Good evening Veeky Forums, I'm at a big crossroads right now in life and have a few questions for you Veeky Forumstorians. I'm currently a senior in highschool (inb4 get off this site you underaged normie, I'm 18). So my parents are really pressuring me to go to college even though I really don't want to. I think it would be a waste because the only subject I'm good at in history, and to the extent of my knowledge there aren't any/many well paying jobs in the field of history. (Not counting being a teacher or professor, kids these days are all autistic and I'd rather kill myself). I'm also not the "9-5 desk job" kind of guy, if I had to work a desk job I'd also kill myself. So my question for you ,Veeky Forums, is are there any decently paying jobs in the field of history that aren't deskjobs/ are jobs that require physical activity?
Good evening Veeky Forums...
...or should I skip college and go on with my plan to become a farmer?
are they paying for it? if so go.
And major in what? The purpose of college is to prepare yourself for a career. If there are no good jobs in history, there's no point.
Just go
If it's not costing you anything there is basically no negative
But what should I major in? Do you know of any tight careers in history?
Any money his parents spend is costing him in the long run, he will inherit less when they die.
depending on the school, if you are "Good" at history I presume you have to have good reading comp at so be "good" at english and literature. If you truly are "good," you should be able to get a scholarship, yes even if you re White. I had, ol old SAT...800 verbal, 730 math, SAT !! writing 800, SAT II US history 790, SAT ii literature 770. I somehow fucked up the AP US history and got a 4 rather than 5. which was weird.
But yes. once you get there, you should be good at history and also classics, probably archaeology, etc.. your ;ast fall back id always law stool so begin training for LSAT early. You don't want to be 27 and packing boxes and day realize you are fucking noted out of your mind.
Also, depending on what type of college you are in, the shitter colleges have professors wig seisin;t him fuck, the'll be happy to have someone White, who speaks english, takes an interest and goes ti infuse hours,,,
How good are you at flipping burgers?
go to a community college to see if thats the path you want to take, plus the cheap cost (free with financial aid)
as far as majors go, do alot of research and pick one, since you said farmer maybe pick a science or technology field as a cant go wrong major. if your hs has it, go talk to the career advisor/career center or just talk to the guidance counselor.
good luck lad, i know how stressful it can be.
ps. dont stress about majors, you can always switch majors
*my keypad is completely fucked and seems to be using the word saving function to insert random words at different places.
On my SAT I got around a 1150, cumulative gpa of about a 2.5, but that's only because I had some drug issues last year and skidded by all my classes with the bare minimum. I don't dread going to college, I think I'd really enjoy the classes I'd take, but the thing is, I don't know how my passion for history could correlate to a career. Archaeology sounds hip but dinosaurs are gay. Archaeologists also dig up all sorts of artifacts though, right?
I've worked at McDonnies since I was 16, I'm top-tier at flipping burgers.
before anyone an give you an honest answer you have to sat if you took SAT or ACT (do they give PSAT these days?) so we know what sort of IQ we are dealing with. It's not meant to "shame" you, shit I went up 200 points from my LSAT to SAT.
If you are truly smart, the colleges you should look at that no one talks about are Bowdoin, middlebury, Colby,Williams, Amherst. You have to be essentially just below Harvard grades to get into these schools, but you have a lot more fun than you would at the envies, probably meet a qt conservative girl, spend a year in Djon on Florence if you the program though NYU or ...the let few hidden secrets where revolutionary negro [o;oyocs hasn't taken over is these schools, so don't do blabbing about them.... these colleges represent the last "Fun" colleges in the US for smart people who don't like the "frat" bullshit, like to hand around blonde, athletic WSO girls, and s
honestly, with that GPA and SAT, you're not going to get into a college with a history program worth a damn. Even just for the sake of the academic experience, let alone career connections, there's a world of a difference between the top-tier university research resources and libraries and the professors (both actually good teachers and real experts in their fields) at top universities and the literally high-school-level or worse classes at lower ranked schools that cater to Jamal on athletic scholarship who literally doesn't even know what century WW2 was in. Sorry, but it's true. Maybe you could start somewhere and then transfer, though?
