>cats purr at you and act friendly because ancient people murdered all the ones that didn't
pls no...
>cats purr at you and act friendly because ancient people murdered all the ones that didn't
pls no...
100% of male cat owners are 100% gay
That's only because of the brain rotting toxoplasma gondii cats infect you with.
That's not necessarily true, you could just let the ones who did purr get more kitty pussy and little purring kittens
>guys who don't like pussy
>accusing others of being gay
hmmm really makes you think
Cats are a basic bitch pet, literally only for homosexuals and women.
>uses the term basic bitch
Your middle school gets out awfully late.
I bet you also complain about the people saying cuck. Go back to pleddit and never look back.
So are 100% of the fags on Veeky Forums, what's it got to do with anything?
What is this the 50s
>literally the current year argument
>literal middle school /pol/tard's first Veeky Forums thread
Well, you just keep checking those buzzwords off your list and continue on little man, eventually you'll get sick of posting the same nonsense over and over again
>some fresh off the boat immigrant posting his reddit gifs
What happened to lurking for one year before posting? Why the fuck do you faggot redditors insist on coming here and right off the bat acting like you own the place instead of getting familiar with imageboard culture first? Fuck off nigger.
>he thinks this is from reddit
You do know that Reddit doesn't make anything themselves right? I got it on /sp/ like 4 years ago. Why do /pol/tards feel so entitled when they truly don't belong in any of the other boards. I'm not even talking the racism, I'm talking about the level of discourse. There needs to be some sort of training wheels board so /pol/tards get out of the hivemind mindset before they start posting everywhere else.
>implying the ayy lmao meme isn't reddit to begin with
>implying it even existed 4 years ago
Talking about /sp/, I was there from day one. Do you even remember the WE PRESIDENT NOW raid of the white sports forum in 2009? That one isn't mentioned on ED and other newfag entry guides.
ayyy lmao came from /x/ you asinine twit. And we don't deal in /pol/ memes over here, we only offer the best history memes in town.
Did you really have to nitpick the use of "basic bitch" like that? You've thrown this thread into a death spiral of never ending pride defense. And that's always mainly the fault of the first person.
>not answering my question
Just like I thought.
Seems like a lesson we could apply to immigrants.
>being proud of his years of shitposting experience
>hates shitposting
Why are you even on Veeky Forums then
No, I like shitposting, I just know better than to be proud of it.
>Been here since 2009 (at least)
>somehow doesn't like cats (which have always been the preferred Veeky Forums animal)
>still uses the reddit boogeyman argument instead of brushing off criticism
>uses the terms cuck and basic unironically
are you legitimately mentally challenged? I ask not as an insult but as an honest curiosity. If so I would like to know your mental problems.
stop calling everyone reddit, that just derails threads by making people want to argue with you about things that have nothing to do with history. Calling people reddit is ok in moderation, but you're just lazily using it as your goto insult for everything.
I like both cats and dogs.
Nice how you're complaining about thread derailment after posting this shit:
No, I didn't post that. In fact I complained about it with this post:
No, that was me. I only even called you out there because you speak like a middle school age kid.
That's probably incorrect. house cats still have closely related wild cousins in parts of the world, so the cats who are living with us, are just the cats who are choosing and that we are choosing to live with us, not the last of their type.
This wasn't even me. I've been here since 2010 bumming around /b/, then /tv/, Veeky Forums and a little bit of /an/, /v/, and /sp/ (basically only for /hoc/ generals) here and there. Literally have been on reddit less than 5 times and only to observe, never made a name or anything. There, are you satisfied? Does it really change anything?
Because there's occasionally a good thread.
wtf is happening to this board
>a high level of discourse is expected
>oldfag status
Yeah, no. 2005 here representing, I curse all of the /pol/tards from /r/the_donald.
Veeky Forums was never good.
Fuck you I love my kitties
Daily reminder that cat ownership is not a risk factor for t. gondii infection and in fact meat eating puts you at a higher risk of ingesting eggs.
Read: If you are not a vegetarian, you are at higher risk for t. gondii infection than ~any~ cat owner!