Is the emergence of individualistic societies "weird," has there ever been a point in history where this has occured? Furthermore, what can be said about individualism?
Is the emergence of individualistic societies "weird," has there ever been a point in history where this has occured...
Humanities doesn't mean you get to be a retard publicly.
Individualistic culture:
+ personal responsibility
+ greater creation of wealth
- your entire race gets bred out of existence
Thats not individualism, thats democratization.
Nah it's individualism. Watch this or at least bookmark it:
>what can be said about individualism?
It's good for the individual.
>- your entire race gets bred out of existence
But interracial marriage / reproduction hasn't actually played out in liberal western societies, despite the abundant ethnic diversity.
Phenotypes and sociological edifice are the base structures we're dealing with here, 'race' isn't a fault line in itself and serves as a red herring for estranged racist larpers
>But interracial marriage / reproduction hasn't actually played out in liberal western societies
Western societies that are actually multiracial have been mongrelized as fuck. Look at Brazil and USA.
usa is practicaly segregated along ethnic and class lines
The average American black man is 20% white genetically and the southern whites carry a shitload of African blood too. It's a mongrel country.
shit you're right, what has science done
Brazil isn't liberal
>but muh Sexy festivals
That doesn't make them liberal as a whole
>secular democratic republic
>legal gay marriage
>racemixed to n-th degree
How in the hell are they now liberal
>- your entire race gets bred out of existence
Not a real negative, at least for individualists.
>Look at Brazil
Yeah, that the because the Spanish fucking raped them all.
Individualism is a meme created in the 1920s to destroy labor unions.
You're not on the Appalachian frontier trapping skunks and trading furs all by yourself anymore. Wisen up.
>Individualism is a meme created in the 1920s to destroy labor unions.
Why would you post something on Veeky Forums without doing even the slightest research to confirm its truth?
Uh huh. And who makes appeals to it the most nowadays? Randroids, neocons and (((right wing think tanks))).
>- your entire race gets bred out of existence
Who cares?
>global warming will eventually cook everyone alive
who cares lmao
that's bad
they human race keeps on reproducing and living on, that's a good sign for me
Well you cant really have a society if everybody is individualist can you
Global warming will effect my lifetime.
>they human race keeps on reproducing and living on, that's a good sign for me
Not saying it's a bad thing, but I don't have any reason to care about what happens after I'm dead.
Read Stirner.
that wasnt the point, it was just about giving my 2 cents about if "racemixing" is even a problem.
but you can, since individualism does not interfere with seeing society as a system of reciprocal altruism (do work, pay taxes, get money, get support from the state) for the additional benefit of safety and a social system.
How is that a comparable issue? You're talking about people being killed by environmental disasters vs certain combinations of genes not being preserved because people with them wanted to marry and have children with people who didn't share them.
>personal responsibility
There is no such thing in US.
>Was an empire for almost the entirety of the 19th century.
>Republic devolved into a dictatorship multiple times, with the 60s to 80s one openly hunting down leftists in media and academia.
>who cares?
Millions of people throughout the world. A better question would be 'why should they care?'
I think it's just in group out group dynamics and a tribal sense of self preservation. Do you think it is morally wrong for people to care about the preservation of their race? Do you think it is illogical? If so why?
It seems to me that civilization stems from race/tribalism to a degree. Will western civilization truly be western civilization in a scenario in which there is ab absence of western europeans?
Not that user, I don't think it is illogical or immoral, but I don't buy the ideas and I don't think it should be forced upon society.
>I dont think it should be forced upon society
Well you don't have to worry about that.
With the first issue, individuals still exist.
With the second one, the world itself ceases to be able to allow life to flourish.
Whites have very very little African ancestry on average in the USA.
Tribal dynamics have nothing to do with our current concept race.
A tribe consists of people who actually KNOW each other, and sometimes there is a greater identity shared with other tribes dependent of shared language/customs.
