Can we have a REAL history thread
There is a lot of evidence to suggest romans were not white and were indeed african or had african solders, legions and even rulers.
Can we have a REAL history thread
There is a lot of evidence to suggest romans were not white and were indeed african or had african solders, legions and even rulers.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also contrary to popular belifs and some opinions held by the contrairans among the academics, vikings were indeed of african decent or interbreeded on a regular basis.
Many of the famous rulers and adventurers were indeed black
Also little is known that the Celts were actually black, and looked more like pic related than our current white supremacist universities would like you to believe.
Do your research!
Did you know that an evil scientist created the white race thousands of years ago?
>romans were not white
Oh just STFU.
>african solders, legions and even rulers
Sure, most probably, and slaves too.
Roman had extensive contact with Ethiopia and Nubia.
There were other ethnicities and races in the Empire too.
However the majority of Romans were of European ethnicity.
Septimis or septimius Severus
First African emperor
He hailed from Libya
Founded Severan Dynasty
I forgot which year
Nothing compares to the early republic of Rome
Romans typically were not black
Did you guys know that the ottoman ruling dynasty was started by a somali muslim but the dynasty became white after race mixing with slavs and after that the empire declined due to losing its blackness.
So help me God when I'm janitor I'm deleting these threads on sight
>there are two races: white and black
stay mad that romans weren't white
>European ethnicity.
not a thing you white fuck
they were MEDS and they were MANLETS
You do know this began as a meme on here 2 years ago, correct? Where people would take someone like Julius Ceaser and come up with a bunch of fake info purporting to prove he was black. Now somehow. it made it through the "we waz kangs" idiots and back here?
Let me give you anecdotal evidence-- the HBO show Rome. Take a wild guess as to who runs HBO. If they could find a way to put blacks as "Roman Soldiers" without being laughed at, do you not think they'd have done it?
There were NO "black" roman soldiers.Nor were any of the pharaohs black:
"For a 1991 column in U.S. News & World Report, I phoned seven Egyptologists and asked whether the ancient Egyptian population had been “black.” Of course not, they all responded, but not for attribution, since, as one said, “this subject is just too hot.”
[The Hazards of Telling the Truth, by John Leo, Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2008]
Are they actually teaching this sort of thing in university these days? When I was in high school, there was a joke video called "the old negro space program." The idea that a negro could be involved in NASA was so laughable, literally even no leftist ever imagine it could ever be anything but a joke.
Along came the film "Hidden Figures." If you haven't yet seen "The Old Negro Space Program," I can
t encourage you enough to watch and DL before YT removes it:
You do know you can't recognize irony, correct?
Black people have different traits from other races besides skin color. We know what many Roman's looked like, and they looked nothing like black people
Why are there so many bait threads on Veeky Forums
>so many bait threads
Half of everything on Veeky Forums is bait, m8. Wake the fuck up.
t. melanin warrior
What's not understood was that "Roman" is not an ethnicity or nationality, but a status of citizenship. The founders of Rome itself were the Latins, who later incorporated Etruscans and Greeks into a Roman Republic.
But since anyone who obtained citizenship within the republic or empire could be classified as Roman, yes, an Egyptian who holds citizenship in Alexandria was just as Roman as a Latin living in the capital.
As for the Latin/Etruscans who were originally kicking around in Central Italy, they look little different from modern day Italians such as pic related, in short, they looked like typical Mediterranean people.
typical Mediterranean peoples looked much different in the Bronze era than today m8. Let's not forget that the first inhabitants of Europe such as the grimaldi man came from Africa, take that into consideration when thinking about what early Mediterranean peoples looked like.
>can we have a real history thread
>not only race baiting but the millionth roman thread too
>failing to recognize the ironic significance of the full capitalization of "real" in the OP
Next time be part of the solution, not the problem, user.
>Nor were any of the pharaohs black:
/leftypol/ is as "ironic" as /pol/ these days. That is to say, not one smallest bit. These people genuinely believe in the bullshit itt.
The idea African legions were black is ironically the result of eurocentrism and chauvinism. They prefered to believe they were exotic noble savages from a distant corner of a once vast empire who were inspired out of their barbarism by christ, not dirty saracens.
>can't recognize irony
WTF are you talking about? I won't watch it, but constantly I see that the History channel (which actually used to show cool old documentaries) has a NIGGER as a VIKING now.
tell me: am I missing "irony" there too? Actually, maybe all of current culture and all the filth the jews push us just one big IRONY I'm missing?
>failing to recognize the ironic significance of the full capitalization of "real" in the OP
>erecting a /pol/ strawman to rail against and feel superior to
>blackwashing of European history and of cornerstones of Europe is just "irony"
Go fuck yourself.
There is as much evidence that romans were black as that they were Nords.
I can sense your butthurt over that.
another "we wuz.." did it ever occur to you the wikipedia is not reliable? And has not been for some time? That they are used by which ever group can pay enough people to learn their system and edit it constantly to reflect whatever gender the donor(Soros, whoever) is trying to push?
"no, you must be exaggerating, there's no way that could hap..."
Want to see something else scary? It might be gone now, but when "The Goldstone Report" first came out, the Jews bought literally 30+ domains that contained the names and made sure that the first 20 links+ were to a document by the lovely human being Alan Dershowtiz (Dr. Pierce said it best: "He's nog a civil libertarian, he's not a lawyer...he's not even a fellow man being, he's a JEW and that sats it all.") or a myriad of video with a Jew expressing why Goldstone (A Jew himself was..a liar, name it. The Abuse got so bad he finally "recanted")
Romans looked like modern Italians. Modern Italians range from White to Olive skinned but aren't black in any sense.
Pic related. Its Blacks with albinism. notice how none of them have European facial traits.
that's right the 25th dynasty of egypt is made up
you're a lunatic, just accept that blacks literally WUZ KANGZ
>25th dynasty of egypt
"Hieroglyphics were finally decoded by the white man. How we know he be be telling us the truth?"
Also, love how you say that so emphatically, like "the 25th dynasty" accomplished anything major or a lot is known about them. My Gf of 3 years majored in Egyptology at Yale. I just asked her about it, and she (a liberal but a realist) says nothing is known about it.
>My Gf of 3 years majored in Egyptology at Yale. I just asked her about it, and she (a liberal but a realist) says nothing is known about it.
>nothing is known about it
it is known that they were black and they wuz kangz
that is sufficient
>an obvious troll post on a Chinese spelunking board eliciting such a vehement response from someone who treats history as the study of race first and foremost is not ironic
Now, now, just because you're burdened with white guilt is no reason to get so upset.
Looking into my crystal ball I cab see...YOU ARE A NIGGER? Let me use her words: " a ;dynasty' that conflicted of cluster fucks entering around Persians invasions, internal fighting, and desperate attempts buy present day BLM types to claim a nigger was once on throe of Egypt."
>a ;dynasty' that conflicted of cluster fucks entering around Persians invasions, internal fighting, and desperate attempts buy present day BLM types to claim a nigger was once on throe of Egypt.
her words are incoherent and rambling
they were black, end of discussion
das rite nigga we wuz mediterranean n shit das why I always like dem macarroni n cheez cuz of all dat mediterranean blood nam saying?
>typical Mediterranean peoples looked much different in the Bronze era than today
but we're not talking about the Bronze Age Minoans from ~3000 BC, we're talking about Latin Italians from 300 BC, from their artwork and portraits, it's pretty evident that Latins and Etruscans look little to no different from Italians today, especially Neapolitan Italians.