Side note, I personally did history at Berkeley and loved it. Great place if you can ever end up there. And the history dept is strangely insulates from the craziness engulfing many other social science and humanities depts.
>I'm also not the "9-5 desk job" kind of guy, if I had to work a desk job I'd also kill myself
Then you're unpleasable, because soon every job is going to be a "desk job".
Just go for an Econ degree and accept your desk life.
SAT of 1150 and GPA of about 2.5, didn't take highschool serious enough.
If I did end up deciding to go to college, I'd do my first 2 years at a community college to get my grades up. And by saying the hist dept at Berkeley is insulated from the craziness, do you mean the profs are more conservative?
Same guy again, buy to answer my own question,
>And the history dept is strangely insulates from the craziness engulfing many other social science and humanities depts.
is mostly because it's an actual academic discipline with a history of inquiry to shape it's investigations and conclusions rather than a "XYZ Studies" program that pills context from its questions and thus delivers bizarre conclusions (See, e.g., the root of modern SJWs.) Honestly, I'm hoping, even if you want to focus on queen activism or third world diaspora communities or whatever, the history department is usually a better place to do it, as it encourages more rigorous sourcing in research and an appreciation for contexts and root causes more than an ahistorical snapshot approach does.
1150/1600? What state? only ask because our chance of admission go up if you are from an unusual state since they need to have x people from every state.
You need to ask yourself in the mirrorL are you intelligent ir arena you? Which is to say, you know if you were reeky putting effort in or just dick around before exams. IF you believe you have a chance to start over and rally want to start over and do think right, find the best community college in the area. Fish around for a professor you really relate with, get to know him and ensure yourself a good recommendation.
You dug yourself a bit of a hole, but you're still pretty young and pretty east ivy ttt placards right.
not even conservative per se. It is Berkeley after all. Many are quite liberal. But your not going to seeat African history students in the history dept joining African Studies students at the barricades, and the conclusions taught in the classes themselves are generally (can't say always) more evidence based. The bias is just less explicit and there's a more formal academic discourse even when political subjects come up and students and professors do push for their own interpretations.
It's really not conservative at all, just civilized.
wait was this 1150 out of 1600? I was thinking of the 2400 scale. That's still not great but goddam it's better than what I was thinking.
1150/1600 in Virginia. This year I haven't gotten anything under a 95% on any assignment. I'd say I'm pretty smart, but then again I'd be comparing myself to the very same classmates of mine who, in senior year, don't know what a square root is.
I know of a few very good community colleges in my area and was gonna use this thread as a determining factor as whether or not to give them a call, I'm starting to think I should.
>living 18 years of your life and not obtaining a single aspiration
id recommend killing yourself
That's the backup plan
>This year I haven't gotten anything under a 95% on any assignment
yeah, but dint mean shit to an admissions officer friend. Eso. in VA where everyone in the state wants in do to the the in0state tuition, so natural t they fill in with as many foreigner shut bags as possible. Your grades aren't going to cut for wash and lee or William and may. If you are serious, , order copies of every past SAT from past 10 years and jut fucking get to work autistically.
your major doesn't make your career. your career makes your major
if you like archaeology, save up for some plane tickets and camping equipment. read about lost civvies and go to their remains and search. you don't need a degree to know this. but it does help publishing your findings
>expecting some 18 year old kid to have a realistic idea of what he wants to do for the rest of his life
very few people are like this
Stop being a nihilistic fuckhead. There are plenty of kids like you. You'll grow up and wish you had a decent career and end up mad that you're a waiter at best and become an ancom rioting to get free shit. Go study something in STEM, be useful to society, and study history in your free time.
College is good for learning what you want to do, whilst there, more than anything else
If you want to farm, go to college and study agriculture, you can try to also study history, or even just do it as a hobby and double major ag and business. You can make plenty of solid money that way, work a fulfilling and manual job with a lot of business work involved, and still shitpost on Veeky Forums.
Source: family has worked in ag for years, work in ag part time, still love history and shitpost on Veeky Forums.