Hero or villain?
Winston Churchill
Other urls found in this thread:
He only looks good because he was fighting literal Hitler. Outside of that, he was a contemptible baby-faced Anglo-roach
bloodthirsty imperialist
The best kind.
>muh Aussies
>muh Bengalis
besides muh gallipolli he was pretty good desu
>Gassed kurds
>Starved Bengalis to death
>Sent Australians to death
>Burnt crops in Sudan
>Black and Tan in Ireland
>Put Kenyans into camps
He was an anti-hero
Eternal Anglo.
get fucked cunt. gallipoli was useless bloodshed orchestrated by an incompetent fool. i hate how it's mythologised into some noble nation defining thing for australians today. someone who has no regard for human life isn't a hero.
THis because history is still being written.
Dude go to Gallipoli lol.
asshole hero
I unironically hate him more than any historical figure
Primarily for his racist genocide of nonwhite colonial populations, role in creation of Israel, and opposing hitler and national socialism
>racist genocide of nonwhites
>opposing nazis
Beadiest of anglos.
Sold the Empire to the USA in order to beat Hitler, after WW1 the loss was a matter of time but I can't say that accelerating the loss was a good thing.
Literally his only redeeming factor was that he was an Ameriboo.
>nazis are bad for killing Jews but it's okay when Anglos do it for some reason...
Makes sense, the Nazis only genocided other whites, he obviously doesn't have a problem with that, only with the killing of nonwhites.
>subjugate and genecide half the world
>chimp out when krauts try to take back a small piece of Polen.
Jews aren't white
I often use this on people. Of these 4 people, who had anthrax bombs and was prepared to drop them on a civilian population: A. Saddam Hussein B. Mumar Ghadaffi. C. Wnston Churchill D.Nikita Krushchev.
The answer, of course, is Churchill. Really a vile human being in every respect. Not only vile, but crooked and on the take. He inherited almost no money and got into very deep hock with certain "bankers," yet on an MO's salary he was able to keep a staff of 19 to "live as a gentleman'' in his estate.
His record speaks for itself. Hi article on "Zionism vs Bolshevism," his indifference and in some cases even warmth toward Hitler until 1936 where suddenly he does a very abrupt turn. It's all there to be seen for any looking. Essentially, he was the one man who was in a position to prevent the world being set on fire. And instead he threw gasoline on it.
>Fucked up in Gallipoli
>Fucked up in Antwerpen
>Ordered his troops to attack friendy French ships
>Rallied his nation against the Germans
>Is responsible for the creation of the tank
>Wrote a lot of entertaining books
Honestly, he isn't a hero nor is he a villain
He was a decent leader but he is overrated by the Brits
>in some cases even warmth toward Hitler until 1936 where suddenly he does a very abrupt turn.
You having a giggle m8?
Utter "muh Britannia" runt.
He was only going to use the biological weapons if britain was invaded. I wish he had used them anyway
>Ordered his troops to attack friendy French ships
This. Fuck the eternal anglo, they went and stole land from other fucking continents and genocided people, Germany just wanted a small piece of land back that was ethnically German and had belonged to it a few years ago anyway.
Not to mention that England ended up giving it all to brutal stalinist rule anyway, so good job England.
>occupy and invade half the world
>later create a meme party that whines nonstop about immigrants
Your paper is from the day after war broke out. I'm referring back to 1936 when Berlin was holding the Olympics. WTF is your point?
>He was only going to use the biological weapons if britain was invaded
this is a myth, he was going to use them if felt he was losing in any major way. Also, pissed me off in a big way when they celebrated the last surviving "damn buster." Well, thank G-d for "the greatest generation" who were brave enough to drown European women and kids. Without them, how would Europe have turned out?
>Without them, how would Europe have turned out?
It would have turned out with the fucking germans killing millions more INNOCENT europeans. Germans deserved every single death. It's a shame the war didn't last another year, then we could have nuked Germany to ashes
At least German women are all getting BLACKED. Maybe this vile people will finally disappear.
>fucking germans killing millions more INNOCENT europeans
How many innocent Europeans did the Germans kill? Put a number on it. We're talking Europeans and "innocents recall," so not soldiers, not asiatic soviets, not Jews or Gypises, but innocent Europeans. Give me a number. Before you do, you should know that all sources agree the Germans were by far the best behaved occupying military fore of the 2nd WW and probably of any war.
