussion about African history. Usually like half of the threads on here are nazi and jew shit.
The point was that Veeky Forums is /pol/ light.
Not by nature, but because they come over and inject themselves.
because Jews are a race of Mama's boys, and their neurotic passive aggressive behavior rubs us goyim the wrong way. You see it's not that Jews are engaged in a conspiracy to undermine the goyim. It's just that being the lone Jew in a room full unified goyim makes a the Jew feel uncomfortable, so the Jew does his best to divide the goyim in order to make them feel as awkward and out of place as he does.
Hopefully Israel survives long enough to allow masculine cultural traits to reemerge and spread throughout the Jewish race, and the vicious historical cycle can end.
The GI is moot FYI.
The Earth is flat, idiot.
Here is some copypasta I found on this website that I feel explains this issue well
They have had nuclear families since the middle ages and their religion has very strict child rearing customs that lead to extremely studious and highly acheiving individuals.
A lot of CEOs, lawyers and doctors are jewish. Jew =/= good guy. Some of them are asshats.
Now imagine the 1% protests over a recognized elite group, and it can be demonstrated that most are jews.
Now consider the human tendency to witch hunt and pick a race or group and blame all their shit on them and offload a lot of hate and ignorance.
Now remember that the arab world is a direct enemy of Israel, and tend to side with palestine and blame all their problems on jews.
Mix it altogether and you get an easy target for hatred.
Im not stating any personal feelings towards them. But a culture so consistently permeated by such well educated individuals will produce a sociopath or two with the work ethic to gain power. Its a very powerful minority.
But people tend to see one bad person then tie them to their entire race. Its just how they work.
No its exactly by nature.
Maybe there wouldn't be /pol/ memes, but Veeky Forums would still have racist, anti-homo, anti-Semitic, etc posters in a less explicit/meme way than /pol/
The /pol/ boogeyman is no different from the jew boogeyman.
As another Jew, this made me kek. I have no idea how the fuck the Israeli parliament works.
Easy scrapegoats.
Maybe a few years ago. After the elections /pol/ became the biggest board on this site and they're leaking all over the fucking place.
I don't even think the prime minister of Israel knows how the Israeli parliament works.
Try blaming a Jew for anything by virtue of being a jew and see how well it goes.
Joseph Goebbels was right, call a Jew a Jew and he will cower.
Basically this
t. Jewish antisemite
Wouldn't that make most people uncomfortable?
>talks about Jews
>posts a hexagram
Anyway, there are many reasons across history
1. Biblical/Bronze Age
The Hebrews occupied a central point in the Bronze Age trading network. Consequently they were the battlefield for fights between their larger neighbors (Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Hittites, etc.) Even without the Biblical narrative, it is clear that they likely changed alliances to get better deals.
The first time this happened it ended in Assyria dispersing ten of the twelve tribes across its empire. They mostly assimilated. They are the "lost tribes".
The second time was when they got caught between Babylon and Egypt. They choose Egypt as an ally. This ended in the Babylonian occupation where the country was overrun, and the nobility was carted off to Babylon.
Far from assimilating, they preserved and refused to give up their language or religion. It is likely here that they first wrote down the Torah. After almost a century, Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon and they returned to their homeland.
Non-meme response:
>Usually an ethnic minority wherever they are
>Usually a religious minority wherever they are
They're anomalous so they're an easy target for persecution and mistreatment. Same deal with any other minority group that meets those criteria.
2. The Greek East
Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and Greek culture was brought to the East. As it turns out, certain aspects of Greek culture are incompatible with Judaism. Like eating pork and having temples dedicated to Jupiter.
Due to geography Judea was again at the center of middle eastern geopolitics. First in the wars between Antigonus (Syria+Judea) and everyone around him and after that in the wars between Ptolemy (Egypt) and Seleucus (Babylon) after Antigonus was eliminated.
The Jews revolted from Greek rule. The miracle of Hanukkah was that sacred oil, used to purify a temple desecrated by Greek pagan offerings, unexpectedly lasted the necessary number of days to complete the ritual.
According to the Book of Maccabees, they reached out to the Romans and Spartans as military allies to help in their struggle for independence from Greek rule (Ch8 and 12). Whether this happened or not, what we can say for certain is that they befitted from Rome crushing the Seleucids at Magnesia. Roman power was so strong that after the Seleucids invaded Egypt, the Roman proconsul there drew a circle in the sand around the Seleucid king, a likely origin of the phrase line in the sand. The Seleucids ended up withdrawing from Egypt.
Due to issues regarding succession, the Seleucid Empire proved unstable and was extinguished by Pompey the Great.
