Does anyone else love this board? Just started posting here. It's like /pol/, but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
Does anyone else love this board? Just started posting here. It's like /pol/...
Enjoy it while it lasts.
>It's like /pol/
But we discuss history, not a personality cult of Trumpites and rabid nationalism as well as inane conspiracy theories (most of the time) and a habit of blaming Jews and minorities for everything.
>everyone actually knows what they're talking about
>but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
>everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
Oh sweet summer child.
t. Mexican Jew
>but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
It's just that the board doesn't allow far-right narratives to dominate discourse. Yet...
Too many pseudo intellectual edgelords here, but other than that it's pretty good
>everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
>It's like /pol/, but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
Although as a left-leaning fag, I have to say that Veeky Forums is far more civil than I expected to be. I just didn't expect the endless Christcuck civil war threads and tangentially-related humanities threads that attract all of the fedora tippers.
Metathreads don't improve it faggots.
This board is okay. While it is nice to see a board somewhat related to politics that doesn't deny the holocaust, it's also weird how Mussolini is well liked, considering how inept in matters of warfare, economy, and leadership he was.
Also, for a board that talks about history, why are there so many communists? Shouldn't basic knowledge of history (or biology) deter anyone from embracing communism?
Eh, but like I said, there's no holocaust denial and you can still talk about politics, so it's okay.
>Everyone pretends to know what he's talking about
It's the one place on Veeky Forums where you can discuss India without pooinloo redditposting.
>It's like /pol/, but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
so then it is not like /pol/ now is it?
>Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect.
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
It's not /pol/ at all.
You cannot say that shit with a straight face if you've been on this board for more than 20 minutes.
Basic knowledge of history and biology is why you shouldn't be surprised so many embrace communism.
>Mussolini inept in warfare, economy, leadership.
I think that says a lot more about you than Mussolini.
>Deny the holocaust
Why does that bother you?
When I saw Britfags positing that the Liberal Democrats are the only sensible British party and not UKIP, a serious thread about why Israel keeps winning wars against the Arabs, and Holocaust denial not taken seriously, then I could safely say I was not on /pol/.
>Basic knowledge of history and biology is why you shouldn't be surprised so many embrace communism.
>I think that says a lot more about you than Mussolini.
>Why does that bother you?
I just don't like historical denial is all, they can like Hitler or Stalin or FDR all they want just as long as they at least acknowledge the things they did.
Veeky Forums is pretty catastrophic because of the & Humanities shit. Literally anything can be labeled humanities.
>not Veeky Forums related
So instead of talking about sieges and historical clothes and king we end up talking about Jayden Smith-esque horseshit, marxism, faggotry and whether God has a vagina. Just merge the & Humanities crap with Veeky Forums or make them into a separate board or just purge them, it just doesn't fucking belong here.
>but everyone actually knows what they're talking about.
Eh, it's more like 30% of the people know what they're talking about. It's a lot higher than most boards on this site though.
>Britfags positing that the Liberal Democrats are the only sensible British party and not UKIP
that's /pol/
>a serious thread about why Israel keeps winning wars against the Arabs
that one meforum post is reposted constantly on /pol/
Nice shitpost senpai
This place is literally tumblr lite with an extra dosage of pseudo intellectuals.