What happens of I lose more margin than I have in my account
What happens of I lose more margin than I have in my account
you get liquidated and your assets are seized
that face tells me you shorted XRP
i know this board full of kids, and probably haven't read market wizards. your post reminded me of it. somewhere it said something like "there's nothing more soul crushing that making a deposit on your broker account to get it to zero"
You are in debt to your broker. When you agree to terms and conditions involved in trading on margin, you agree to cover all this debt in the event that they are unable to liquidate your account quickly enough.
With something shitty like Bitcoin though, the exchange probably is fucked because it's next to impossible to track you down and easy enough for you to make a new account, unless you provided your ID for the exchange, in which case they may have a case against you if you try to run.
Either way, if you find yourself in debt to a broker who deals only with crypto, I'd ignore it until serious action is taken against you for it.
are you the retard that made that thread two days ago about OMG WHY DIDN'T YOU GUY TELL ME I COULD USE MARGIN FOR MEMECOINS?????
He's the guy who made that funny thread saying "Guys I just lost everything from trading on margin! Why didn't you warn me! My house and car are being repossessed to cover losses to my broker and my wife is leaving me HELP!!!!!!!!"
Oh shit, is it still 2017?
Nvm then that comes later.
No i was closing positions then somehow made 4 positions I didn't even want and can't figure out how to close them REEE I don't get why they are red though if btc is at a higher price? REEE
c...click the close orders button?
and it says the order was a sell, so that means you shorted btc and btc went up
no point cancelling now, might as well wait for btc to fall a bit first so you dont lose money
You die
Kraken with their fucked up amrgin system - i don't get why you can't simply close your margin and collect the profit in the favored currency?
instead they made it overcomplicated and noobs don't know what the are getting themselves into
Kraken's entire interface is confusing, and so is Bitfinex's. It took me a couple months to fully understand shorting with margin and what exactly happens, what the risk of being liquidated is, etc. Turns out you need a good system to make any money on margin. Crypto volatility can rip up your account.
to close these positions you will have to set up buy orders with leverage enabled(doesn't matter how much) with the ammount you want back.
thats the simple version, plus next time don't fucking margin trade if you didn't even inform yourself what it is about and how to cancel it!
Thanks man this did it, only lost the margin gains I made yesterday. Shorting ETH now
>Shorting ETH now
How much of a retard are you?
It's going to have a nice dip here in the next couple days, trust me I'm a crypto expert
nu-coiners, everyone
Their interface is buggy as hell regarding the margin stuff though. I had to go in and manually close 3 trades made from filling my 1 order. Pretty dumb.
You're not a crypto expert you dumb cunt, you don't even know how to margin trade.
You NEVER short cryptos in a bullish market.
Get out this board and go read.
It was a fucking accident faggot I was closing positions on ETC and ETH for a 20% gain in a day, Jews did this I know it
Yeah sure, now show us a screencap of your expert trading history, I dare you.
Huge recent gainers for me were ETC, ICN, XMR and ETH going long on XRP now and probably buying back in ICN sub $1