so is European nationalism/white nationalism, historically retarded then?
White Skin is only 8000 years old
so is European nationalism/white nationalism, historically retarded then?
White Skin is only 8000 years old
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>found in a cave in the Carpathian mountains of Romania
Yeah that's about right Romania is still basically africa
Doesn't this mean at the time of the beginning the entire history of the Roman Republic to the fall of the Roman Empire was dark skinned Europeans
if we take the 6000-8000 year figure accurate, of white skin coming into play?
It doesn't really matter to them I would assume. Whites didn't exist then and neither did the Bantu
>Roman empire existed 8000 years ago
it was between 12000 and 6000 years iirc
so that would mean all those German nationalists in the 19th century that were obsessed with Ancient Greece and Rome were praising dark skin Europeans....
Are you fucking retarded or just pretending?
Ancient Greece begins in about 7000 BC
thats roughly 9000 year difference between today and Ancient Greece
hence dark skin
You said Roman empire. Roman empire didn't exist until 27 BC and the Roman republic in 509 BC. How in the actual fuck did you manage to squeeze them into 5000 BC?
>ancient Greece begins in about 7000 BC
Begins what? The first Greek civilization, if they can even be called Greek, were the Minoans from 3500 BC onwards.
so you claim at the time the Europeans during the Roman Empire were light skin?
Why would I claim otherwise?
That is what they were, mostly yes.
how did Europeans become white then?
how did they become white from black?
700 BC*
That's a pretty generous time frame for ancient Greece.
When there is tens of thousands of years of adaptation and intermixing with neanderthals, people's physical characteristics tend to change.
so white people aren't full human
>who is Yakub
Fucking Mesopotamia, you know the first civilization, didn't arise until about 3200 BC...
one can realistically date the beginning of Ancient Greece to about 1100 BC at the earliest
By that logic, no one from Eurasia is completely "human" because they all have some small percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Maybe they're more human and Sub Saharan Africans aren't fully human. Don't start this race baiting shit.
>Don't start
Not that user, but OP already went there.
also user is probably OP.
35000 years seems like a pretty short timeframe for features to change so dramatically
You know Isaac Newton, the great white scientist that many praise...he was obsessed with Black African fact he knew his science was no where near the level of Ancient Egyptians
this is what he said
"I have worked my whole life in dedicating science to the Gods, but I know for well that I will never reach the level of the Black Egyptians with their mastery of domain. May the glory of God bless their great epoch of history"
>White Skin is only 8000 years old
Agriculture's 10000, what's your point?
You know where this is going to lead. Don't make me say it.
Say what ?
It makes sense really. The smart Africans didn't all turn white and leave the continent.
This is true, and they only exist due to HSS literal cucking of Neanderthals.
Subhuman cuckbabies.
Literally who cares
The first modern humans probably resemble today's khoi-san
Everyone knows this already
We did it Reddit!
How the fuck is it possible that 99% of Veeky Forums doesn't know about the origins of modern Europeans?
1. dark skinned blue eyed hunter gatherers
2. lighter skinned otherwise dark farmers from Anatolia
3. mixed pigmentation Indo-Europeans from the steppe
4. social selection to enhance light traits
how do they determine skin pigmentation?
they wuz australoidz
Our model suggests that during this period of climatic upheaval, the descendants of the hunter-gatherers who survived through the Last Glacial Maximum were largely replaced by a population from another source
The new data show that the mitochondrial DNA of three individuals who lived in present-day Belgium and France before the coldest period in the last Ice Age -- the Last Glacial Maximum -- belonged to haplogroup M. This is remarkable because the M haplogroup is effectively absent in modern Europeans but is extremely common in modern Asian, Australasian, and Native American populations.
Haplogroup M is considered the australoid group
Haplogroup M2 [2] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M3 [3] - found mainly in South Asia
Haplogroup M29'Q found among Papuans, Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M31 [24] - found among the Onge, in the Andaman Islands[15]
Haplogroup M32 [25] - found in Andaman Islands
Haplogroup M33 [26] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M33a - found in India
Haplogroup M34 [27] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M40 [30] - found in South Asia[15]
Haplogroup M41 - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M42 [31] - found among Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M5 [5] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M6 [6] - found mainly in South Asia
For the last time ASIANs are the most neanderthal and all non African humans including Abos have Neanderthal DNA.
>implying we read anything other than /pol/ macros
Negro please.
Asians have low neanderthal and fairly high denisovan
Nope. You're thinking of Australians.
Asians have slightly higher Neanderthal(and a very tiny slice of Denisovan) because there were migrations into Europe by populations which carried admixture from a people who had much less Neanderthal admixture(Basal Eurasian) but which was still about as equally distant to Negroid populations as other Eurasians, except for the Neanderthal specific drift.
this bitch is dominican
If white people aren't human then being human is shit.
Just because someone has dark skin doesn't mean they're African mogoloid.
>Pre 4k BC
bunch of nignogs hit their heads on rocks
>Post 4k BC
God creates white ppl, gives them a consciousness
I guess the Bible was right
White nationalism has always been retarded and was invented by Americans in the 19th century.
>how did Europeans become white then?
This is fucking terrific bait. I mean absolutely golden.