3. Pagan Rome
The Jews were considered odd by the Romans. They practiced circumcision. They refused to eat pork. But strangest of all was that they had no visible god. Stories circulated of Pompey entering the Holy of Holies and finding it perplexingly empty.
Like all subject peoples, the Jews chaffed at Roman rule. But this was accentuated by the same factors that made Greek rule an issue: pagan temples/sacrifices and the construction of foreign colonies in their land.
The first Roman-Jewish war ended with the Siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple. The Roman military commander, Vespasian became emperor and built the colosseum. So there was some animosity.
But the Roman state also gave opportunities for Jews to travel safely across the empire. Small Jewish communities existed throughout the Mediterranean basin.
>the globe
4. Christian Rome
In Judea, periodic Jewish revolts ended with Jews being banned from Jerusalem. They were later banned from their homeland, foreign colonies were established and the province was renamed by the Romans as Syria Palestine.
A large number of Jews had been exposed to Roman banking practices, particularly that of tax farming. Considering how often Jesus mentions tax collectors and how hated they were, this is likely an important point considering later history.
A small Messianic Jewish sect which believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah became popular in the Jewish communities particularly in Asia Minor. Proselytization among gentiles (non-Jews) resulted in rapid growth, to the point where they became the primary followers of Christ.
Only a minority of Jews living in the Roman Empire became Christians. Their refusal to accept Jesus as the Messiah would set the stage for social conflict with the now Christian communities they were surrounded by.
Meanwhile the Roman Empire was collapsing.
>my steak is over done because you're a Jew
Success breeds jealousy.
It's because Jews actively hate non-Jews. Read what the Talmud says about Jesus, it contains hateful description of Jesus and His mother Mary. They never hide their contempt and sense of superiority to Christians, plus they believe that it's okay to lie to and steal from Christians, and it's only wrong to steal from other Jews.
It's not the Jews! It's the Nu-Jews!
Earth is a crumpled paper ball, idiot.
>ethnocentrism is unique to jews
They're racist usurers and they killed Christ. Jews are nothing like Christians, they follow their own oral tradition of the Talmud. While they bend-the-knee to Moses, they are not Christianity "without Christ" or "just the Torah". They reject λόγος as a principle of their faith.
Jewishness is responsible for decline. All Jews should convert to Christianity. It's not a race question, it's the Jews that have delusions of superiority over the gentiles, and it's they Jews that have the rabid desire for absolute racial purity.
They are revolutionary in spirit, and I recommend reading "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael Jones.
The thing I never understand how they're like "jews are a race" and "Israel is a state of the Jewish people just like Germany is a state of the German people"
Well there are ethiopian jews, morroccan jews, indian jews, ashkenazi jews. There are jews with blonde hair and blue eyes, and there are jews as black as the night. Doesn't sound like a race to me.
Then there's the whole conversion thing. Ivanka Trump is supposedly Jewish even though she doesnt' have a drop of Jewish ancestry (that we know of) but she's supposedly just as Jewish as any Jew. How are we supposed to believe that? I think its bullshit how Judaism claims to be a race or ethnicity, its a religion without doubt.
Find me one other "race" that has both black and white people.
Find me one other "race" that you can convert to and become a legit member of.
Because jews are whiny and annoying assholes.
AIPAC is the shittiest lobbying group in America which squeezes BILLIONS of dollars out of the US for Israel, and they get away with this by appealing to stupid christians because "muh people of god" which I have no idea how they managed to get those stupid hicks to believe.
Theres also the fact that they own hollywood, which everyone knows, but for some reason, anyone who mentions this fact is OMG A RACIST ANTI-SEMITE! Even people like Oliver Stone, a guy whos father was jewish, got in trouble for saying this fact and brining up his dislike of Israel, and was forced to apologize. Same with Gary Oldman who just mentioned that hollywood had a lot of jewish people working in it. All brought down by the fucking Anti-Defamation league, run by that fat piece of shit Abe Foxman who makes a career out of getting butthurt over nothing. This guy makes SJW seem tame.
Theres also shit like the SPLC which Im sure served some respectable purpose back in the 60s, I freely admit I dont know much about it, but under its current leader, a guy by the name of Cohen, its a fucking joke. All it is is this left leaning propaganda piece with the ability to label ANYTHING they dont like a "hate group' If 10 people make a "Republicans of [INSERT LITERALLY WHO SMALL TOWN] they wont hesistate to label them a "hate group" but of course they wont even come close to labelling some extremist black panther type of shit that and will out right defend them. If you think I am exaggerating, the SPLC has labelled Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an "anti-muslim extremist"
to wrap it up, im not a stormfag. I dont deny/like the holocaust, I dont believe in any sort of jewlluminati or hate the jewish "race" or hate all jews. Im just saying that jews can be annoying faggots, just like any other group of people.
