Why did Hitler hate Poland, a right-wing Catholic anti-semitic anti-communist country?
Why did Hitler hate Poland, a right-wing Catholic anti-semitic anti-communist country?
A plethora of reason and it varied greatly under the 30s. Also the nazi anti semitism and the polish view on the Jewish question were vastly different. You cant get an accurate answer on Veeky Forums.
Snyders Black Earth discuss it at length, go get that book
Catholics aren't christians.
Living room
The world wasn't as global then as it is now. The thought that one right-wing country would automatically like another right-wing country is silly, especially if one side considers your country their territory.
Because they were slav and because there is no such thing as solidarity between different nationalisms (see the invasion of Greece by fascist Italy and the nazi-fascist dispute over sudtirol/alto adige, the " linea non mi fido", the " Germans are people who ignored writing while we waz Caesar Virgilio and Augusto" quote etc. etc.
He actually didn't, he as a great admirer of Piludski, the Polish statesman, who sadly died a few years before WW2 and was replaced by an anti-German idiot who answered the age-old Polish dilemma of "Germany or Russia"? with "neither!" and sought protection from France instead.
Had Piludski lived, I'm quite certain Poland would have joined the Axis.
Because sharing "like traits" means very little in the world of Geopolitics and Realist International Relations theory.
To think they do is to be naive.
>Realist International Relations Theory
You can't schmaltz Kenneth Waltz
Because they are subhuman like every slav.
Aint no Rhymer like John J Mearsheimer.
>Why did Hitler hate Poland, a right-wing Catholic anti-semitic anti-communist country?
That would be every European country in central and eastern Europe.
Danzig ist Polnisch, Hans
Hitler and Stalin made Poland what it is today
>"right-wing Catholic anti-semitic anti-communist"
Hitler hated slavs, and wrote about it in his book. Contrary to popular belief, the nazis were in fact German supremacists, not the American concept of white supremacy
who doesn't hate poland?
>anti semetic
30% Jewish lmao
right wing Americans desu
I'm a Brit who admires Poland
Wish they would stop stealing my copper though
>hates Russians
>hates Muslims
>hates Jews
>hates liberals
>hates the EU
>is white
whats there to hate?
din't hitler wrote some positive things about poles?
he viewed Piłsudski positively, even attended his funeral
rumors about a proposed Polish-German pact that faded away due to Pilsudskis death are bullshit though, the Germans had worked on plans to invade Poland as early as 1928. Ironically, the man who first drafted and worked on Fall Weiss in 1928 (Werner von Fritsch) was killed by a Polish sniper during Fall Weiss
>a right-wing
A socialist-leaning dictatorship before WW2
Religiosity in Poland actually skyrocketed during the war and later communist era. Before WW2 Poland wasn't above average in that regards. Could be actually below average due to strong socialist movement.
With second largest Jewish community in the world?
Some segments of the society were antisemitic, but they were curbed by the state because there was a considerable overlap between antisemitism and anti-government sentiments.
>anti-communist country?
Only this is true. But Poland was too wary of Germany to fall for the anti-communist rhetoric by Hitler.
because nazis were german nationalists, not white nationalists
BS. The Poles wanted to talk about giving away Danzig already in 1920s. The transfer would wait until Poland finishes her seaport in Gdynia (somewhere in mid 1940s) and Germans were to just go fuck off forever.
Danzig was just a pretext and everyone understood that. Hitler just wanted war.
>the Germans had worked on plans to invade Poland as early as 1928
To be fair, that could be regular HQ study work. However it is established that genocide of Poles and Jews was being prepared since at least 1934.
>he viewed Piłsudski positively, even attended his funeral
Wasn't that just ritual typical for the era? At that time states were extremely sensitive about what they considered as their honor and not giving a foreign leader or flag a proper respect could led to a diplomatic crisis or even a war.
By that time Germany was still weak and Hitler played by the rules. Later, dead Piłsudski was useful for Hitler as a propaganda asset. He could always claim that had Piłsudski been alive, Poland would ally herself with Germany. But that's just plain wrong.
>It's on clay they've wanted.
>It's populated by Slavs, Hitler's second most hated ethnicum
>even attended his funeral
Thats a meme, its not the real funeral. Germans made their own
>He could always claim that had Piłsudski been alive, Poland would ally herself with Germany.
Lolno, pact Pilsudski-Beck is modern alt-history.
Because they are Slavic subhumans, duh.
>is white
Of course it is, Władysław, of course it is.
Holy fuck everyone in this thread is wrong, listen to me.
When Germany finally unified into a single nation in the 1800's you could say the dominant country that contributed to unification was a region of Germany known as Prussia. This is because they had an economic system and common currency and were better at statehood than any other small state in what is now Germany.
Culturally, Germans considered themselves to be the rightful owners of a region of Prussia, what is now Poland. As a result of the events of WWI, Germany lost a lot of land in Prussia (now Poland) and all the Germans that lived there were forced to migrate back to Germany proper in what is considered one of the largest forced migrations in human history.
Many Germans still felt bitter about this in the years following the end of WWI, and combined with economic collapse the Nazis take power and decide to invade Poland, which should seem like no surprise. It had nothing to do with the culture of Germans and Poles and everything to do with land and who viewed themselves as the rightful owners in a region where borders have been redrawn and wars have been waged for centuries.
Too many racists on this board, yes Hitler was a racist, but he only rose to power because of non-racial political and economic reasons. The Germans were desperate for a leader and a hero and he was able to use racist rhetoric to give them a scapegoat for their problems (which were many) that also helped them feel empowered. Not trying to defend their views just saying not everything comes down to racial and cultural differences god damn.
chances are youre a slav user
>Why do people hate papists.
nice meme
Apart from Piludski's anti-soviet stance I see little about him that would have made him side with the nazis.
