Friendly reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a history degree in favour of Autodidacticism.
Friendly reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a history degree in favour of Autodidacticism
>trust me, I'm an expert, i've read every page on wikipedia there is to know about this subject
>he went into debt, owing thousands of dollars, just to get taught history
>not even good history, more like "hate yourself for being a CIS white male scum" history that overstates the prominence of women and minorities as a propaganda tool
Blame yourself for being an American. Historians are ussually biased to the right.
>actually trying to imply that Europeans aren't left leaning retards in academia
desu I've heard it from my (far) right teacher of history five years ago, but I doubt situation had changed that much
I know. Even my hippie history teacher I had was a right leaning libertarian. Its not that, its all the other forced electives you have to take. Also the RIDICULOUS SJW shit they force you to take. Im not kidding. If you go to college now, freshmen boys have to take this extensive test as if they are reformed criminals telling them not to rape women that includes "trigger warnings"
It's not like you can do anything with a history degree anyway.
Friendly reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a biology degree in favor of Autofellatio.
>implying people use Academia to actually expand their knowledge of a subject.
Wikipedia and books are almost always more informative that sitting in a lecture or tutorial where you probably obtain a paragraph's worth of information.
Prove me wrong. Protip, you literally cannot.
>Prove me wrong.
The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. You'd know this if you'd taken any basic class on logic.
>The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. You'd know this if you'd taken any basic class on logic.
There is no negative in my first sentence. Logic isn't applicable here.
You are literally from reddit and you should go right back, fucking retard.
>Logic isn't applicable here.
We are discussing our opinions on the merits of University and Self-education, we are not discussing empirical facts about the world.
Logic and proof of negatives aren't applicable here when we are discussing subjective opinion.
Fucking retard. Go back to where you came from, let me help you,
>makes a claim
>fails to substantiate that claim
>gets called on it
>immediately resorts to ad hominems
Not him but you are fucking stupid. You were using logical fallacies inappropriately and got btfo.
>not him
>poster count
What are you talking about, there are 11 posters in the thread this is me
>doesn't know about post tracking
Boy, you really ARE new, both to this site and life. It's pretty cute, honestly.
No, I don't, what is that? And why do you keep replying like a woman? Learn how to have a conversation
>Get called out
>Respond with stupid shit about poster counts