How much time, money and resources were wasted in pursuit of the Holocaust, that could have went towards the German war effort?
And would it be significant enough to alter the outcome of WW2 for Germany?
How much time, money and resources were wasted in pursuit of the Holocaust, that could have went towards the German war effort?
And would it be significant enough to alter the outcome of WW2 for Germany?
It was only a matter of time once the USA entered the war.
>How much time, money and resources were wasted in pursuit of the Holocaust
In all honesty their genocidal policies probably saved them money, due to the massive amount of slave labor they utilized and all the food freed up by starving most of the population.
really I didn't think they produced any military equipment in the concentration camps?
Germany would have won the eastern front if it had a policy of of making good with the constituent republics of the USSR. But of course, then the war becomes redundant.
It just seems Germany was doing far to many things at once.
Why not win the war. Then you can genocide.
Holocaust did not happen so the question is pointless.
The Holocaust never happend.
Auschwitz laborers tended to work in Polish factories and created a bunch of steel. Messerschmidt, I.G. Farben, Opel and Junkers came to rely on Jewish workers as the war got later. Something like 20% of German synthetic rubber was made in Auschwitz alone.
practically nothing, and it paid off in purely utilitarian terms as the internees were used as free labor and doubled as a partial solution to Germany's food shortage.
camps were built next to factories for a reason.
Dude seriously? Why would you post lying infographs on our board? Its not funny, not even in the shitposting way.
I know you are emotionally challenged since historically literate audience won't accept your petty obsession with Holocaust, but why do you keep trying? Wouldn't it be better to just bath in muck on /pol/ and leave Veeky Forums for actual history?
This is a good answer.
The same is most likely true for British slave labor used to construct things like Asian or African railroads.
>leave Veeky Forums for actual history?
Not even him but I laughed out loud.
Not much, I think the main damage was the brain drain plus the very stupid idea of labeling stuff "Jewish physics".
Go back to /pol/.
The all out dedicated extermination process was decided upon after it became clear that the war was a losing prospect. You're not going to get another chance, so it has to be done now.
>Go back to /pol/.
The irony that people HERE have the balls to use they think it's an insult? /pol/ regularly makes the news, is tightly organized, has posters who not only understand the net better but in general have a superior knowledge of history.
This board should be advertising on /pol/ hoping for that energy and enthusiasm.