The modern idea of race is the idea that everyone who descends from an European is part of the same group because of their ancestry/skin/superior genes/whatever the fuck
In a total war like scenario against a collectivist society, the individualistic society would perish.
Individualistic societies have existed forever
Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, English, British, Dutch, Portuguese, Venetians, to an extent Greeks...
Any society that encouraged people to invest and trade and create companies since the dawn of time.
>Do you think it is morally wrong for people to care about the preservation of their race?
People can care about it if they want I guess, but it's immoral to delude yourself into thinking you have some kind of closer bond with people just because you're part of a group that're all distantly related and haven't mixed much with other groups of distantly related people.
Why is it immoral?
If the white race ceases to exist humanity might as well cease to exist as well.
>white race
Just another spook.
It messes up your priorities. When people prefer to associate with people of their own race they miss out on relationships, professional, romantic or whatever, with people of other races based on virtually nothing.
>the destruction of the enviroment and our living standars is the same as my feelings getting hurt because a white girl had children with a black man.
not mentioning how race "theory" is bullshit pseudocience.
What about that makes it immoral?
It's not in your self-interest.
It's not about 'hurt feelings' so much as it is about the percieved destruction of an advanced technological civilization devolving into barbarity through mixing with a more 'primitive' group.
Don't obfuscate the truth. Uou know perfectly well why some groups of people object to it. Brirain, france, Germany, and italy basically created the modern world and their culture will be diluted by the presence of non natives period. I can't understand why you deny reality and abandon common sense.
Is this psuedoscience too?
Why? How is living among a bunch of blacks and having offspring with them in my self interest?
Fuck off to your safe space
>how is judging people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character in my self interest
Seems like that would be obvious.
>Is this psuedoscience too?
>links to a fucking youtube video
ayy lamo.
sounds like you are the one looking for a safe space
>american education
Better we both live in safe spaces than you invading mine to make it like yours.
>creating anything
Fuck outta here.
Hey, that's not fair. Karl Marx was German and think of all the great things he was responsible for!
Notan argument. Seriously, i expect better from you stop with your meme responses and respond actually give a more meaningful response.
Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven were all German. I'm not even going to spoonfeed you a list of German inventions. Educate yourself.
It's an exclusively western phenomena.
>Every video ever posted on youtube ever is psuedoscience because muh feels
Here does this make you feel better mouthbreather?
>Karl Marx
I think you mean destroyed.
Okay, what's your point here?
>Karl Marx was German
>19th century
>somehow relevant to the present
Are you a retard?
There is, to the point most people are first to blame themselves for failing instead of the elites jewing them. Individualism also means a lot of self hate.
Human biological diversity is real and definitely not psuedoscience.
He was born in Germany m8.
1. Germany didn't exist yet when he was born
2. A dog born in a stable is not a horse
>1. Germany didn't exist yet when he was born
Then tell that to this guy He was born in what is now Germany.
>2. A dog born in a stable is not a horse
This is almost literally "no true scotsman", lel.
>He was born in what is now Germany.
So Immanuel Kant was a Russian?
>no true scotsman
You can't be German if you don't have German blood, I think that's just common sense but apparently not to retards.
That guy said that Bach and Beethoven were Germans, not that they were born in Germany.
even according to your own race science, Asians will eventually surpass us and be more advanced
just like they were in the past
you dont breed someone out of existence by breeding with them
it's true, white genocide will soon be successful
>Brirain, france, Germany, and italy basically created the modern world
He said Germany, not "German blood" you autists. Nationalism or racism, make up your minds.
>Is the emergence of individualistic societies "weird," has there ever been a point in history where this has occured?
Fuck no.
The entire Western civilization has been historically individualistic, from Ancient Greece, to Classical Greece and Rome, and again during the Renaissance.
Likewise, while not strictly "Western", the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians were deeply individualistic as well.
I mean from Ancient Crete, the Minoans were arguably the first individualistic and "Western" civilization.
hur de hur de hur de hur