Is there anything more cringey than startup culture?
Is there anything more cringey than startup culture?
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coaching culture
Can you guys give me some examples of start up culture?
The language. The Pitches. The pretentiousness. The cult-of-personality. It's cancer.
Do you have any good videos? I want to feel the cringe.
Like this but unironically.
Thanks, friend.
I don't like that show. I want the real stuff.
this one has more actual pitches
Yeah, business culture.
college culture
Gamer culture
I was thinking exactly about that a few hours ago. It really is cancerous because the people who do it are usually applying very basic tricks they learned in college and end up as a full copy of eachother. Only a very few actually have the talent to do it
Of course there is. The so called cryptocoin millionaires.
>Golden Gate Bridge
>It's red not gold
I cringed
>but ironically
This guy nailed it. The east coast startup/VC culture is exactly like the video if you pretend the video is dead serious. No joke.
t. someone who was suckered into starting a startup on the east coast
being a cuck at a startup
Being the founder is alright, cucking 12h days for a promise of a 1% return is idiot-tier
>cucking 12h days for a promise of a 1% return is idiot-tier
but you get free cereal and laundry service
>t. someone who was suckered into starting a startup on the east coast
Is your business promising?
The word itself bothers me
Oh do you mean a "new business"? Like every business ever that starts small with some money and hopes to grow.
It's like they're saying "oh we just started, but we'll be famous soon I promise!"
Typical California culture.
why do these people say "right" after everything
Because they need to continuously reassure themselves.
/g/ here. A good example is someone building their core product based on tech that's either
1) only viable under a specific set of conditions
2) using the popular technology of the day without understanding its pros and cons.
A good example of this has been the people who hype Node.js/React and AI/Tensorflow.
Node dev
>only builds using npm packages
>gets mad when his async doesn't work
>wonders why his code needs 1 million dependencies
>degree from top school but only because he grew up wealthy
React dev
>same as Node dev for the most part
>now uses a product that uses the same front end/back end programming patterns
>breaks if you try to do anything different or unique
>licensing is obscure (FB could claim ownership of your code at literally any moment)
AI dev
>always hypes "contextual computing"
>conveniently forgets that AI needs a shit ton of data about a person to be effective
>conveniently forgets that most popular AIs (if you even want to call them that) are ran by companies that have a business interest in data mining for profit
>considers him/herself a pioneer in the field even though his/her main job is screening dick pics on social media
Tensorflow dev
>same as AI but ignores all criticism because "its an ASIC on your own device" and "lmfao you can control your info since it's your own hardware"
>forgets that the tech they're using isn't proven and can become vaporware at a moment's notice
>still risks homelessness for a quick buck (after the VCs get their share)
are you a sysadmin?
I know, right?
All joking aside, it's been going very well this year. Without getting too specific, we make a hardware product with a decent amount of technical risk, so it's taken a while to get to the market, but we just started selling them last month.
People fucking love it. They think it's the coolest fucking thing. I'm honestly surprised, because I only ever see its flaws at this point. We've outpaced our pro forma sales goals by a shit ton. In the last week, we've sold $8,000. The week before that, $1,000. And the week before that, we made our first sale.
I dunno man, I'm pretty excited.
>The word itself bothers me
>"oh we just started, but we'll be famous soon I promise!"
Nailed it.
"We're cool because we say we are"
Kek this
Just hearing the word makes me want to punch the guy.
Same with the word "cloud".
>anime culture
>gamer culture
>college culture
>bar culture
>twitter culture
>vape culture
>drug culture
>youtuber culture
>twitch/streaming culture
>biker culture
>car culture
Probably more
I fucking cringed reading that
Come on, these are just guys trying to do their best and make it by putting themselves out there. No need to shit on them.
Why do anything useful when you can shitpost on the world's best financial forum
Do you need a mentor, user? I'm a success coach with six weeks experience here to 10x your performance at LIFE.
Everything about Bancor.
The whole "give us money because we're successful at building startups". Hello, how is making a company every two years and abandoning it for greener pastures an indicator you have what it takes to see a project to fruition?
The marketing, the buzzwords, the team entirely compromised of .01 percenters from Silicon Valley claiming to be passionate about doing something completely different from what they were doing just 2 years ago. The one thing they're passionate about is making money and the one thing anyone investing in them is passionate about is making money and the whole lot is rotten to the core.
The blockchain space is so full of hype people can raise money without being disgusting sacks of shit, see Aragon for example. Pitching an ICO like it's 1997 and you're playing pretend expert to trick middle class retards into your internet bubble scam shows an inability to adapt to a rapidly moving space.
>Im too much of a pussy to do fun things because Im scared people will judge me.
Golden gate is the body of water the bridge spans
Wtf man i had just decided to get into bancor