Look at every other species with different breeds. It only takes a few hundred years for massive changes
remember to sage folks
>8000 years old
The world is only 6,000 years old
t. anti white faggot
the world literally started when I was born in 1993 and I won't let any of you fucking robots tell me otherwise
Historically proved.
So hypothetically if we transplanted a million Africans to the Arctic Circle and left them in isolation for a couple thousand years, could they have developed a lighter complexion?
So the Bronze Age was KANGZ n shiieeet?
Yes, you dumbass
A good thing we evolved since then
I wish Africans did too, Africa would be a paradize on earth...
IT'S NOT. Sweeping alleles can happen EXTREMELY rapidly, especially in stuff that increases sperm success/modality. Humans have evolved rapidly in JUST the last 10,000 years; agriculture and popularion density completely changed the game of human evolution--look how rapidly highly-selected stuff like disease resistance has flown thorough human populations.
Another instance is looking at Ethiopian lactose tolerance--the evolutionary response to a single period of famines.
Evolution can be very rapid, especially for singular traits.
>dark skinned
>resembled Africans
Maybe the Khoisan, but not actual black people like me. By 20,000 years ago Europeans looked like they do today but darker (except North Euros).
All humans are mixed species. Nothing to argue about. Oh and fun fact: Africans do have Neanderthal DNA, but for the most part, it's less than 1%. If you're Masaai, Khoisan (their race left for Eurasia and came back 20,000 years ago, bringing Eurasian admixture and Neanderthal blood with them), or any other African population that's slightly mixed with non-African genes, you have at least 2% Neanderthal in you.
French actually
Why are people so triggered that different human groups desire to exercise their right of self-determination?
Should Israel open its borders in order to erase its Jewish heritage, since it's all a construct anyway? Should China? Saudi Arabia? No, because only whites are targeted with this bs.
Israel is a mostly white country, and there are plenty of non-white and non-Jewish people there.
And yes, I'm calling them white, as you Cuckasians are too stupid to realize that you're all apart of the same race.
>y iz too sdoobid
>you're all apart of the same race
>Fucking Mesopotamia, you know the first civilization, didn't arise until about 3200 BC...
5000BC*, but they didn't develop cuneiform until ~3000BC. The Minoans were starting around 3500BC, with Linear A appearing ~1000 years later.
*a part
Still, Semites and Europeans are the same race, just in different areas. The only reason they're considered separate is because of their skin color. What really matters is genetic ancestry.
Oh, and quit posting worst girl.
"Why are people so triggered that I just want to discriminate against others and base my country off ethnicity? Jeez..."
Minoans weren't Greek.
Just so you know, Israel is Jewish ethnostate that requires that you be Jewish to get citizenship.
That doesn't sound diverse like, at all... Don't get me started on Saudi Arabia! So next time you want to protest for diversity with your gay antifa friends, remember to include Israel on your list... Oh no, you can't because that would be anti-Semitism/Islamophobia right?
That would be for Saudi Arabia, another hate-filled racists supremacist country! Oh no, I forgot only whites can be that.
I've yet to see an antifa/SJW group protest Israel and not have Schlomo cut their militant allowance money on the next day.
>implying I give a shit about Muslims
Even though Jews are biologically European they're asiatic in character. That's the point of the divide between us and them and more meaningful than exclusively biological conceptions of race.
This doesn't change that white features will disappear due to the inevitable mathematics of uneven population sizes and renewal rates.
T. Muslim
Implying whiteness hasnt been praised since the dawn of time
>uneven population sizes
It doesn't matter if the population of Africa skyrockets to 5 billion. Africa is big enough to fit every single one of them. So long as Europe doesn't let them into their countries they're not going anywhere.
What are you talking about? The left targets Israel all the time, far more than Saudi Arabia. If you've ever been to any sort of college campus in the west, you should see some form of "free Palestine" or "sanction Israel" bullshit. Not to mention the media and the UN who have a massive anti Israel bias
coincidentally so is agriculture.
1200 BC
the only reason the UN needs to make that many resolutions against Israel is because they actively ignore those resolutions
the one embargo against Russia by itself is more profound than every resolution against Israel ever combined
Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that a vast amount of UN members are Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia was elected onto the UN human rights council. And let's not forget about the leftists who donate to the UN who just so happen to have an anti Israel agenda.
Don't try to argue, he's a retarded racist straight out of /pol/. Veeky Forums is a fucking shithole filled with morons who believe the Holocaust didn't happen and that Nazi Germany was the greatest place ever.
this white devil doesnt even know
Of course Europeans during the times of romans had light skin. Sources even describe them as such.
Fuck off /pol/
>find leftist
>"we are all africans! race is a social construct"
>"ok, so colonizing africa wasnt even that bad. It was just africans returning to their home"
what will his answer be?
They'd probably die, unless they learned the ways of the land from the Inuit.
To make mutant babies, you first need to survive long enough to breed and enough tries for a useful mutation to occur.
I unironically like Soros.
He'd probably say slavery sucks even if your master is the same color as you.
So isn't this really about Neanderthals and shit?
All the different hominids doing their thing and mixing it up?
So Blacks should give each other reparations more than anyone because they enslaved more blacks than anyone else.