Why does it feel like everyone is making huge money except me? People are becoming literal millionaires and im sitting here with my 5-6 thousand dollar profit ready to kill myself
Why does it feel like everyone is making huge money except me...
I only have $1200 profit, feels like I got in too late. Might as well not try to chase
I have 0 profit because I don't know how this shit works and no website seems to mention transaction fees, someone make a tutorial for me
Fuck you u welfare nigger
Crypto currencies are a ponzi scheme. You'll never see your money ever again
Humble brag thread?
iktf. It's like i missed the boat and that the one chance i had to radically improve my life is over because i didn't buy in earlier and more heavily.
i had friends telling me to for months and i was too busy with other dumb bullshit like wagecucking and my stupid life.
for that, i flushed my opportunity down the toilet. sure i will make a few thou on this but i know in my heart i will never have the financial freedom i dream of.
god if i had only bought AND HELD back when i was first told about it.
furls bag maam
this is exactly the type of FOMO mentality that contributes to bubbles. Dont worry, OP nobody actually is making as much as they say. You cant trust anything anyone says, they are all just talking their books.
I feel this way about ETH. I saw it when it was shilled here and it was cheap. I was pretty disillusioned about the future of all crypto at that point and took a break. By the time I was convinced electronic money was the future, everything already mooned.
this guy from nevada was making 11/hor but bought stratis ico last year. mother fucker is a millionaire now. fuck
i really think that is the case because who lies on the internet right? but there has to be a GOOD number of people making bank right now. I am too much of a pussy to make a move and too stupid to research and think critically
I've been trading for about three months now. Started with forex, lost 100, got into crypto and made about 600 over my investment so far. I think that's good enough. I only put in 400, and I only recently started trying to put some throwaway money in subpenny coins hoping for a moon. Most of my gains are from Eth and Etc, and I don't plan to sell anytime soon.
I'm fine if I never get my money out of crypto, at least it lets me feel like I won at something in life.
everyone here (including you OP) is full of shit
Nah i actually did make thay much with ripple. But i put in like 10k. So im sitting around 16k. Difference is i foot a lot more money than others did
You're all so very pathetic.
Veeky Forums pls
we're sad wagies here we just want in on the crypto train and enjoy some of the prosperity
I'm up 22% on $600.
This attitude is why normies on facebook get depressed.
The people who post insane gains on here, assuming they aren't LARPing are obviously going to be the top gainers.
Nobody wants to brag about average gains or losses.
And think about the 99.9999% of the population who aren't even in crypto.
Think about the 50% of the American public who literally *wagecuck* themsevles for less than $20k per year.
STOP reminding me.
>tfw only 9.5k good boy points profits
because many are lying about their gainz because they too feel like shit
Hey OP. Cheer up buddy. I promised one day when I'm rich as fuck in crypto, I'll be giving free monyes to every one of you poor. But with condition I will tell later.
Disgusting attitude.
You're fortuitous almost beyond comprehension to be in this position.
Fuck yourself, your greed, envy and self entitlement.
Sick of these threads.
no you blabbering retard, people who make more money can put more money in in the first place
don't feel bad if you started with a few thousands and they with 30k.
Nothing wrong with wanting be rich man.
But it is a distraction to focus on what you don't have.
Keep searching for undervalued, but coins with a future. Personally DGB is my fave for long term prospect of going like 100x.
>mfw the site i used to buy bitcoin states 1 eth = 320 cad when it was only 280 at the time
and i realized and noticed this too before i bought it but i was fomo
It's blow jobs & butt sex isn't it.
I understand how OP feels though. I feel the same way.
I can't stop calculating my what if profits. If I only bought 5 mins later. If I only bought 3 days earlier etc. why did I wait so long. Why didn't I buy more.
And how crypto works is the mistakes compound on itself. So what was a 100 dollar mistake today. Becomes a thousand dollar blunder next week until the disparity is now in the tens of thousands.
It's hard to let go sometimes and focus on the positive when all you can see are just missed opportunities.
>one condition
Everyone is either bullshitting or are risking everything at speculative investments and get lucky breaks.
Remember that this type of wealth won't last without any financial aptitude.
I've been living in the living room of my parents house for the past five years trying to make something happen.
>Net gain of $0
>No friend
>everyone in my neighborhood hates my family and I
>drugs everywhere
>some kid killed his mom last week
>23 barely getting an associate degree because of all of my failed business endeavors
Hopefully that makes you feel better OP.
This. The only winner is coinbase fleecing everyone
>living room
>not basement
>getting upset that I've only tripled my initial investment of 3k since last month when everyone else is raking in 10x or more
>realize I'm getting upset about ONLY 3xing my investment
Honestly, this is the kind've shit that helps me not succumb to FOMO and over invest in shit at ATHs, but man my greed is getting the better of me some nights.
I don't think 'everyone else' is making x10 gains every month.....just look at the blockfolio threads, 95% of them are pennies.
yea you came here to late, fuck you. bitcoins been around for years.
It's okay, user. I started in January with 150 dollars and I'm up to around 1.1 million. Pay attention to ICOs, do a ton of technical analysis, and trade on margin.
>I can't stop calculating my what if profits.
that's why you're going to stay poor forever your entitled brainlet
>It's hard to let go sometimes and focus on the positive when all you can see are just missed opportunities.
Found the no coiner.
I'll teach you everything you want to know for 0.1 ETH
OP just remember Waves is the last current savior coin for those who have missed out. Also, in a few months, but before Summer 2018, buy some Canadian Weed Producer stocks. Hang onto the shares all through legalization.
With this plan, you will turn your money into something that you can possibly change your lifestyle with. Perhaps a good down payment on a apartment, if my plan pan out fully, you might be able to buy a house outright.