Then there are no christians in this world
They hate the EU well enough to leech millions off it every year, might as well kick them out to get another moldova in europe
Then again you're just parroting stormfront crap
Are all memes true now?
Why do Ameritards believe that Hitler gave a shit about the "White Race" and think that a Catholic like Hitler and the KKK would get along?
He converted to Lutheranism.
They are just unlikeable people...
why do you admire Poland?
No, Germans invented it in 1939 for propaganda purposes.
A lot of these "allies" joined within *weeks* of the close of the war..
AhahahahaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH such a good memo! I need to save that one
>scrappy underdog who punches above their weight class
the only people who hate poland are stormcucks and vatniks
Maybe because Poland was holding cities populated with ethnic germans and killing them.
I know you're memeing but honestly if there's anyone's not Christian its everyone who isn't Catholic
Hardline Germans hated Catholics. Erzberger, a Catholic, signed the armistice. Catholics were extremely resistant to the Nazi party in the early days. Catholics were seen as untrustworthy politically, they aligned more with the centre. Catholic public opinion was also controlled to man in Italy, and even though the current pope proved to be not openly hostile to the Axis, a future non-compliant pope could cause much mischief for Germany.
Slovakia was attacking Poland alongside Germany on day 1 of the war.
He didn't.
Meme image
Piłsudski LITERALLY wanted to invade Germany in 1933.
He didn't originally. He was just bitterly disappointed that Poland wouldn't join him. And really, they would have never done so no matter the leader. The historically based distrust for Germany was too great in Poland.
This. If it wasn't for EU gibsmedats, as well as the money their toilet cleaners immigrants send over, Poland would be Belarus 2. There would be many Polack illegals living in the West. In fact, the USA continues to deny visa-free travel for Poles because they DO fit the profile of those that would stay in a country illegally.
It's called Gdansk.
Is white a nation?
How do you pronounce that?
Scapegoats. Same reason he wanted to exemplify a productive working German and conveniently genocided the most productive particular ethnicity/religion.
Read Mein Kampf
Maybe because they attacked a German radio station?
Free City of Danzig
>who is Piludski
>how did the Second Polish Republic look like
Not that user, but he did say "most".
The first one.
>Hitler hated slavs, and wrote about it in his book
He wrote no single bad word about Poles and Poland.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about: the post
I was reading some online place but now forgot about it, basically Germans would kidnap Polish children and give them to German families to be Germanized.
Though Poles were deemed subhuman they did exhibit aryan traits and could be Germanized at a very young age.
Again with the sauce it was some Slavic forum but the creditability is uncertain.
Thanks, user. I don't sound so crazy after all.
>Pact Ribbentrop - Beck (Polish: Pakt Ribbentrop - Beck) is an alternative history novel by Polish writer and historian Piotr Zychowicz. The book, whose full title is Pact Ribbentrop - Beck, or How Poles could have defeated the Soviet Union alongside the Third Reich (Polish: Pakt Ribbentrop - Beck czyli jak Polacy mogli u boku III Rzeszy pokonać Związek Radziecki), was published in 2012 by Dom Wydawniczy Rebis from Poznań.
Really? Could I ask where?
Also, "Dzieci Zamojszczyzny"
>implying he cared about Pooland
The Fuhrer only cared about his people and architecture. Hate would be far to exhausting, given his massive schedule.
If not for USA gibsmedats West Germany would be East Germany 2, which is poor, even after SU pumped into it shitload of money.
On the other hand, Poland would love some war reparations. Last time I checked, they received equivalent of $0. A now comes the fun part - Germany actually wanted reparations from Poland.
Why should a highly industrialized nation with the most skilled populance on the planet not be as competetive as prior to the war?
Also Poland still occupies a third of Germany's territory while receiving hundreds of billions of EU subsidies.
>Poland still occupies a third of Germany's territory
>this is what /pol/tards actually believe
>this is what he wrote
>instead of making an argument I'm calling names
So this is the power of leftypol
>However it is established that genocide of Poles and Jews was being prepared since at least 1934.
is there anywhere i can read more about this?
what is that?
Hello? Inglorious Basterds?!
Fckn pleb.
Name of the city, which Poles settled and created. It's from old Prussian. Germans can genocide people how many times they want, but it will not change that fact.
So, gib Berlin back to slavs?
>genocide Germans
>Germans don't have the rights to a city because its ethymological roots derive from a Baltic tribe, therefore... Poles should live there
>A Slavic village that grows to be the capital of Germany is rightful... "Slavic clay"?
You people...
Yes, but much less than the wiki article claims and mostly orphans. The article gives pic-related as a source, but doesn't mention that the source doesn't agree with the 200,000 children estimate.
>which is poor, even after SU pumped into it shitload of money.
East Germany didn't recieve money, to the contrary they were most affected by Soviet dismantling of their industry. They still managed to belong to the top commie countries.
It's probably unheard of in Slavic countries, but instead of raping and killing them, it is common in Germany to provide orphans a home and a future.
>It's from old Prussian
>german fairytales
>A Slavic village that grows to be Polish city is rightful ... "German clay"?
>Teutons massacre citizens of Gdańsk
>this is Danzig now
>Prussia/Germany occupies Greater Poland for about 100 years
>This is ethical and historical German land now
You stormfags...
Sure, pal.
>>A Slavic village that grows to be Polish city is rightful ... "German clay"?
It grew into a largely German city though, even when it belonged to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. And while it belonged to Poland during that time, it possessed a great deal of independence. The region was still called Royal Prussia and its inhabitants identified as Prussians
Your image has things backwards.
>It's from old Prussian.
That's horseshit. Gdansk's etymology is Slavic.
>and its inhabitants identified as Prussians
>It's from old Prussian
it is to neo-nazis