Prove that bringing a child into this world is anything but a selfish immoral act.
Protip; you literally cannot.
Prove that bringing a child into this world is anything but a selfish immoral act.
Protip; you literally cannot.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be fruitful and multiply
If it's that horrible they can always just kill themselves
That's a sin
>Causing unnecessary suffering
>Prove the negative of an opinion.
This is inspired shitposting.
>creating an independent being out of love
Pick 1
>suffering negates the value of life
>suffering can't be overcome
Wew a lot of logical fallacies here lad
>Reading comprehension
It says "anything but" for a reason, retard. It isn't asking you to prove a negative.
Anti natalists are satanists that hate white people
>Implying you can quantify any of that
Whereas you can certainly state that one must suffer in the sense of constantly trying to be fed and sustain shelter. You cannot say the same thing about overcoming suffering.
How is bringing a thing that leeches your resources/time and that you are obliged to take care of "selfish"? Foolish and immoral maybe, but selfish?
I don't understand your point. How is quantifiability a valid measure of anything to do with life?
*bringing a thing into this world that
Do you not quantify pleasure and pain experiences?
Do you not do this with any food you eat or event you are considering attending?
>"anything but" is not effectively a synonym for "not."
Truly inspired.
So you're doing a utilitarian calculation of a life and conclude that on balance suffering is greater over a lifetime therefore reproduction is wrong?
>My own arbitrary selection of a synonym
Learn how language works, retard.
No, that would be unquantifiable.
You can stop now. You won't, but you can.
I don't get you point.
Suffering is universal. Everyone suffers.
Suffering has a cause.
The cause can be stopped.
Suffering can end.
Quantifiability is irrelevant.
Different user but that's not how the phrase is being use. You're a brainlet.
Literally what Eraserhead is about desu
Learn how language works, retard.
The post clearly asks you to in effect prove that bringing a child into the world is something besides or contrary to suffering.
Please take your autistic STEMtard uniform interpretation of language back to Veeky Forums.
Reply and watch me beat you up, dork.
You just admitted that suffering is universal and in the next breath admitted that such suffering can be ended but this is not a guarantee.
Therefore it is more apt to avoid bringing a child into this world as their suffering is guaranteed but their emancipation from such suffering is not.
>not existing = not suffering
The Four Noble Truths are undeniable sorry lad.
I miss when positivists were the prolific shitposter on this board
>How is kidnapping somebody that leeches your resources/time and that you are obliged to take care of "selfish"? Foolish and immoral maybe, but selfish?
>Unironically being a descriptivist.
You're trash.
I eat Positivist plebs for breakfast.
That's not what I am.
You're just a buffoon that doesn't understand my particular language game :^)
No retort besides an ad hominem?