well Veeky Forums?

good or bad marketing?

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RC is my favorite soda and I feel less inclined to buy it now than 10 seconds ago, so I would say bad marketing strategy

Shitting on Trump? No, that's retarded. Would have been fine without "incompetence". Shitposting against an individual like this, that is over-the-top crazy. There was a fag SJW behind the keyboard here and he's going to kill a century-old brand.

Is there an ICO or something? COLA sounds like it could catch on.


Never a good idea to piss your consumers off

Not being murrican I don't know that brand, but it all depends on it's customers. If they know their market and they know that all or the majority of those that buy are sjw lefties, than yes, it is a good strategy that might increase sales. If that's not the case they are bound to get some hate and lose some customers.

This type of marketing lost it's novelty already, it can only piss off people at this point

If you still drink soda you need to kys ASAP diet is no exception

as someone who hates trump, i thought this was bad to ineffective marketing. i'll stick to coke and sprite.

that was very rude of them to do that

Bad, the only place I've seen RC vending machines are in deep red states.
Made me kek though

The original tweet is just political. Corporations need to learn that getting involved in politics no longer serves them well. It may have at one point, but it's just expected now and people are so polar it's suicide and this dinosaur of a marketer should have fucking known that.

Second comment is just obnoxious. I think Wendy's did something like this but there was a playful, joking tone to it. This is just rude, obnoxious throwing darts at an Internet meme board hoping something sticks and someone notices you.


I don't think it was ever a good idea. Getting political is an easy way to alienate up to 50% of your potential customers.

Yeah Wendy's clearly knows what the neckbeards who frequent their establishment are like. We see this again and again with corporations like McDs and Target who think the far left actually exists and isn't a small minority of their customers. McDs when they tried to be 'healthy' selling oats and shilling to women, Target with the tranny bathrooms, etc.
I'd add that Starbucks blacklivesmatter cup thing but I figure that was probably a wise move on their part to keep their brand edgy.

The keyboard boy should be fired, really.

oh look, another college liberal put in charge of a twitter account did something stupid again. this will totally reflect well on the future employment of this loser

Not even the real RC twitter. Just some weirdo that pretends to run their corporate twitter. Notice there's no verified checkmark on the account.

haha christ


They are having to explain this to everybody now

Haha that's hilarious but sucks for them

kek that's pretty funny then

Nice dubs, nice find.

covfefe xD

Good. Mock "i am very smart" faggots on Twitter because they deserve to be mocked.

great marketing strategy

not kidding, doesn't matter if it pisses people off, people are talking about RC cola now

That's hilarious af

With that said, no one buys that shit.