If you want to talk about the murder and crimes against innocent Europeans, would you like to talk about the women of Monte Cassino?
>getting BLACKED
"ranslation- "I don't actually know anything about history or WW 2, so I'm here trying to use/b/ tier posts to sound edgy. I don't realize I just come off as brainless, underage idiot looking for attention, and not particularly edgy or shocking."
>all sources agree the Germans were by far the best behaved occupying military fore of the 2nd WW and probably of any war.
mad /pol/tard spotted
soldiers do count as their victims seeing as they started an aggressive war
>Germans were by far the best behaved occupying military fore of the 2nd WW and probably of any war.
Tell that to all the slavs and jews they killed
Hell, tell that to the fucking Italians after they started their occupation
>Winston Churchill was fond of the Mauser C96 and used one at the 1898 Battle of Omdurman and during the Second Boer War
>Used Mauser C96
See Beevor's book on German's in Paris, see red cross reports on numbers of alleged raoes bt German forces. Most tellingly, just do a picture search of Soviets, American, and other "liberating" populations. See Solzhenitsyn's poem "Prussian Nights." See "the women of Monte Cassino," where a brigade of Moroccan soldiers (brother in by americans), aft er the battle was over, scattered around the villages on the local mountainside, raping over 5,0000 women and boys from age 8 to 80. Over 400 suffered such severe injuries that died, along with local men who tried to protect their womenfolk. The meds completely buried the stories.
>mad /pol/tard spotted
If I'm a rerard and I'm running circles around you, what does the say about you? You say that as a last gasp attempt at an insult because you are on Veeky Forums yet have proven you don't know a goddam thing about history. Would be like me going on a board about...knitting and pretending i knew what I was doing. You not only don't know specific details, you don' even know the very basics.
Which is fine if you at least take a humble attitude. YOU are trying to be didactic and you don't know a goddam thing.
>getting this mad over german women race mixing
This triggeres the /pol/
>soldiers do count as their victims seeing as they started an aggressive war
Soldiers don't count as "civilians, that's a concept as old as time. you ar win a military uniform, you are hostile.
>Tell that to all the slavs and jews they killed
the discussion was about EUROPEANS
>tell that to the fucking Italians after they started their occupation
Patently false. you do know the Italians, but for the communists and Jews, were and Italy AS A NATION was aligned with Germany, correct? Also, your idea that more Italians died from Germans than Allied soldiers? Complete horseshit, grandfather was a battery commander in the 10th mountain during the battle of Monte Cassino so I know this particularly well since I have a personal connection to it.
You literally know NOTHING. Again, I'll suggest to you looking up th story of "The women of Monte Cassino." You'll probably have to get it from Dr. Pierce (I know, "muh nazi") since the gvt and media tried to so much to hide it, the memorial to the woman who were raped, murdered, killed themselves or went insane after long, grinning lines of Moroccans gang-raped them.
>erman women race mixing
You're literally pulling shit out of thin air. Just throwing anything at the wall, hoping it will stick. Can I ask your level of education? Did you graduate high school? There's no way you could have knowing as little as you do. You don't even know the basics.
Aren't you at all embarrassed? Even on an anonymous forum, I'd feel some shame, you don't know a thing yet you are incapable of shame. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?
Not a credible source
Here's a short list of Wehrmacht war crimes:
>Burnt villages and mass executions in Poland
>Bombing of civillizan infrastructure
In the USSR
>Smolensk: German command opened a brothel for officers in which hundreds of women and girls were driven by force, often by arms and hair.
>Lviv: 32 women working in a garment factory were raped and murdered by German soldiers, in public park. A priest trying to stop the atrocity was murdered.
>Borissov in Belarus: 75 women and girls attempting to flee at the approach of the German troops were captured by them. The Germans first raped and then savagely murdered 36 of their number. By order of a German officer named Hummer, the soldiers marched L. I. Melchukova, a 16-year-old girl, into the forest, where they raped her. A little later some other women who had also been dragged into the forest saw some boards near the trees and the dying Melchukova nailed to the boards. The Germans had cut off her breasts in the presence of other women.
>Kerch:imprisoned women were raped and tortured;breasts were cut off,stomachs ripped open, limbs cut off and eyes gouged out. A mass grave full of mutilated bodies of young women was found after Germans were driven out of town.