Watch the movie "Defamation"
>ashkenazi jews
these are the racial "Jews" other Jews hate
>Find me one other "race" that has both black and white people.
now go back to /pol/
Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Another example of an ethnoreligion is Hinduism or Yazidis in Iraq.
It would be pretty dumb to not be suspicious of those who control the money
That doesn't explain the hatred of the Jews in the rest of the world. Hell, even 18th century China hated its tiny Jewish minority.
>Another example of an ethnoreligion is Hinduism
Ayyylmoa. Just in India and Nepal there are hundreds of different ethnicities that practise Hinduism. The difference between some of these ethnicities would be as wide as between a swede and a albanian .
Don't know about other civilization, but Jews were never hated or persecuted in India throughout our history. But then again no other minority was, so probably not a big deal.
Jews are a race for the most part
All jews have altered haplogroups from millenia of isolation from their surrounding hapologroups
Jewishness is passed down through the mother. And the mother is the largest influence on the childs genetic makeup which is why we trace correct lineages through mothers nowadays (see searching for king john) where they matrilinially connected a canadian carpenter to king john through matrilinial testing after finding the kings body buried under a church.
Jews are a different race. They even have special laws in israel dictating who qualifies as their race, who can all go to their nation in the law of return
I think all diaspora jews should go to israel. If they dont then they will face a manpower crisis and fail to secure their rightful lands.
tho three images needed
5. Early Middle Ages
The Germanic peoples created kingdoms over the remains of the old Western Roman Empire. They inherited the social struggle the Christian church had been waging regarding the conversion of the Jews.
When the Vandals continued these policies the response from the Jews was their assistance to the Muslim invasion of Spain. Throughout the period Jews worked as middlemen between the Christian and Muslim kingdoms, particularly as merchants and translators.
At some point around 800 AD, a large number of Jews made the journey from Italy to France. Over time significant cultural differences began to emerge between the Jewish communities in Spain (Sephardic), Italy (Italic) and France/Germany (Ashkenaz).
>By the 11th century, when Rashi of Troyes wrote his commentaries, Jews in what came to be known as "Ashkenaz" were known for their halakhic learning, and Talmudic studies. They were criticized by Sephardim and other Jewish scholars in Islamic lands for their lack of expertise in Jewish jurisprudence (dinim) and general ignorance of Hebrew linguistics and literature.
Because the Catholic Church had outlawed Christians from practicing money lending, Jews became the primary money lenders of the early middle ages. For this reason they were sometimes invited to settle in places by various rulers.
It would not be out of the question for the Jewish money lenders, merchants and translators to make decisions of which prince to serve based on a weighing of monetary benefits. This suited them well it Italy where a mercenary attitude was not considered out of the ordinary. But as they lived among the Germanic peoples in Francia, their shifting loyalties were not viewed without suspicion.
Jew power!!!!!!!!!!
They cant stay the fuck out of countries, for some reason these humans from Canaan think they should rule over every human that exists on earth EXCEPT Jews. When jews go to any land they intend to conquer it not assimilate peacefully, they are the absolute worst minority in all of history.
>humans don't have such instinctive behaviors
user did you ever DECIDE if you were turned on by women?
Jews are great. The only other group which can compete with us are Arab
>safe space
spotted the newfag
6. Late Middle Ages
Most people already know about the pogroms and explosions of the Rhineland during the crusades and later during the Black death. By degrees, the bulk of the Ashkenazi population drifted east to settle in Poland-Lithuania, a much more rural kingdom.
In Venice all the various Jews of Europe, Sephardic, Italic and Ashkenazi, could be found. They lived in a particular district of the city. The Sephardic were the most important owing to their knowledge of Arabic. They functioned as key middlemen regarding trade with the Ottoman Empire and the coveted spice trade with Egypt. The Italic Jews served as money lenders. Lowest on the totem pole were the Ashenazi who could only melt metal and sell second hand clothing. They often were hired as bodyguards by the Sephardic Jews.
They were made to wear signs of identification. Their pawnshops had rates that were managed by the government of Venice. The district was closed at sundown and police would arrest any who dared enter or exit.
These precautions were likely taken because of issues regarding citizens and the pawnshops/money lenders. The curfew was likely imposed to protect key trade information from leaking out. The knowledge and position of Venetian cargo vessels would be valuable information to foreign navies and pirates.
>nobody checking these digits
Am I on reddit or something?
this isn't /b/
Sure thing schlomo, the jews dindu nuffin.