Crypto stupid question thread -- ask ANYTHING related to crypto, no matter how stupid you think it is. What is buy wall...

Crypto stupid question thread -- ask ANYTHING related to crypto, no matter how stupid you think it is. What is buy wall, how to buy bitcoin etc. (bully free zone)

In addition, here's what you should know:

1. Getting away from the hooked nose merchant bankers

The hooked nose bankers with last names ending with Berg, Gold and Stein, are shitting their pants. And for very good reasons: crypto-currency will crumble their business, seemingly overnight.

The banks make their money from charging you up the ass with fees. They charge $30 for over draft fees, $10 a month for having an account with them. Everytime you give the jews money, they collectively orgasm in joy, while rubbing their hands together until it bleed.

They also loan you money that they don't have (known as fractual reserve), so they can enrich themselves.

It works like this: they loan you money they printed out of thin air

... and they loan YOUR money that is the bank to other people without your permission!

Note: when you hold money in your currency (whether it's USD, AUD or YEN) your wealth is slowly eroding through inflation -- at the rate of 2.5 percent a year (or higher). This means, in 1915 it cost a penny to buy a shoe, nowadays it cost $150 to buy a pair of sneakers.

Banking is a jewish scam and it's time to get away from it.

... It's time to tell them to fuck off and become your own bank! For example, you can lend your bitcoin for interest on You can transfer wealth across the world without a bank account -- all you need is a bitcoin address. In the near future, everyone will have most of their wealth in crypto currencies and Mr. Zuckerberg banker can't do anything about it.

When Mr. Zuckerberg puts dips his hand into your pocket, you smack his fucking hooked nose.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please explain buy wall/sell wall.

Any more pics of the hot chick?

Few questions...
What is the Best mobile app to buy all types of coins?
What are key factors when looking into investing in the best coins.
What are the best sites to do research on the coin companies?

Yeah more hot chick!

Please explain how I get over the fear of the following:

To win, I must buy low and sell high. So I look for something low. But I get the fear that the one I choose and is low, will remain low forever or go even lower or the coin will just fuckup completely like asiacoin.

When there is a big sell wall, it means that at that price point a whale (someone with huge coins) sells it off, which means that the price of the coin goes down and won't break that price point.

>Any more pics of the hot chick?

>What is the Best mobile app to buy all types of coins? is good. Go with Kraken.

>What are key factors when looking into investing in the best coins.

Great development team, coin is actually useful for doing something. Therefore, you don't want to invest in shit coins. ETH and BTC is solid, so is XMR, STEEM.

>What are the best sites to do research on the coin companies?, then you click on the coin name, then you can go to their official website. youtube "what is " helps too. KEEP LEARNING.

What is blockchain? I dont understand the wikipedia definition
When a new "coin" come in (like BAT), are we buying an action of the company? like believing that the company's project will be succesful?

Explain what is the relation between price and volume?

>To win, I must buy low and sell high. So I look for something low. But I get the fear that the one I choose and is low, will remain low forever or go even lower or the coin will just fuckup completely like asiacoin.

Don't invest in shit coins. Look at coins with
Great development team, coin is actually useful for doing something. You need to do massive research. Technical analysis helps, trading vol, and market cap helps too.

Never panic sell, or else you're a weak white suburb kid.