>Lviv-Germans soldiers raped Jewish girls, who were murdered after getting pregnant It is estimated that over a million children were born to Russian women, fathered by German soldiers.
>500 Nazi brothels
>Thousands of women forced to work there
>The women were forced to service up to 32 men per day
>Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II (PhD diss.) (Thesis). University of Minnesota.
>(Pascale R . Bos, "Feminists Interpreting the Politics of Wartime Rape: Berlin, 1945"; Yugoslavia, 1992–1993 Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2006, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 996-1025)
>Not a credible source
You've just told me a Nobel Prize Winner in Literature is "not a credible source." Then you give me a bunch of random "wiki" shit complied by some fat feminist at her desk with cats all over it, and you expect me to accept THAT as credible?
Please,take a moment to explain why Nobel-prize winning Solzhenitsyn (a battery commander on the front with numerous decorations who them spent 10 years in gulag for a joke about Stalin in a letter to a friend) isn't credible but "" is? Because it's not like certain people have an agenda on wikipedia and organize and work to see to it that their agenda gets seen first, right?
(this is literally too easy not even a challenge).
>>Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II (PhD diss.) (Thesis). University of Minnesota.
You realize you have the balls (I guess your tribe would call it "chutzpah") to give me the work of n unknown, random doctoral student t Univ of Minnesota in one obscure women's studies bullshit in the very same post you told me Alexander Solzhenitsyn was not credible source? And you an look yourself in the mirror without laughing? Le that sink in for a moment....
A very short, 2 minute summary of his life:
Solzhenitsyn? The same man who believed that the NKVD executed 60 million Russians even though there is no record of that ever happening? And a Nobel prize doesn't make him a credible source.
>there is no record of that ever happening?
The Soviet archives were opened between 1992-96, there is a ton of proof.. But fine, we can go with that if we also agree there are no records of any "6 million" Jews ever dying.
Just to give you a single quote, BTW, in a 1961 meeting of the heads of the USSR, Kruschev directly accused Lazar Kaganovich of having murdered 22 million Ukrainian and Russian peasants. His response? "YOUR HANDS ARE NOT CLEAN, EITHER."
Feel free to check that quote.
(a normal person, by now, would have probably realized he's dealing with someone who has a Doctorate in this. Not you, boy. Keep shining for those fences. I've only been studying this for...half my life now? Sure you'll trip me up eventually...)
Daily Reminder that National Socialism is anti-White and pro-Nigger.
Oh, should you want to check on it, Old Laar goes a lot further in citing his history of murders (by NKVD/Starvation) in the bio written by his nephew Stuart Kahane (he was able to interview him in yiddish, their common language) and Lazar is not shy at all about going into detail of how many he killed.
and Solzhenitsyn is 100% correct, they did clean out 1/3 of St. Petersburg over the period of a year for "anti-revolutionary activities." I'd recommend the book "200 years Together" for you, but guess what? the translation not available in english! A major work by a Nobell Prize winner, which cannot find a single publisher to translate it into English. I want to make it clear that it has NOTHING to do with all 10 major American publishers being Jewish. That's a conspiracy theory. They just...umm...I'm sure there is no translator around, they'll get to it...
> Kruschev directly accused Lazar Kaganovich of having murdered 22 million Ukrainian and Russian peasants
The fuck are you even talking about? The "holodomor.info" webste? Is that your "credible" source?
>The Soviet archives were opened between 1992-96
And they still are. The problem is, most the people who spout this kind of shit can't speak Russian. So people like you have to rely on translations and the translators can easily fool you. As a Russian, I can assure you that there is ZERO actual proof that 60 million people were killed by the NKVD. Even the demographics of the USSR show that the population was growing back then.
good. cumskins need to go
>The fuck are you even talking about?
The quote comes directly from the notes of the meeting. I've been it in print with my own eyes in Moscow. I've never in my entire academic life heard anyone dispute its veracity.
This is your next mistake. You're not a Russian. At most a Jew who ran to Israel for a few gibs, but from how you type I can tell you are not Russian. Where do you need to get your ID photo taken and which door to get into the archives?
>Even the demographics of the USSR show that the population was growing back then.
>you're not a Russian
What kind of fucking proof do you want, retard?
Чтo ты oт мeня хoчeшь ycлышaть, ayтиcт?
бaбyшкa нaдвoe cкaзaлa
>бaбyшкa нaдвoe cкaзaлa
Чтo? Meньшe Google Translate иcпoльзyй.
pisaj latinicou, google translator nepanimaje eto no my poznajem jesli autist znaje po ruski
p.s. Ja znaju plocho
Ok. Mozhno tak sdelat.
Gde ty smog prochitat etot document?
You're an Israeli making various claims, yet you don't know the process of obtaining your ID for the archive and you re telling me Solzhenitsyn (!!) should be discarded in favor of some nameless feminist cunt who has yet to even defend her thesis. And you want to be taken seriously in any context? Moreover, you want to be accepted as a RUSSIAN? No, sorry.
I come from the people who were ACTUALLY oppressed under your tribe's regime-- kiked out unis, sets, seized, etc... while Jews filled p the unis and professions as an "historically oppressed minority."
If you fellow Jew Kagonavich hadn't has his sister (one of Stalin'd colors) switch his pills and give him a stroke, all indications point to that he has planning to clean you out once and for all as he realized jus hoe despised you were in the Baltics. The Baltics are a great example. All the jews supposedly "Holocausted"suddenly occupied eery top stop in government. after Romania, your tribe learned their lesson and began taking the role of SECOND in charge.
Just like in 1999. When Prime minister Primokv's real named was revealed. Prime Minister Primookov was born Pinkus Finkeltein. Pinkus Fineklstein, Prime Minter of Russia! In a nation were you make up less than 1/2 of 1% of the population.
Same with the Oligarch's 19 of them 9 Jews, in control of 40% of Russia's wealth. And not one was with more than 10k before the "privatization" scheme began. And who do we find when we look to ee who got their money out of the nation for them?
Like when you turn on the light in a dirty kitchen at night, we kind another Jewish financial genius, blinking at the light like startled cockroach and a suitcase full of cash in each hand. This time wearing an "American" hat.
Marc Rich-the Modern
"International Jew" Henry Ford wrote about--
Skaži pidor, gde ty čital etot dokument?
March Rich bankrupted n entire generation of Russians by stealing resources that rightfully belong ed to the Russian people. But, a letter from the ADL, and Rich gets a ORADON from Bill Clinton. a PRADON for Russians, a good number of whom starved to death. Those who needed to feed their families and siblings? Many took what they thought were jobs as teacher or cleaners in Israel. Upon getting there, they were handcuffed by their Israeli pimps and learned that Israel--which we so often hear is "the only democracy in the middle east-- has no law against slavery! Finding and reading the book "the NAtashas" and seeing just how Israel abused Russian and other Slavic girls after literally bankrupting them in an organized RICO way awakened for me a real hatred for Jews that I've never shaken.
But you'll say, the book was written by a foreigner...muh,muh, blood libel! Here's a clip of a rid on a brothel from Israeli TV. The pimps never go to jail. they threaten the girls families if they testify, and if they do, at most they get probation and it starts over.
Another lovely spect of this is tha the repulsive orthodox jews say it's "against their religion" to use a condom, so these poor russian girls (these are not juries or drug addicts-- they are teachers, factory workers, women trying to get by with real jobs promised food salaries as nannies or maids: (I found this program through a friend in Israeli and out it on Yt myself, this channel picked it up):
memes aside
Do you suffer with some sort of mental health problem? Before you resort to more zhidposting, its not because of the content but rather the way you write. Force-Dumping unrelated stories like you need to tell people at all cost, egocentrism, unability to accept that you might be incorrect, accusing everyone who doesn't agree with your fringe theories to be in some sort of conspiracy.
You don't sound right in your coconut, even for a conspiracy theoriest.
Hero of the anglo race
day of the rope soon lanklet
we outnumber you
Fuck you ass
Typical. Their last resort, always true to marxist form when they can't win with facts, is to suggest you have "mental health problems." The irony is that if you actually knew any history, you'd realize how funny thi is to people who actually know Soviet history. "enemies of the party" would be sent away for psychiatric/electrtoshock therapy.
You'll notice, you haven't disproved/presented alternates to any of my stats, because you know you cannot and that I know the subject far better than you. Without even being aware of it, you report to the age-old Marxist tactic of "if you disagree wth me and I haven't studied the subject and I know your data is impeccable, I'll question your mental health."
That's soviet Subversion tactics 101 . Even Yuri Besmenov mentions that. "I can't argue facts with you because I'm not clever enough, so you must be crazy." That as the original communist meme user. By now, EVERYONE know is. *Yawn*"
doesn't refute or question a single fact because he can't. And now, he will pst as a "different person...maybe even 3 or 3...."backing himself up." Watch.
>o you suffer with some sort of mental health problem?
"Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent — most infamously through its use of the Siberian GULAGs. But it was during the 1960s and 1970s that the Communist Party took their intolerance for ideological deviance to extremes by diagnosing and institutionalizing so-called counterrevolutionaries with mental illness. It was a frightening episode in Soviet history in which perfectly healthy citizens could be deemed psychotic simply on account of their political views.
And indeed, what better way to deal with activists and naysayers than to diagnose them as being mentally unstable. Dissenters, who were often seen as both a burden and a threat to the system, could be easily discredited and detained."
Do you realize how badly I've fucked you up and stupid I've made you look, and yet you keep returned for more abuse? it's really remarkable...
You are being disproven all the time you just always switch the goalpost.
You accuse Russian user of being jewish, "becuase the way he writes" then you get proven you don't understand basic Russian.
You say that Nazi's were "best behaved occupation force" in WW2, which would earn you a bloody nose by pretty much anyone East of Szczecin.
You accuse Russian people of atrocities against Germans and you get proven that Nazis themselves did it at greater scale.
Instead of acknowledging anything you post unrelated bullshit about Jews.
And yet you write two paragraph about something every damn Slav knows and then you lick your balls like you won the grand prix of autism.
Face it, you have problems. Does it come from your professional life? You've mentioned you've studied in university, were you bullied for your obsession with Jews?
Not a single person has given me a real static. Not one. Just amophorous claims with nothing standing behind them, because you are used ti standing in a circle jerk with no one with an IW over 80 to ask real questions, I'm asking real questions.
Russians suffered extremely high losses on the Eastern front (for Germany), somewhere between 15-20 million. e'll never know since they weren't Jews so their lives weren't as important. I never recall claiming the Germans military did not KILL SOLDIERS.
Were you apple of reading, you'd see my contention was that germans DID NOT KILL CIVILIANS and had the best record of hbovior of any occupying army in the war, maybe in any war, If you want to talk about how militants and partisans were killed, like ant other army would've they were killed without biting an eyelash.
>moved goal post
please, cite an example of this
user, you re not a smart person, you seem to lack an understanding the fundamental difference between how how an army handles MILITANTS/PARTISANS and CIVILIANS.
Let's take an example. Each Russian Platoon often included a "{political Commissar," who ws in charge of making sure the troops were eating in a "politically correct" matter and were not "counter-revolutionaries. Of the few Jews who DID serve, most filled this role. ~90%-95% (I'll need to get a definitive citation for that) were Jews. This is depicted in the movie 'enemy a the Gates" if you notice the Jew Commissar who falls in love wit the female sniper? the entire film was ridiculous but that part was correct.
In any events, it was German police to separate the Jewish commissar from the other POWS and often shoot him dead. The units were often too happy to point out exactly who he was.
>enjoys jewish semen
Here's another acknowledged fact for you-- as the Germans moved into Ukraine and then Russia, the Ukrainians (who would form their own division of SS to fight the communists) were often too happy to get the communists off their back. Who were the most fanatical communists and those most involved in sabotage? Well, here's a hint, extrapolate what you will-- both Trotsky (neé Bronstein) and Kagianavich wen to their first communist party meetings at their local synagogues. Draw what conclusions you will from that.
with re: to the Ukraine, I'll leave this here. It's from "wikipedia," so we know hose agenda it serves. I spent a good deal of time studying this, while a good number of the children and some of the survivors were alive. As it turns out, many of those who disappeared in the UK had one thing in common-- they had just crossed a Jew. One family, who was renting part of their home to a Jew lawyer and a communist party member , refused to sell their home to the Jew at firesale prices. He ended up "disappearing."
Another Ukrainian had given a Jew who also a party member-- s good beating after he made a cruel pass at his sister. This man also disappeared.
As the Germans entered, the locals told the the Germans what happened and showed them the suspected burial sites. As with Katyn, they called in the Swiss, Red Cross, Swedes, etc.. As with Katyn, the crimes were blamed on Germany.
Now, this is only one mass shooting, there were thousands more. Don't you think this goes a way to explaining why many Ukrainians were so anxious to get the Jews off their back they's want to form a Ukrainian SS to fight them?
>somewhere between 15-20 million
Cum on, it's 11M tops.
>Were you apple of reading, you'd see my contention was that germans DID NOT KILL CIVILIANS
Let me guess..Because we Slavs are not humans or because in Totaler Krieg there are no civilians?
>Not a single person has given me a real static
I'll start with small droplets since universally accepted "statics" you would wave away
>In any events, it was German police to separate the Jewish commissar from the other POWS and often shoot him dead. The units were often too happy to point out exactly who he was.
Nice fabulation you got there. But you waste your time if you don't serve it with sauce.
Ukrainians who served in Red army vastly outnumber the collaborants. Not to mention the rabid Ukrainians were probly the most barbaric force of the war, see Chatyn or Rzesz Volynska, they just wanted blood it didn't mattered whatever Polish, Jewish or Russian.
See, this is the trouble here. You people pretend you're smart. Well, now you have a genuine Doctor of History on the site. Not going to say what school, doesn't matter because many will say I'm lying anyway. MY writing here speaks for itself.
Om not saying it's a "fair fight" since this has been my life really since I was 13 or 14. But no one who wants to debate ever comes armed with facts. If you have a point you want ti make and don't have even memorized take a quick note.
I genuinely got a got laugh allowed at the user suggested I was "mentally ill." I wonder if he even realizes the irony in that this was the favorite tactic of his communist forbearers when they had no facts.
I'd like noting better than to have smarter people here, would make it a lot more fun, But...and this goes back to what Hitler wrote about communists, which was one of the great truisms ever to emerge from his mouth--- they accuse you of doing exactly WHAT THET ARE DOING, and people, in the primitive simplicity of their minds, cannot imagine someone with motives so monstrous..."
In perhaps the greatest political irony of ll team and the ultimate proof of the truth of his statement, the Jews now claim hitler USED (!!!) the "big lie" technique, rather than warn his own people to be mindful of falling for it.
>if you don't serve it with sauce.
user, have you ever written a paper for a university? How about a Master's program? You're not expected to footnote that...the earth rotates around the sun, since it's accepted as common knowledge.
If you genuinely think I'm long, you spend 3 minutes googling and you'll discover this was a fact of life in the Eastern Front. Pick any censored account of life on the third reich.
I'd also suggested to look heavily into Vinnetsia. To clarify, not that it matters but i'm a Slav. You must understand, Germans were not against "Slavs" in and of themselves. These were against th Asiatic hoardes and people like Ilya Ehernberg, the Jew who urged Russian soldiers to "take these German woman as your lawful booty, break their racial pride!"
I don't know what you think about Solzhenitsyn or if you have access to his works, but he did all he could do but cream from the rooftops "the USSR was RUSSIA CAPTURED BY THE JEWS!" This si not fantasy or conspiracy, I'll link you to a churchill article on it.
When I think of the Germans who hd to kill Russians--REAL Russians-- on the front, it must have been how the Knights of Malta felt killing janneseries who had been captured and brainwashed by the Turks. They were like mies, nothing could cure them. What did Chrchill have to say? (cont'd)
"In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek -- all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."
>I wonder if he even realizes the irony in that this was the favorite tactic of his communist forbearers when they had no facts.
No need to get angry. No one suggested that your mental health would discredit your arguments. Just pointing out a fact, that person that writes paragraphs about how awesome he is and how much doctorates he has on Taiwanese child-trafficking forums might be in need of help.
>Well, now you have a genuine Doctor of History on the site
You've said it at least ten times already and yet you spout bullshit like an average underage neonazi. Was that doctorate from one unnamed Ukrainian private university?
>You must understand, Germans were not against "Slavs" in and of themselves.
Tell that to Czechs and Poles
>To clarify, not that it matters but i'm a Slav
Ni govno, ty neznaješ po Slavjanski.
>I'll link you to a churchill article on it.
Do that automatically. Also as """"än academic"""" you are supposed to know that neither Winston or Sasha are acceptable sauces.
>the earth rotates around the sun, since it's accepted as common knowledge.
You are not saying that earth rotates around sun. You are saying that sun rotates around Earth.
>I'd also suggested to look heavily into Vinnetsia.
NKVD murdering civvies? Nothing new under the sun.
>slavs arent europeans
david irving pls go